Wizard of Id Classics by Parker and Hart for November 25, 2024

  1. Large blue morning
    Yakety Sax  4 months ago

    The future ain’t cheap!

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  2. T128
    saywhatwhat  4 months ago

    People who complained about the “Biden inflation” didn’t remember the Nixon inflation.

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  3. Missing large
    Calvinist1966  4 months ago

    There was a 1960 episode of “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” in which Hitchcock stepped into a time machine and announced he was going to travel forward to 1975. He then introduced the episode we saw. After the episode had played out, we saw Hitchcock back in the time machine and he told us that 1975 was very good and he was going to stay there. He then found that he owed fifteen years back taxes so he traveled back to 1960.

    In the real 1975, which I remember, I had not learned of Hitchcock. I later learned of him through his book collections for older children such as “Daring Detectives” and “Sinister Spies”. I also knew the Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators books in which Hitchcock appeared as a character until his real life death in 1980.

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  4. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  4 months ago

    Inflation rises and falls as much by the efforts of presidents/councils as by the market. But it actually comes down to the fact that manufacturers/producers will push prices to suit themselves at any time it can be done without a glance from the government.

    Example, In the last 10 years, product sizes/amounts have shrunk while prices for the same items have risen, almost exponentially. That was not only the result of tax increase or other government effort. It also was because the top tier needed geld to enjoy their playgrounds.

    That and the rise of the hedge funds roistering through the funds and properties of vulnerable companies, then selling off the corpses without a single AHEM from those hogging it up at the public trough on the Potomac.

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  5. Avatarpic l  1
    mfrasca  4 months ago

    Whip Inflation Now!

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    Shonkin  4 months ago

    We had serious inflation in the latter part of the Nixon years and all through the Ford and Carter years. It was Reagan that finally beat it.(One contributing factor to inflation was that the country’s fiscal and monetary policies were pushing in opposite directions.)

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  7. 1
    ncorgbl  4 months ago

    Every Republican/conservative president since 1929 had a depression or recession, some had two.

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  8. Jolie album
    brklnbern  4 months ago

    Imagine looking forward to 1975.

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  9. Jolie album
    brklnbern  4 months ago

    If only this poor duo knew how crazy Bideflation would be, dwarfing all predictions of inflation.

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