It reminds me of the year when Santa forgot a present for my 6 year old sons fish… (the dog and the cat were both remembered, and the parakeet, but he forgot to bring something for the fish… but then remembered he had a gallon of melted North Pole Snow to put in their tank!
seanfear 1 day ago
so technically it’s a Monopoly banknote
JLChi 1 day ago
That sounds like a lot of baloney to me.
win.45mag 1 day ago
The lifestyles of the not so rich and famous…..
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 1 day ago
Ah, company scrip.
scapegrote 1 day ago
maybe Agnes will share a pair or two of her new socks
WorkshopGardener Premium Member 1 day ago
How much do those sandwiches cost?
suelou 1 day ago
It reminds me of the year when Santa forgot a present for my 6 year old sons fish… (the dog and the cat were both remembered, and the parakeet, but he forgot to bring something for the fish… but then remembered he had a gallon of melted North Pole Snow to put in their tank!
SofaKing Premium Member about 23 hours ago
I’ve had many baloney and mustard sandwiches, but never barbecue sauce. Always on cheap, store brand white bread. I’m a man of simple tastes.
Mike Baldwin creator about 22 hours ago
Brilliant gift idea!
mindjob about 22 hours ago
Trout won’t be leaving home for quite some time
j12181951 about 20 hours ago
If we are talking fried bologna (admit it, you sang the song), you had me at hello.
gopher gofer about 15 hours ago
what, no peanut butter…?
fuzzbucket Premium Member about 8 hours ago
Back in the 1950’s we frequently had bologna fried in ketchup. I haven’t eaten bologna since.