Aunty Acid by Ged Backland for December 23, 2024

  1. Large blue morning
    Yakety Sax  2 months ago

    Nurses Are Hard-Working Before They Are Nurses

    (I work at a training school for LPNs – the level of nurse below Registered Nurses. One day one of my students is feeling ill, and throws up in the bathroom. After she is finished, she goes to the secretary to explain why she is leaving school early.)

    Student: “Hey, I just vomited so I’m going home for the rest of the day.”

    Secretary: “I’m sorry to hear that! You go home and feel better. I’ll tell our custodian to take care of the mess.”

    Student: “Oh, I already cleaned it up; just tell him he needs to sanitize the handicapped stall really well. I would have done that, too, but didn’t have the supplies for it.”

    (The secretary told me later that when she told our custodian what the student had said, he replied, “This is why I love working at a nursing school – easiest job ever!”)

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    olds_cool63  2 months ago

    The working class does NOT matter at all to the wealthy, but the day is coming when things will change and the working class will get their due respect. Nuff said.

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member 2 months ago

    It’s why I cheer my hubby on. He retired to care for me full-time. In SF, he worked as a programmer and took care of his mom and me.

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    cmjackson4  2 months ago

    This applies to so many people, sadly things aren’t getting any easier. Just don’t give up. I struggle everyday to keep it together. I’m the caretaker, no other option. As this to applies to so many. I still hold true, that the reward is still awaiting me.

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    [Traveler] Premium Member 2 months ago

    One I saw a while back “make ends meet? I can’t even get them to wave at each other”

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    dflak  2 months ago

    The old joke is. “If you cannot make both ends meet. Make one vegetable.”

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    Rabbit Brown 2105-30 P coat  2 months ago

    I’ll keep trying to work some muscle on; I can’t afford to shelter or feed mules, donkeys, burros or A$$ES.

    What a hypocritical inconsistent banned word policy! I got blocked from typing the same ‘A’ word that A.A. used.

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    dflak  2 months ago

    One of the Biblical Beatitude states, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.”

    Today the connotation of meek means wussy or timid or submissive. Not so when the translation was made. Back then it meant, the people without station, the disenfranchised, the oppressed and those who endure hardship.

    The quote takes on a different meaning when looked at with this definition

    One of my personal heroes is an “ordinary” woman. She is economically challenged, a single parent – with a deadbeat dad of her daughter, former drug addict, overweight, and doesn’t look like much, but I am fortunate to see the woman inside her and I love and am inspired by that woman.

    Life keeps knocking this woman down, but she won’t stay down. Of course, she complains, but she doesn’t wallow in pity and keeps getting back up. She is probably more in charge of her life than anyone else I know.

    She does not rule the world, but she’s doing a darned good job trying to keep the world from ruling her.

    To surrender would be easy. To keep fighting for herself and her daughter takes courage.

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    stepzla  2 months ago

    My family is coping with loss this season of our family patriarch and of a dear family friend. Many people refrain from holiday celebrations at such time. However, I say it is more important than ever to reconnect with loved ones because we never know how much time we have left together. A few tears are understandable and shouldn’t be a reason to isolate yourself.

    Wishing you all good health and many happy holidays to share with your families! Merry Christmas!

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    ladykat Premium Member 2 months ago

    Thank you, Aunty!

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    rockyridge1977  2 months ago

    The world needs more “encouragers”!!!!

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  12. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 2 months ago

    Nothing like a cheerleader for normality.

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  13. Stinker
    cuzinron47  2 months ago

    Auntie is still trying to get off the naughty list.

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    mistercatworks  2 months ago

    I had to shout at the delivery guy who was leaving a huge carpet roll across the only access to my apartment. He got defensive about my shouting. I am disabled and would not have been able to move that carpet (which was a delivery for my neighbor) nor use my grocery cart while it was there. I told him I shouted because he did not hear me the first time and had to get it moved before he left. I said I knew that he was working hard but I have to be able to get in and out.

    There must be some training about not blocking sidewalks that he missed.

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    Smeagol  2 months ago

    With the New Year coming there will be plenty of achievements shared and that is all well and good but there are those who just made it through the year, they scrapped with life and made it to another year which hopefully promises to be much better. May we all have good luck, good health, more laughter, inner peace and a more blessed coming New Year.

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    62kathleenhicks  2 months ago

    What I (we) do need is CASH!!!

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    Cminuscomics&stories Premium Member 2 months ago

    Instead of cheering someone on, why don’t you vote in politicians who raise the minimum wage and enact universal health care?

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  18. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  2 months ago

    Thanks, Aunty! That means a lot to me! And Happy Holidays to you, as well!

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    stairsteppublishing  2 months ago

    No matter how bad it is others have it worse. Take a deep breath, hold it, then slowly exhale. It helps.

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