La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for December 18, 2024

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    cdward  3 months ago

    Yes, he should pardon Peltier.

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    NaGrom Premium Member 3 months ago

    Maybe if Peltier (and everyone else involved on all sides) would choose one narrative and stick to it, that would help. Past presidents reviewed the case and decided against a pardon. Every time the matter is raised again Mr Peltier has a different version of events.

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    Milady Meg  3 months ago

    He has had several parole hearings and clemency requests since 2009. I wonder why they were all denied?

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 3 months ago

    I can understand why it might be a good idea to have a retrial if new evidence later comes to light, but absent that I’m not in favor of overturning the unanimous verdict of a jury that heard ALL of the evidence presented at trial — despite the special pleading from some outsiders who’ve later heard only the cherry-picked evidence from one interested party. Notice also that, under the American system of justice, even if the evidence that’s subsequently turned up for someone ACQUITTED of the crime proves beyond a doubt that he did it, there’s no double jeopardy, and he gets away with it.

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