Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 24, 2010

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    Who knew it needed batteries?

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  2. Rainbow
    vibjyor  almost 15 years ago

    Get your toolbox out, Calvin. Or to be precise, the tools you ordered on your Dad’s credit card. You are going to need them now.

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  3. Missing large
    dingusbeagle  almost 15 years ago

    Aw, c’mon batteries??

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  4. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 15 years ago

    Batteries? Calvin’s energy should be enough to power the flying beanie!

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  5. Anna and jon sm
    jplyler  almost 15 years ago

    Aww… another one of those flight delays… :-(

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  6. Missing large
    twinsnake_coatl  almost 15 years ago

    So near, yet so far.

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  7. Missing large
    kreole  almost 15 years ago

    Beanie caps never needed batteries before. You stand in the wind or you run. Never heard of such. Didn’t Bill Watterson ever see “The Little Rascals” ? My beanie cap as a kid was wind powered, as were all my friends. It was nothing but a little propeller fixed to the top….

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  8. Nanny poo
    carmy  almost 15 years ago

    What’s to assemble?

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  9. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  almost 15 years ago

    More waiting, Calvin!

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  10. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    kreole’s right, a little breeze was all you needed.

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  11. Opus bill
    bloomfan  almost 15 years ago

    ah, well, kreole. how technology changes, eh? Today it’d probably have a built in mp3 player or something. solar panels to power the beanie.

    Carmy– Insert 2 AA batteries into battery chamber. insert propeller, A, onto post B. Insert post B into receptacle C, making sure to engage locking ring D. How’s that? :)

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  12. Opus bill
    bloomfan  almost 15 years ago

    ah, well, kreole. how technology changes, eh? Today it’d probably have a built in mp3 player or something. solar panels to power the beanie.

    Carmy– Insert 2 AA batteries into battery chamber. insert propeller, A, onto post B. Insert post B into receptacle C, making sure to engage locking ring D. How’s that? :)

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  13. Opus bill
    bloomfan  almost 15 years ago

    oops, forgive the double post

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  14. Missing large
    beanbag  almost 15 years ago

    “Batteries not included” - Ha, I’ve gone through that kind of disappointments with some of my childhood toys.

    And to kreole, relax dude. Read the previous panels - Calvin wanted the battery powered beanie so bad because he thinks it’ll let him FLY.

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  15. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    I’m glad I never wanted a Beannie hat. (Sorry Calvin & Nerwin)

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  16. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  almost 15 years ago

    Love the look in panel three.

    They’re special batteries. To get them you need to send in two more box tops with 50 cents and wait six more weeks.

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  17. Purposeinc wolf
    ladywolf17  almost 15 years ago
    AT LAST!
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  18. Missing large
    legaleagle48  almost 15 years ago

    Don’t you love the look on Calvin’s face in the third panel? Obsession will do that to you!

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  19. Jar jar binkskl
    Tineli  almost 15 years ago

    Oh no! Poor Calvin! Hope, his mother has some batteries.

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  20. But eo
    Rakkav  almost 15 years ago

    Better let someone else take care of those details, Calvin. The way you build plastic models, your beanie will never survive your tender loving care.

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  21. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  almost 15 years ago

    Yikes—the same hands that just ripped into that box are expected to give life to what’s in it??

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  22. Missing large
    woodwork  almost 15 years ago

    I’ll save you beanie boy…AHHHHH! Cecil the Seasick Sea Sepent…haven’t thought of him in several decades.

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  23. Sofa mutt2
    mike.firesmith  almost 15 years ago

    That didn’t take as long as I thought, or remembered.

    Morning Marg! Morning Fran! Morning Shepherd mix mutt!

    Good morning, all good Calvin and Hobbs comic strip readers, and be welcomed to a Saturday morning!


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  24. Desert landscape
    boy123  almost 15 years ago

    1 beanie = 1 tool kit + 2 batteries

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  25. Bambi by brunamf
    Jascat  almost 15 years ago

    I knew something like this would happen…probably needs some weird batteries sold only in China or Pakistan…

    For a six year old boy, he sure reads well!!

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  26. Crimson pig
    crimsonpig808  almost 15 years ago

    Does this whole beanie theme have to do with “instant gratification”?

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  27. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 15 years ago

    Calvin, throw those instructions away. Real men don’t——.

    Junk drawer. Triple As. C’s 9 volt, Hearing aid,, Nope no double As. Ah, the smoke alarm!

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  28. Shrek front
    attyush  almost 15 years ago

    What time is it? Send dad to get some batteries….quick. The wait is killing.

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  29. Rf
    travburg1  almost 15 years ago

    Battery operated toys were extremely rare when I was a kid. Usually in erector sets and science toys. Late 1940’s and 1950’s.

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  30. Incoming
    gillbillvolume1  almost 15 years ago

    Erector sets were coool

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  31. Images
    Helmet Head  almost 15 years ago

    furniture, you’re dragging me down Memory Lane! I loved that show. Oh, geez, there’s Hobo Kelly, and Sheriff John…

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  32. Goth ninja south park avatar
    mlswartz_99  almost 15 years ago

    “What’s to assemble?”

    The last panel is suppose to be an anti-climatic joke, DUH!

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  33. Kizzy
    fran650  almost 15 years ago

    Have a great week end all.

    From panel 2 : one calvin = ten Jack Russell Puppies

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  34. Claymation kk
    kendonna  almost 15 years ago

    I’m very happy that Calvin will have the pleasure of assembling and powering…

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  35. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  almost 15 years ago

    I knew it needed batteries. The question is, how many minutes will it work before it breaks, and disappoints Calvin?

    You’d think Mom could have taken some initiative and had the thing ready for him, but NO!

    At the time this was drawn, believe it or not, battery powered beanies were actually back on the market for some reason. I thought of buying one for my collection of stuff, but I managed to resist the urge.

     •  Reply
  36. Poindexter
    JTGAM  almost 15 years ago

    Hi everybody! Saturday! Bloomfan, don’t worry, it happens but just so you know, we’ve been given a delete button by the good folks at GoComics in case you want to get rid of something. There’s an edit button too. Moving along, 2 things: one is that Waterson is a comic genius! To be able to play with our sense of anticipation like he did for the last couple of days and many of us already know the outcome! Two is that we’ll have to wait till Monday to see the blessed beanie as Sunday’s comic doesn’t follow the line. Keep on anticipating!

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  37. Maine coon
    harrietbe  almost 15 years ago

    If my kid had waited with such eager anticipation for something, I would have been sitting beside him when he opened it. Wouldn’t have missed the big moment for anything. Come on, Mom, step up!

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  38. Dscf0004
    ninmas  almost 15 years ago

    “all sanity is lost.”

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  39. Willy wonka factory
    dsom8  almost 15 years ago

    Mom gives Calvin the opportunity to learn how things work without her interference and she gets blamed for not putting it together for him. If she’d have done that, somebody would blame her for interfering.

    I love Calvin’s expression in panel 3 - and the appearance of about four hands digging into that package.

     •  Reply
  40. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  almost 15 years ago

    “At last my love has come along My lonely days are over And life is like a song…” At least that’s what Calvin had hoped. Quoted lyrics of “At Last” are dedicated to “thebird55” in hopes of reconciliation with his ex-girlfriend if it’s God’s will.

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  41. Missing large
    BigHug  almost 15 years ago

    Of course it needs batteries. How else is Calvin supposed to fly. He can’t rely just on wind power.

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  42. Old joe
    ratlum  almost 15 years ago

    Hobbes you can come out of hiding, Calvin does not need you to run around to see the propeller turn or blow on it to make it work. Assembling is a word the dictionary really dont sound right to a 6 yr old waiting for his first motorized beanie .

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  43. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  almost 15 years ago

    Yukoner said: Love the look in panel three.

    They’re special batteries. To get them you need to send in two more box tops with 50 cents and wait six more weeks.

    Wouldn’t that just be a hoot for us and a huge disappointment for Calvin?!?!?!

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  44. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  almost 15 years ago

    treBsdrawkcaB, Thank you. I found the physics exchange between you and Poindexter interesting yesterday. Since Poindexter teaches high school physics, I’m sure he knows more physics than even a precocious six-year-old. I’m not sure that a coffee insufficiency should be the ‘scapegoat’, however. Perhaps he said it with tongue-in-cheek. I look forward to more exchanges between you two, and possibly others. Physics is a fascinating subject.

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  45. Incoming
    gillbillvolume1  almost 15 years ago

    I think Calvin would be happier with a jet Engine beanie

    All ya have to do is take a regular beanie and attach a few large model rocket engines.. then whoosh your OFF

    to the emergency room

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  46. Avatar 4519
    Dino-1  almost 15 years ago

    My Dad would have taken care of it in a jiff and had extra batteries in the workshop too. Thanks Dad for always being there for me!

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  47. Waving flag
    Trainwreck_1  almost 15 years ago


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  48. Horses in snow
    CalvinsFan1845  almost 15 years ago

    I had a beanie when I was a kid in the 1940s. I thought I was really something wearing that hat with a propeller on top. I would run to make the propeller spin. The only bad thing is that with the hat on my head I couldn’t see it spin. But my younger brother got one too and at least I could see his spin. Of course ours were not battery powered.

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  49. Missing large
    1148559  almost 15 years ago

    Why are some people so sure that Calvin’s mom is not standing just off panel watching?

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  50. Missing large
    khpage  almost 15 years ago

    Batteries, is it? This, no doubt, is a hybrid beanie. Just wait ‘til Spiff the Spaceman get ahold of it - it will be full nuclear and then some. Just set the mertilizer to deep fat fry and awaaaay you go!

     •  Reply
  51. Sofa mutt2
    mike.firesmith  almost 15 years ago

    GretchensMom said,

    They’re special batteries. To get them you need to send in two more box tops with 50 cents and wait six more weeks.

    That’s evil. Really evil.

    I like that in a person.

     •  Reply
  52. Missing large
    Brother_James437  almost 15 years ago

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggg. WHAT???? Assembly????? Batteries?????? Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  53. Toolfi2
    bleepingdeadalien  almost 15 years ago

    If it isn’t one thing, it’s another…it’s always something. Loved that crazed look in panel three!

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  54. Missing large
    Elphaba44  almost 15 years ago

    poor calvin! he was so excited!

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  55. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    attyush – fat chance Dad is going to the store to get batteries, and I hope Cal doesn’t have to rely on him for “assembly” either.

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  56. Missing large
    Deepal  almost 15 years ago

    I too got my laptop :^)

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  57. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  almost 15 years ago

    poor kid

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  58. Missing large
    avonsalis  almost 15 years ago

    The art is great, great, great. Four totally different faces, and lots of action. Every bit of it spot-on convincing. Perfect.

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  59. Calvin hobbes
    MaNoNaMiSsIoN  about 14 years ago

    It could be rated R too

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