F Minus by Tony Carrillo for February 04, 2025

  1. Bugs
    Grumpy Old Guy  about 1 month ago

    Be warned
.it’s a very fine line

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  2. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Around here it is a good way to get your head blown off

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    Zykoic  about 1 month ago

    We drive very fast under freeway bridges and overpasses because the bums, eh
.“unhoused” throw pieces of concrete at the cars.

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    Number Slx  about 1 month ago

    The worst invention is the car horn. It’s become a swearing device and a remote controlled doorbell.

    Due to lazy motorists, the whole street needs to know they’ve arrived.

    Electric shocks should be released whenever it’s pressed unnecessarily.

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  5. Monet sunflowers
    jessebob42  about 1 month ago

    You can always reply with sign language since honking back can be ambiguous.

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  6. Wile e coyote
    Totalloser Premium Member about 1 month ago

    I slow down to just under the speed limit and stop for an extra second or two at stop signs, when people start tailgating me in my neighborhood

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    artegal  about 1 month ago

    My philosophy exactly.

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  8. Helmet
    xSigoff Premium Member about 1 month ago

    AH the days of the rifle rack in the back window of the pickup truck. People were friendlier then.

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    wildlandwaters  about 1 month ago

    a gal around here recently was driving the speed limit on a snowy/icy road, but it wasn’t fast enough for the drugged out lunatic behind her. He rode her bumper, and even when she had to slow down to follow a school bus at a safe distance, he couldn’t take her safe driving habits anymore and drove up on the sidewalk and zoomed by her, honking and gesturing. Nope, even if smaller town ‘merica, you’re not necessarily safe, no matter what you do, (and you’re only asking for it if you do what the driver in the ’toon says!)

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    zxcar1  about 1 month ago

    It seems to me, that once upon a time when someone would give you a helpful hint—a hurry-up honk, it was then taken gracefully as if that person was a potential friend lending guidance. What really, mucks it up in more recent times, is the apparent feeling that too many other drivers think of themselves as special—using emergency lanes to cut in front, cutting off others assuming they will get out of the way, and insisting traffic flow according to their rules and wishes; which all equates to that “hurry-up honk” being perceived as more of “get the eff out of my way”.

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    Smeagol  about 1 month ago

    That is poor advice imo if you’re moving then move over and let them pass, if you’re stopped and waiting for a light do not respond in any manner, when the light turns green mover over safely to the farthest right lane and do not ever make eye contact as they pass.

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    Laurie Stoker Premium Member about 1 month ago

    I have no doubt whatsoever that this is a real thing for some drivers!

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    Rista  about 1 month ago

    Where I live, if you attempt to pass a slow driver, they immediately speed up to 30mph faster than the speed limit. If you attempt to go around? Even faster speed up.

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  14. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  30 days ago

    a news segment from just the other day was about a genius who decided to engage in a bit of road rage with a tanker lorry that beeped at him when he cut in too close. it takes all sorts of smarts to stop dead in front of a vehicle transporting petrol

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