Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for December 04, 2024

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    Arbitrary  about 20 hours ago

    Wonder how the pharmaceutical companies are going to respond to his idea to put people with ADHD and depression in organic food harvesting camps to “cure” them? Losing that 12 billion dollar industry ain’t gonna fly well.

    Ugh, the only way capitalism saves us.

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 18 hours ago

    Misinformation is poisoning millions of Americans (and a lot of other people too).

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  3. 20071112 einstein
    hariseldon59  about 18 hours ago

    This doesn’t bode well for RJ.

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  4. 20071112 einstein
    hariseldon59  about 17 hours ago

    Possibly the worst news for RJ since Twinkies were temporarily discontinued after Hostess filed for bankruptcy back in 2012.

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    boneroller42  about 15 hours ago

    But RFK is ok with eating McDonalds with The Donald?

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    Vegetable Patch 62+236  about 14 hours ago

    I almost didn’t leave a comment but then I saw the polite request ‘Please leave a comment.’

    The best secretary of snacking might advise snackers to stop eating SNiCKErS laced with nickel and to seek out the non-fake carrot from a snowman’s nose zone layer….. but never eat the geo-engineered, chemically-induced snow.

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    scote1379 Premium Member about 14 hours ago

    Well when Trumpie the Clown makes a pick just to tickpeople off you get this sort of thing , but don’t worry to much I’m sure big Sugar will run over this Kennedy fool in no time !

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  8. Cave cat
    CaveCat87  about 13 hours ago

    Oh boy, RJ’s not gonna be very happy about that.

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    NRHAWK Premium Member about 13 hours ago

    RFK Jr. comes from money, so he has never had to budget for a family’s survival. I’m sure he has no clue as to how expensive a healthy diet is, especially the high prices for fresh vegetables, a situation that will only get worse once Trump starts deporting all the immigrant farm workers. If his heroin addled and worm-eaten brain wasn’t so confused he might research these things before he goes spouting off. The one thing he got right is that we don’t all eat healthy foods all the time but that’s primarily due to folks being underpaid and overstressed for time. I volunteer at a food bank when they need an old fart like me and occasionally at a kitchen serving the homeless, elderly and poor and I can tell you that as good as the economy has been for the last several years the lines haven’t gotten any smaller. Even our local library and partners set up a program to feed children in the summer to offset the free lunches they no longer get at school. While I was no fan of LBJ for sending me to war I was a fan of the Great Society programs he set up that fed and clothed children, provided early education programs and helped folks break the cycles of poverty by getting an education and expanding job opportunities. But then Reagan came along to start cutting it back which continued through Trump’s Supremes eliminating things like Affirmative Action and Women’s Rights. And now Trump is back to exact revenge on good people and wreak havoc on our nation again. Things like this are even more distressing when you look at a country like France which has a mere fraction of our economic power but supplies their public-school children with chef prepared healthy lunches. Well, John Lennon did say America is the Roman Empire and now we have put the Mad Emperor want-to-be back in power.

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  10. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  about 13 hours ago

    Maybe that job isn’t for you after all, RJ.

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    Chithing Premium Member about 13 hours ago

    Ignore him. That’s just the brain worm talking.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member about 11 hours ago


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    xtc45688  about 11 hours ago

    He probably self-regurgitated once he got out of Chumps sight.

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    wjbillthompson  about 9 hours ago

    Must we?

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    LarryLadutke1  about 7 hours ago

    JFK jr. will be ok with it as long as Hostess switches to beef tallow. Lard would also be acceptable.

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    epaphus8  about 6 hours ago

    R.F.K. Jr. and R.J., armed with plastic sporks and locked in a room together for one hour. Survivor gets the job.

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    Strawberry King  about 4 hours ago

    Says you, buddy!

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