This year we fell well behind. Christmas trees and inside decorations went up last weekend and since. Still have to arrange my teddy bear village for Christmas – it is stuck somewhere between last Christmas and Memorial Day. I barely had the dining room table cleared off of the Christmas decorations to be put out before Christmas dinner last night.
I had two problems this year. One was that husband likes to not be in the house so it wastes a lot of time walking around in the same stores day after day just to be out of the house. the other is the !!$$$@ smallish big screen TV he bought 2 years ago. The TV is on a table where the Christmas tree used to go. When we were figuring out fitting in everything in the living room for Christmas if he bought the darn thing we (I) did not take into account 2 things. First thing is that when our tree was setup at the front of the room it had 2 fronts – it could be seen from the entry hall and from the rest of the living room. At the back of the room it only has one front to fit the best ornaments onto as it is between a corner cabinet and a recliner chair. The other thing I did not take into account was that while all the surfaces for table top decorations would still be there – one of them is under the TV so it is no longer usable for all of our little Christmas knick nacks. It is hard to deal with putting the ornaments on the tree when one has to climb around it and put them on the sides or back of the tree where they will not be seen.
I finished the main tree, the Colonial Williamsburg tree in the dining room, and the tree in our studio with ornaments we have made. I still have my teddy bear village and its tree to change over to Christmas and decorate the trees – the lazy bears always wait for me to do it for them.
pschearer Premium Member about 1 month ago
“Silver Bells”, my favorite Xmas song, the only one that spoke to my big-city childhood. None of that country sleigh-ride nonsense.
Rhetorical_Question about 1 month ago
Maybe a origin story for Dexter?
treutvid about 1 month ago
It’s that time of year, when you need a beer.
Ellis97 about 1 month ago
I only have a few more days until Christmas.
Doug K about 1 month ago
The anticipation is great. It’s the waiting that you hate.
royq27 about 1 month ago
No problem, my brain checked out at Thanksgiving and maybe returned around Easter…
mafastore 27 days ago
This year we fell well behind. Christmas trees and inside decorations went up last weekend and since. Still have to arrange my teddy bear village for Christmas – it is stuck somewhere between last Christmas and Memorial Day. I barely had the dining room table cleared off of the Christmas decorations to be put out before Christmas dinner last night.
I had two problems this year. One was that husband likes to not be in the house so it wastes a lot of time walking around in the same stores day after day just to be out of the house. the other is the !!$$$@ smallish big screen TV he bought 2 years ago. The TV is on a table where the Christmas tree used to go. When we were figuring out fitting in everything in the living room for Christmas if he bought the darn thing we (I) did not take into account 2 things. First thing is that when our tree was setup at the front of the room it had 2 fronts – it could be seen from the entry hall and from the rest of the living room. At the back of the room it only has one front to fit the best ornaments onto as it is between a corner cabinet and a recliner chair. The other thing I did not take into account was that while all the surfaces for table top decorations would still be there – one of them is under the TV so it is no longer usable for all of our little Christmas knick nacks. It is hard to deal with putting the ornaments on the tree when one has to climb around it and put them on the sides or back of the tree where they will not be seen.
I finished the main tree, the Colonial Williamsburg tree in the dining room, and the tree in our studio with ornaments we have made. I still have my teddy bear village and its tree to change over to Christmas and decorate the trees – the lazy bears always wait for me to do it for them.