“When we look out into space, all of the astrophysical objects that we see are embedded in magnetic fields. This is true not only in the neighborhood of stars and planets, but also in the deep space between galaxies and galactic clusters. These fields are weak — typically much weaker than those of a refrigerator magnet — but they are dynamically significant in the sense that they have profound effects on the dynamics of the universe.”
Good luck getting through interstellar space on a fridge magnet, girls!
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It’s another three-part classic comics update for the 30th:
Skeezix can’t understand why everyone doesn’t collect postmarks, which made baseball card collecting into a fairly lucrative field, at least for a time. Walt tells him that people have different hobbies, even among those who collect things. The candy store guy gets an even chance to turn the phoney nickel into some real money.
Lance gets the “real” story on Basil from Hank, but neglects to tell him that Lazy was the sole source on that report. Brenda tracks down the “black” orchid, and finds a florist who doesn’t know chlorophyll from shinola.
Rufus gets Melba all the way up to his front doorway ‘for a quick look inside’, only Uriah Pert is there to kill the mood.
angelolady Premium Member 3 months ago
I got that. Can barely remember.
snsurone76 3 months ago
So—will Dick Tracy be tailing that “vehicle”??
iggyman 3 months ago
Diet Snith’s space coupe technology put to work!
Dirty Dragon 3 months ago
“When we look out into space, all of the astrophysical objects that we see are embedded in magnetic fields. This is true not only in the neighborhood of stars and planets, but also in the deep space between galaxies and galactic clusters. These fields are weak — typically much weaker than those of a refrigerator magnet — but they are dynamically significant in the sense that they have profound effects on the dynamics of the universe.”
Good luck getting through interstellar space on a fridge magnet, girls!
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It’s another three-part classic comics update for the 30th:
Skeezix can’t understand why everyone doesn’t collect postmarks, which made baseball card collecting into a fairly lucrative field, at least for a time. Walt tells him that people have different hobbies, even among those who collect things. The candy store guy gets an even chance to turn the phoney nickel into some real money.
Lance gets the “real” story on Basil from Hank, but neglects to tell him that Lazy was the sole source on that report. Brenda tracks down the “black” orchid, and finds a florist who doesn’t know chlorophyll from shinola.
Rufus gets Melba all the way up to his front doorway ‘for a quick look inside’, only Uriah Pert is there to kill the mood.
stu1nyrf 3 months ago
Hee! Hee! Giggle!
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 3 months ago
Looks like crossover time at the comics corral.
TracyFan 65 3 months ago
I remember that line from back in the day, as a Dick Tracy fan since the 1960’s!
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 3 months ago
The nation that control’s Slim’s appetite controls the Universe
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 3 months ago
If you want a crossover, remember the parallelisms on how Junior Tracy and Rover found new homes
billyk75 3 months ago
Uncle $crooge 3 months ago
That is one messed-up face in the first panel. And that finger looks like it is ready for some serious pickin’.
Pipe Tobacco 3 months ago
It would be a better cross over if it featured our pipe smoking sage, Joel. He should be involved (Rufus can stay home, watching Meowerce).