Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for November 27, 2024

  1. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   4 months ago

    Live Turkey?

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    Mugens Premium Member 4 months ago

    Glad Turkeys have no idea where I live. They would all rush over for sanctuary. This is a no Turkey eating household and never has been.

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  3. Luvvybunny2
    gustoons Premium Member 4 months ago

    Wow! More drama than I was expecting.

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    distortion Premium Member 4 months ago

    She can still call it Jingles, and she’ll love it more when it is covered with gravy.

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  5. Hat large square
    Cactus-Pete  4 months ago

    So she thought that they were getting a live turkey the day before Thanksgiving? They obviously made no preparations for a live bird.

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    Chris  4 months ago

    once you name it you can’t eat it… fortunately those that wanted to eat it already is dead and ready to be cooked. :g

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    Bruce1253  4 months ago

    I used to work in the salt industry long ago. We sold a fair amount of our salt to poultry farms. I visited one of the farms. In order to do so you had to certify that you had not been sick in the last 10 days. I found out why when I got there. The birds are house in barns that are about 20 ft high and 200 yrds long. Each barn will hold over 100,000 birds in small cages, stacked over 10ft high. They have huge fans on one end to keep the temperature down and to push out the smell of tons of bird poop. The guy giving me the tour told me if they lost all power and the fans stopped they would lose over 1,000 birds if the fans were off for an hour. If you were sick and infected the birds they may have to cull most of the barn to stop the infection.

    It was a bird factory, and one of the most inhumane things I have seen. Most people never want to know what is involved in producing your food, be it animal or vegetable.

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    Mel-T-Pass Premium Member 4 months ago

    Gracie: also frozen, but in shock.

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    kappy.mrnustik Premium Member 4 months ago

    Gracie’s not that young or naive.

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  10. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member 4 months ago

    Way too late. Nothing to fret about here.

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  11. Tiger tawnya  1
    felinefan55 Premium Member 4 months ago

    My father retired from the army when I was 12. After a brief sojourn to the state where his aunt lived he moved us down to OKC, and then out away from town. We had goats and chickens there. We never ate any of them. Goats milk was all I drank for the rest of the time we lived there. At the last place we lived in Oklahoma we wound up with a turkey, 2 geese, a pony, and 2 pigs. The turkey was an old geezer when we got him. Everything got buried when it died, except the pigs. I made the mistake of naming them. Of course one had to be named Wilbur. At the time I was reading all of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House series. The third book was about her husband’s time as a boy. They had a pig named Lucy. So we had Wilbur and Lucy. My folks had said they were to be butchered. But unlike my father, I wasn’t raised in the back hills of Kentucky. Unlike my mother I never saw her wring a chicken’s neck like her mother would do in the basement. Mom said the corpses really do look like they are dancing. {shudder} The butchers that they hired to kill and prepare the meat came while I was at school. When I got home Mom was upset. She knew it was going to happen, but pigs aren’t chickens. And those men weren’t caring about animals’ suffering. She said the pigs screamed while they were dying. Neither one of us ever ate a bit of that meat. My father would cook up whatever for himself. He fled the state a few months later to avoid prosecution. The freezer was still almost to bursting. Mom donated it somewhere. When we left she turned down many offers for the goats because people wanted to butcher them. She finally found a petting zoo that took them. The woman loved animals. How she thought that would ever work out I do not know. It is different when you’ve seen their faces. If you are raised with the practice the animal don’t have faces, just heads. I hate lobster aquariums for the same reason. Yeah they are basically the cockroach of the sea, but nothing should be tortured.

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