Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 24, 2025

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    snsurone76  5 days ago

    I assume Mike is referring to Bush’s little excursion into Iraq, right? Where BD loses a leg and FINALLY stops wearing helmets??

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    snsurone76  5 days ago

    In ancient Israel, soldiers would divorce their wives before going into battle. That way, if any soldiers were MIA, the women were free to remarry. Of course, if any men returned safely, they and their wives could wed again—until the next war!

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    Hello Everyone  5 days ago

    Doonesbury was kind of prescient, don’t you think?

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    markkahler52  5 days ago

    So where to? Greenland? Canada? Panama? Gaza?

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    Gen.Flashman  5 days ago

    If he was in Vietnam that means he would have been at least 50 in 2002; the Army reserves has an age limit of 35.

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    bignatefan  5 days ago

    He’s had an unerring ear for more than five decades.

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    MĂ iri  5 days ago

    *O/T but . . . *

    I cancelled an email account I had with a provider that brags about how wonderful its service is. They assured me the account would be closed by the 22nd (i.e. 2 days ago). It wasn’t. What did happen was that they helped themselves to another month’s rent from my credit union account !!

    So I phoned them and after talking with 3 people, maybe 4, and providing the same information to them each time, I was told that they acknowledged the error and it would only take 2 weeks to refund the money. I told the current person that, no, if it wasn’t done today, then tomorrow I’d have my credit union claw it back. And he had the cheek to ask why I wanted to make things difficult.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 5 days ago

    Remember this one like it was yesterday.

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    lnrokr55  5 days ago

    Selling it short ! ;-)

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    Godfreydaniel  5 days ago

    Remember the “back door draft” back then?

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  5 days ago

    BD will be back sooner that that. Well,MOST of him will…..

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    moondog42 Premium Member 5 days ago

    you should never end a comic with a pre-position….

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  4 days ago

    “….parts of me, anyway.”

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