Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for December 03, 2024

  1. Resized 20230225 163831 45298650063706.jpeg advice to one s self
    rob.home  3 months ago

    My dear old Dad lost our hire car keys in Alice Springs, of all places in the world that we had visited (even Quebec City). If you’re not from Oz, check out its location on the map. It has recently been voted as amongst the world’s most dangerous cities.

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    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 3 months ago

    The Elf on a Shelf is an evil concept.

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    markkahler52  3 months ago

    Now, if Kate and Gabby lose their GLASSES? Yeah
real problem!!

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    dbrucepm  3 months ago

    Our cats would have knocked the elf off the shelf and the dogs would have chewed it up

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    MTH Premium Member 3 months ago

    For me it’s my cellphone.

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    philwinn  3 months ago


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    Jody H. Premium Member 3 months ago

    My mother got one of these for our daughter when she was five, against our express wishes (we hate the crass commercialism, poor quality of the product, and message of elves spying on the kids and reporting back to Santa daily). We explained to our daughter that it was a marketing scam, and not a magical toy that moved on its own. We told her that she could play with the doll whenever she wanted, and that we could still move the elf each day for her to find. We also told her that Santa gives presents unconditionally, not based on how she acts. We did, however, tell her that parents sometimes take away kids’ privilege to play with their toys for a short while if the kids misbehave. She took her elf into show and tell at school one day, and all of the students were horrified that she was touching the elf. She then told them what we had told her

some of the parents were unhappy, but not me! ;-)

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    Drbarb71 Premium Member 3 months ago

    LOL! From the mouth of babes.

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  3 months ago

    I have only heard of Elf on the Shelf in recent years. Yet I am told it has been around much longer like green bean casserole, which I also don’t care for. ‘The Simpsons’ had a great take off on Elf on the Shelf some years back though. Personally, I liked how when we misbehaving as kids, my Dad would get on the phone to call Santa

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    tammyspeakslife Premium Member 3 months ago

    I finally upgraded to an iPhone that support the app I need to use the tiles that you attach to items you don’t want to lose, my wallet and my keys. Took almost a week for me to remember to set it up but if I ever need to find them I hope the tiles batteries don’t run out.

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    suelou  3 months ago

    Actually it does a LOT more than just “sit” in different places!

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