Funky: comfortably retired in Florida with his second wife Holly, step-son is in Seattle married to Roxxane Rhodes
Roland: came out as a trans woman and is now named “Rolanda”
Les: Became Dick Facey after first wife (Lisa) died of cancer, married to another woman named Cayla Williams, works as english teacher in Westview High School
Sad about Livinia. Her boyfriend came back from Vietnam after being badly wounded and developed a heroin habit. She got caught up in it and died from an overdose.
csroberto2854 3 days ago
Status for the four characters in this FW strip
Funky: comfortably retired in Florida with his second wife Holly, step-son is in Seattle married to Roxxane Rhodes
Roland: came out as a trans woman and is now named “Rolanda”
Les: Became Dick Facey after first wife (Lisa) died of cancer, married to another woman named Cayla Williams, works as english teacher in Westview High School
Livina: DEAD
tims145 3 days ago
Sad about Livinia. Her boyfriend came back from Vietnam after being badly wounded and developed a heroin habit. She got caught up in it and died from an overdose.
csroberto2854 1 day ago
IMPORTANT EVENTS IN BATIUKVERSE HISTORY: The first ever Funky Winkerbean strip (also the start of the Batiukverse)
RIP Cappy (prev. Brick Friday) 1 day ago