I almost did something like that once. I grew up on a farm tossing hay bales, so although I was skinny, I was fairly strong. I ended up in a musical production in grade 11 and there was a dance number involving myself, another guy that was at least 3" taller than me, a girl about my size and a smaller girl. The choreography called for the guys to lift the girls to about a 45 degree angle during the number. Because of our sizes, they paired me up with the smaller girl. First run through I just about tossed her over my head, as she was lighter than the hay bales. We ended up switching partners.
C about 6 hours ago
It’s okay, they’re swingers
Digital Frog about 4 hours ago
I almost did something like that once. I grew up on a farm tossing hay bales, so although I was skinny, I was fairly strong. I ended up in a musical production in grade 11 and there was a dance number involving myself, another guy that was at least 3" taller than me, a girl about my size and a smaller girl. The choreography called for the guys to lift the girls to about a 45 degree angle during the number. Because of our sizes, they paired me up with the smaller girl. First run through I just about tossed her over my head, as she was lighter than the hay bales. We ended up switching partners.
Walrus Gumbo Premium Member about 3 hours ago
His moves are through the roof!
Doug K 7 minutes ago
… plus … lifts are not part of swing dancing.