Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for March 09, 2025

  1. Av22 claydoh 500
    droosan Premium Member about 17 hours ago

    I don’t really get what makes the two activities in the title panel ‘rude’ ..

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    Katsuro Premium Member about 11 hours ago

    It’s fundamentally different from two people talking IRL, though. Having somebody talk, then be quiet, then start talking again, is very distracting. Imagine if the music in, say, a shopping mall turned off, then on again, repeatedly and at random intervals. Wouldn’t that be super distracting? It’s the same when someone with a phone says something like “Cilantro. (pause) No, CILANTRO. (pause) Yeah, I know, and I think he found it. (pause) Oh, absolutely. ABSOLUTELY. (pause) No, CILANTRO. I said to use CILANTRO. (pause) Yeah, and it’s the same in Wisconsin,” ad infinitum.

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    markkahler52  about 11 hours ago

    Leaving the checkout line without paying…now THAT’S rude!!

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    rgcviper  about 10 hours ago

    The rudeness debate is up for opinions, but no one can deny that the woman in blue in the last panel nailed it. Took the words outta my keyboard—ha.

    HI, MOM. Good Sunday Morning, “Cathy” Clan.

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    O-Kay  about 10 hours ago

    Not rude at all to chat on one’s phone…I’d rather people use it as intended than just stare and text non-stop. What IS rude is being oblivious to everyone else around you, while on the phone.

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  6. Ericka huggins
    JLChi  about 4 hours ago

    People talking on cell phones is one thing. But way too many people feel the need to shout into their phone.

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