J’aime quand les Américains idiots ne savent pas comment assembler des choses simples, mais s’ils parlaient couramment d’autres langues, ce ne serait pas un problème.
Ich liebe es, wenn dumme Amerikaner nicht herausfinden können, wie man einfache Dinge zusammenfügt, aber wenn sie andere Sprachen fließend beherrschen würden, wäre das kein Problem.
Me encanta cuando los estadounidenses tontos no saben cómo juntar cosas simples, pero si hablaran otros idiomas con fluidez no sería un problema.
Adoro quando gli stupidi americani non riescono a capire come mettere insieme le cose semplici, ma se parlassero fluentemente altre lingue non sarebbe un problema.
Qiset about 23 hours ago
Tres drole !
Doug Taylor Premium Member about 20 hours ago
Turn it over. I’m sorry the paper’s a little dirty. I wiped my face with it.
Doug Taylor Premium Member about 20 hours ago
Phew, what a night! Merry Christmas to all now I’m off to bed!
Jml58 about 19 hours ago
I thought it was the chinese.
Ace 66 about 18 hours ago
Turn it over, English on other side.
Frank Burns Eats Worms about 16 hours ago
He wants to ride his bicycle, he wants to ride his bike. He wants to ride his bicycle, he wants to ride it where he likes.
Godfreydaniel about 16 hours ago
But soon enough the French will surrender it…..
chemguy about 15 hours ago
Bike must be from Quebec.
CleverHans Premium Member about 15 hours ago
Sacre bleu! This must be the work of Jean LaFoote, The Barefoot Pirate! Get Cap’n Crunch on the horn immediately!
Now I’m hungry for some sugary cereal…
Daltongang Premium Member about 13 hours ago
J’aime quand les Américains idiots ne savent pas comment assembler des choses simples, mais s’ils parlaient couramment d’autres langues, ce ne serait pas un problème.
Ich liebe es, wenn dumme Amerikaner nicht herausfinden können, wie man einfache Dinge zusammenfügt, aber wenn sie andere Sprachen fließend beherrschen würden, wäre das kein Problem.
Me encanta cuando los estadounidenses tontos no saben cómo juntar cosas simples, pero si hablaran otros idiomas con fluidez no sería un problema.
Adoro quando gli stupidi americani non riescono a capire come mettere insieme le cose semplici, ma se parlassero fluentemente altre lingue non sarebbe un problema.
Smeagol about 11 hours ago
I can hear the French national anthem in the background.
DanielClémenson Premium Member about 8 hours ago
Reaction from anglos in ROC!
Bill The Nuke about 5 hours ago
If you can’t assemble a bicycle you shouldn’t be raising kids