Aunty Acid by Ged Backland for November 14, 2024

  1. Missing large
    seanfear  3 months ago

    and personality quizzes

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  2. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 3 months ago

    That they were.

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  3. Missing large
    j_m_kuehl  3 months ago

    Social Media: “The lost Hours”

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  4. Pa231400
    Yakety Sax  3 months ago

    It’s A Small World, And Social Media Somehow Makes It Smaller

    I added someone completely at random on my Facebook because she had made a lot of thought-inspiring comments on a number of posts I had seen.

    I had her on my friends list for the better part of six months or so before we had this conversation one day.

    Friend: “Well, my girlfriend [Girlfriend] said…”

    Me: “That’s funny… I have a sister named [Girlfriend].”

    Friend: “Haha! Does she live in New York City?”

    Me: “Actually, she does.”

    It turned out IT ACTUALLY WAS MY SISTER!

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  5. Pa231400
    Yakety Sax  3 months ago

    Social Media Can Be Harmful, But Not Like This

    I’m stood in line at a coffee shop to order some drinks right behind a few teenage girls. They all order seasonal drinks, take photos, and basically act like typical teenage girls.

    I order next.

    Me: “I’d like a black medium coffee and [lists four seasonal drinks].”

    The server eyes me oddly. I’m guessing I pronounced them wrong.

    Me: “My daughter has her friends round; they like these drinks.”

    This seems to satisfy him and he goes off to make the drinks. The girls get served and they sit down. As I collect my order, I hear them complain.

    Girl #1: “They put the sticker right on the logo.”

    Girl #2: “Mine, too.”

    Girl #1: “They did it on purpose. They’re looking over at us now.”

    Girl #2: “I can’t take a photo of this.”

    Me: “Err, sorry, but I’ve ordered pretty much what you have. Do you want to take a photo of mine?”

    Girl #2: “Yes, please!”

    They took their photos and posed. I found it all a bit odd, they were just being young, and social media is important to them. They weren’t hurting anyone. I don’t go there often enough to have seen the girls there again, but I hope they’ve found better baristas that aren’t as petty.

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  6. Pa231400
    Yakety Sax  3 months ago

    Long-Distance Relationships Before Social Media

    In college in the late 1980s, I had my own private phone line set up in my dorm room. However, I guess the number was close to a couple of others because I kept getting phone calls for Mark, Rick, and Mike.

    They were always on my answering machine, but that meant they weren’t actually listening to my message because it was, “Hello, you’ve reached [My Name] at [Phone Number]. I’m sorry I’m not here…”

    I eventually got tired of the wrong numbers and changed my message:

    “Hello, you’ve reached [My Name] at [Phone Number]. This isn’t Mark. This isn’t Rick. And I’m sorry, Melissa, but this isn’t Mike. If you wish to speak to one of them, please hang up and dial again. If you wish to leave a message for [My Name], please do so after the tone.”

    Melissa called. It seems she had finally paid attention to the outgoing message, as she left me one, and I could hear her trying to keep from laughing the entire time.

    “I’m sorry, [My Name]. I didn’t realize I had been leaving all those wrong messages. Maybe one of these days, I’ll get on out to California and I can finally meet the wrong number.”

    However, finals week was upon us, so I changed my answering machine message to indicate that I was going to always be studying, so people should leave a message and maybe I’d get back to them sometime.

    Melissa called again. It seemed she liked being called out on someone’s answering machine and I guess she called so she could show it to someone. Again, she was trying to keep it together on the phone:

    “[My Name]! It’s Melissa. What happened? Don’t you love me anymore?”

    I think I still have that cassette tape somewhere.

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  7. Pa231400
    Yakety Sax  3 months ago

    Life Or Social Media

    (I’m a sophomore. I’m in my math class in my group with three other students. I’m trying to do my work, while the two guys are talking to the other girl.)

    Guy: “[Girl], do you have a Facebook?”

    Girl: laughs “No. I have a life.”

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  8. Pa231400
    Yakety Sax  3 months ago

    Wolves Are Social (Media) Creatures

    (My parents live in a small community in northern Canada, which has recently been having a problem with wolves: they’re hungry because of the reduced caribou population, and have been coming into people’s yards and, sadly, have attacked or killed some people’s pets. My husband and I are chatting with my mom.)

    Mom: “People are making a big deal about this, like wolves have never been an issue before.”

    Me: “Yeah, I’m pretty sure there have been wolves in the area for longer than there have been people, like no one has ever been attacked ever.”

    Mom: “People keep leaving nasty message on Facebook, trying to blame the mayor for not ‘doing anything!’ Last I checked, wildlife falls under provincial jurisdiction, not municipal.”

    Me: “If they’re that worried they should keep their pets inside, or at least not leave them outside unattended.”

    Mom: “I wrote on Facebook, ‘Well, if you go to Grandmother’s house and you find her ears to be a little long and her teeth a little too sharp, just leave the basket of goodies and back away slowly.’”

    Me: laughing

    Husband: “Imagine if the wolves were on Facebook? ‘Ugh, slim pickings over here; I give this place a 2/10.’”

    Me: “So, do you think they’d post their reviews… on Yelp?

    Three Of Us: howling with laughter

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  9. Don martin 1
    Farside99  3 months ago

    Now it’s Wordle scores.

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  10. Shadow avatar
    Kevin Roth Premium Member 3 months ago

    I still get memories to repost some of those. Simpler times.

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  11. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 3 months ago

    Don’t sell yourself short Aunty, you were always the most annoying thing on social media.

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  12. Kay 053021
    kaycstamper  3 months ago

    And now it’s you!

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  13. 250
    ladykat Premium Member 3 months ago


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  14. Img 5203
    rockyridge1977  3 months ago

    …… , not even close!!!!!

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  15. Stinker
    cuzinron47  3 months ago

    Social media is optional you know.

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  16. Ericka huggins
    JLChi  3 months ago

    I am so happy to have no idea what Farmville is or was or could have been. When it comes to social media, ignorance is bliss.

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  17. Donbot
    del_grande Premium Member 3 months ago

    Don’t remind me; for the past four years, my Facebook Memories bring up dozens of things that I found in FarmVille. I turned off the automatic sending of these to friends, but they still appeared in my feed.

    Of course, nowadays, we have…FarmVille 2, not to mention…FarmVille 3. Both seem to have the same purpose; to try to make you get as many new friends as possible so you can give each other stuff you need in the game.

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