I think Skeezix would have better luck picking someone at random down at the Regal Beagle pub, than trusting his affairs to this alleged “legal eagle”.
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Just popped in ‘early’ to let y’all know that the train ran into a system update which blocked the tracks for a couple hours this past night, so the update is running late. Still trying to get something up before actual bed.
snsurone76 about 6 hours ago
Will you two shut up, already—before your phone bills skyrocket??
Dirty Dragon about 6 hours ago
I think Skeezix would have better luck picking someone at random down at the Regal Beagle pub, than trusting his affairs to this alleged “legal eagle”.
- – - – -
Just popped in ‘early’ to let y’all know that the train ran into a system update which blocked the tracks for a couple hours this past night, so the update is running late. Still trying to get something up before actual bed.
iggyman about 4 hours ago
Why would the Help Our Appalatcians fine him anyway, it sounds like a environmental group?