Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for September 02, 2009

  1. 5346ae65734b4d0e82350407ef0d8e00 250
    cleokaya  over 15 years ago

    Monkey see, Calvin do.

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  over 15 years ago

    Ah, I see that Hobbes did come along.

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  3. Missing large
    threlfallm  over 15 years ago

    Now he’s hooked.

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  4. Nssl0010
    tbree  over 15 years ago

    Reminds me of the time I went to the zoo with my parents years ago. Let’s just say the zoo had a visiting mountain lion, and was working to preserve the species. My mom made the comment, “Come on, we don’t need to see that.”

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  5. But eo
    Rakkav  over 15 years ago

    For the same reason your parents aren’t allowed to throw you into the alligator pit.

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  6. Your image 2
    Dutchboy1  over 15 years ago

    As long as they don’t start throwing “stuff”.

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  7. Happy green bug 229065
    Crooky  over 15 years ago

    I don’t think birds are going to be enough of a distraction mom. Monkeys are exciting, but monkeys doing gross things are irresistible!

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  8. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    My mom once told me a story about her youth that always cracked me up, even after the re-telling of it. She was at the store with my grandmother one day and she couldn’t hold it in so let it go right there in the grocery store. She looks up at my grandmother and points at the puddle that she’s standing in and says “Mom, what’s that?” My grandmother looked down at the puddle, then looked her in the eye and said, “I’ll give you what’s that when we get home, young lady”

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  9. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  over 15 years ago

    BC13 she could have taken a lesson from the lad in the pictures above.

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  10. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  over 15 years ago

    Mom and Dad will be regretting those moments for as long as they live. Why do you think they stopped when they had Calvin?

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  11. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  over 15 years ago

    All little boys are fascinated by those types of activities while Susie and her ilk would call it gross and be offended. Seems that the differences are more substantial than plumbing.

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  12. Hyacinth macaw
    sjoujke  over 15 years ago

    The birds aren’t a save bet either. I took my friend’s 5 year old daughter to see some ducks at a pond and they were “playing piggyback”, or “fighting” as she called it!

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  13. Eww
    Ivy0730Lcsq  over 15 years ago

    What’s monkey doing?? Picking nose? hahhaha

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  14. 1988 06 05edit
    awgiedawgie Premium Member over 15 years ago

    I bet the tiger pit would be a suitable distraction. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

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  15. Happy green bug 229065
    Crooky  over 15 years ago

    I don’t think the monkeys are getting up to “monkey business” - more likely picking their nose or scratching their butt.

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  16. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 15 years ago

    Imagine Calvins play time for the next week

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  17. Thumbnail.aspx
    carpetinwater9  over 15 years ago

    Show and tell for school ?

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  18. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    Susan001 said, “Why would a six-year-old WANT to do what the monkeys are doing? Assuming they’re doing what we think they’re doing?” I’m thinking three things, but I hope it’s ‘number 1’! Susan001 said, “BTW, it’s nice of Mom to hold Hobbes.” Yes, but doesn’t Hobbes look rather ‘crestfallen’? That doesn’t apply only to birds. By the way, does a ‘partridge in a pear tree’ have a crest? “But that was yesterday, and yesterday’s gone”.

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  19. Missing large
    Unclebup  over 15 years ago

    definitely pushing the comic strip envelope.

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  20. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    See how instructive Calvin’s mother is? But Calvin soon observed something more interesting
to him. Yukoner said, “
Seems that the differences are more substantial than plumbing?” Tell that to the ‘radical’ feminists!

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  21. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    In panel 4 Calvin said, “HA HA! That’s gross!” Isn’t that an oxymoron?
not to Calvin! “Come look at the birds over here, Calvin” As far as Calvin is concerned right now, the birds are “for the birds”. “Monkey business” is better.

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  22. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    BC13 said, “
I’ll give you what’s that when we get home young lady.” Her mother used the word ‘lady’ rather loosely, didn’t she? It reminds me of what policemen (and others) sometimes say after the arrest of a felon “This ‘gentleman’ mercilessly beat the victim with a sledgehammer”. That’s just an example. It could be any number of dastardly crimes a ‘suspect’ was commiting.

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  23. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  over 15 years ago

    It has been noted that the most popular nature shows involve sex and violence–animals procreating or chasing and eating one another

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  24. 00000
    alondra  over 15 years ago

    I don’t think they’re “doing it” since Calvin’s asking why he’s not allowed to do it. Has he ever tried to do that? I doubt it since he’sonly 6. Therefore they must be doing something other than that.

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  25. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    Incidentally, Hobbes is taller than Calvin even in his inanimate “Tigris Stuffedsus Polyester(us)” state, as N7326 Foxtrot said yesterday. At least he’s not crestfallen, now, although his head is hanging just a tad (bit).

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  26. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    pouncing tiger said, “
Why do you think they stopped when they had Calvin?” Stopped having kids or

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  27. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    sjoujke said, “The birds aren’t a safe bet, either
” “Isn’t that just ducky?” What the ducks were really doing went “like water off a duck’s back” as far as the understanding of the five-year-old was concerned.

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  28. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    tbree said, “
Come on, we don’t need to see that.” Isn’t that an example (or even worse) of some of the ‘sex education’ that the kids are getting in many of the schools these days? I hope I haven’t raised a controversial issue here.

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  29. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    Lewreader said, “Imagine Calvin’s play time for the next week.” Do you mean Calvin will be marking his territory all week?

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  30. Blue face
    MONTESE  over 15 years ago

    That is sort of not cool

but do you you think theres really little kids reading those comics, that dont now about that stuff already???

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  31. Blue face
    MONTESE  over 15 years ago

    There probably throwing there poop around

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  32. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 15 years ago

    By the way Calvin asks the question. it seems he already knows the answer.

    BTW, does someone need attention? lol

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  33. Garfield
    linsonl  over 15 years ago

    Saw that happen at the Atlanta zoo years ago. The mothers were funnier than the chimps!

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  34. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    TerryLonewolf said, “BTW, does someone need attention? lol” Perhaps so, but isn’t at least most of it somewhat amusing, informative, humorous, instructive, encouraging and/or entertaining? It is for me, but maybe i’m another ‘Lonewolf’ :o)

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  35. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  over 15 years ago

    Do as the Monkey Do with the Poo! :-)

    @tbree - funny story! :-D

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  36. Bald eagle 11
    TheRedHatt  over 15 years ago

    Man I guess TL ! Whoa !

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  37. Bonnet
    Stede_Bonnet  over 15 years ago

    “Zoos let people see how wild animals behave”

    I propose that the inverse is equally true:

    “Zoos let animals see how wild humans behave”

    If I have learned anything from watching animals in Zoos, it’s that there’s very little difference between those inside the cages and those outside other than a misperception that captors are somehow superior

     •  Reply
  38. Make it personal
    homeygfunk1  over 15 years ago

    to Puddleglum2

    Rakkav said, “For the same reason your parents aren’t allowed to throw you into the alligator pit.” For what same reason? Does it refer to the previous quote (in the post above yours)? Or does it refer to “How come I’m not allowed to do that?” it is about the comment Calvin makes in the last panel “How come I’m not allowed to do that?” You are not allowed to do that for the same reason your parents aren’t allowed to throw you in the alligator pit.

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  39. Make it personal
    homeygfunk1  over 15 years ago

    to Puddleglum2

    Rakkav said, “For the same reason your parents aren’t allowed to throw you into the alligator pit.” For what same reason? Does it refer to the previous quote (in the post above yours)? Or does it refer to “How come I’m not allowed to do that?” it is about the comment Calvin makes in the last panel “How come I’m not allowed to do that?” You are not allowed to do that for the same reason your parents aren’t allowed to throw you in the alligator pit.

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  40. Toolfi2
    bleepingdeadalien  over 15 years ago

    Hah! That’s the only reason my bud RALPH AVERY from Maine would visit the monkey house. Hah!

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  41. Blue face
    MONTESE  over 15 years ago


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  42. Avatar 2475
    Troglodyte  over 15 years ago


    Is nothing sacred?

    Cows are
 literally and figuratively, where I come from (India).

    We also have sacred monkeys and elephants, and levels of religious significance are attached to various other animals, though that hasn’t stopped them from being poached / slaughtered to near-extinction.

     •  Reply
  43. But eo
    Rakkav  over 15 years ago

    (to answer Puddleglum2, very belatedly:)

    The common thread is, whatever we might feel like doing naturally (throwing unruly offspring to the alligators, doing whatever the monkeys are doing, etc.), we don’t do it in public because it preserves what little veneer or pretense of civilization we have.

    Happy? :)

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  44. Giant tuba
    musicnut1986  over 15 years ago

    When I was in the 7th or 8th grade, my Sunday School teacher took us to the zoo. At the chimp cage a couple of the guys started trying to get the chimps agitated by jumping up and down while making their best imitations of monkey noises. A few of the chimps did get agitated which prompted a few more of the kids to join in jumping up and down and grunting. One chimp in particular got very agitated and started jumping up and down and shaking his head. Suddenly he stood still against the bars and proceeded to urinate on the two original agitators. Needless to say, the rest of us avoided being close to those two the rest of the afternoon.

    I imagine the monkey Calvin saw was doing something similar.

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  45. Trop light
    JonD17  over 15 years ago

    yeh TerryLonewolf, I hear ya, its like a constant echo

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  46. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    Rakkav said, “
Happy? :)” Yes, your answer is excellent. I concur wholeheartedly. I was thinking that neither one would be appropriate. You expounded on it articulately . Thank you. :o)

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  47. Missing large
    sfb5761  over 15 years ago

    The monkey is probably peeing (outside) which Calvin is not allowed to do.

    As for boys and girls: anyone who is a parent of both knows that they are as different as night and day from the day they are born.

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  48. 64449 wallpaper400
    Ronshua  over 15 years ago

    Puddleglum2 said,“But that was yesterday, and yesterday’s gone”.

    Sorry Puddleglum2 , JUST LIKE my wedding day 50 years ago . YESTERDAY, December 7th, 1941 – a date which will LIVE in infamy . The infamy part of my yesterday will never be totally “gone”, past yes .

    Gone #6 past , is the closest to what I perceive your “gone”indicated . I’m not claiming “sharpest crayon in the box” status , mind you . That would be like me saying “yesterday is gone” .

    I’d “say on” to “past” but you can keep your “gone”.

    Brother , I’m NOT trying to be impertinent . Politics ever cross your thinking ? You seam to posses the necessary stamina & poise for a run at the covered public teat .

    Matthew 18:22 A bunch ah yesterdays , not one truly gone .

    That’s all I have to say on this matter . I’ve hit the end of MY obnoxious chain . Thank GOD right ?

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  49. Missing large
    artybee  over 15 years ago

    My friends’ little boy got totally hosed by a tiger while at the zoo one time. That tiger was loaded!

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  50. Foxhound1
    bald  over 15 years ago

    if memory serves, there was a monkey at the zoo in san diego whick threw poo at guests several years ago

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  51. Old joe
    ratlum  over 15 years ago

    Hey its a comic strip

    But if there is concern Hobbes should not be watching because he is sometime a leader And the picture of Hobbes picking his noes I dont need

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  52. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  over 15 years ago

    I can think of 27 disgusting things that monkey might be doing.

    I have done all 27 and so will Calvin.

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  53. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  over 15 years ago

    sfb5761 said, about 2 commentaries ago

As for boys and girls: anyone who is a parent of both knows that they are as different as night and day from the day they are born.”

    Actually, regarding “nature vs. nurture”, any mother of two (or more) children of any gender(s) can tell you that they were different persons, even before they were born, and certainly after.

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  54. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 15 years ago

    Ronshua Have you never heard of Chad & Jeremy? They were a 60’s pop duo whose biggest hit was “Yesterday’s Gone”. The last line in the chorus was: “But that was yesterday, and yesterday’s gone” No political commentary, no impertinance, no historical WWII references, just the lyric from an old (and pleasant I might add) song.

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  55. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  over 15 years ago

    @Musicnut1986 and @sfb5761, no I do not think that the monkey is peeing. I have a very definite and clear idea of what he is doing, but I know that these comments are censored, so it would be a waste of time to say what I am thinking. If I thought it would be acceptable, I would make my comment.

    It really annoys me how everyone is tiptoeing around a few explicit words.

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  56. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Unfortunately, it’s tiptoe or rink getting booted off the island. However I am against gratuitive profanity, with every word followed by a bleep word.

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  57. Large image
    kirbydude  over 15 years ago

    It’s a safe bet on what they were doing.

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  58. Calvin and hobbes faces
    ironhart  over 15 years ago

    I saw that happen with the turtles.

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  59. 987297b85d283d5de8ccf5faa734a5c7 getty 81706853jm013 dallas
    pintcape  over 15 years ago

    they better watch calvin,he has seen something that he will want to do,besides public nudity.

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  60. Simpsonized me close up
    mrprongs  over 15 years ago

    I guess you can’t do that because you don’t like girls.

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  61. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    JonD17 said, “yeh TerryLonewolf, I hear ya its like a constant echo” The constant echo is the ‘howling’ of a pack of Lonewolves. Pack of Lonewolves is a paradox, isn’t it? Look up paradox in the dictionary if you know how to use one! Instead of calling the number of comments I post as “a constant echo”, why don’t you try reading some of them? You might learn something. :o)

     •  Reply
  62. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    awgiedoggie said, “I bet the tiger pit would be a suitable distraction. But I’m getting ahead of myself.” Aren’t you “speaking out of school”, so to speak. Would Doggie Daddy approve? If you’re getting ahead of yourself, doesn’t that leave you ‘a little behind’? :o)

     •  Reply
  63. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    Montese said, “GEEZ LOUISE!” (Pardon the expression!) Are you really Dagwood Bumstead? You’re in the wrong ‘comic’. :o)

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  64. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    BTW To whomever this applies: Calvin said, “Hey, look what THAT monkey’s doing?” Whatever he is doing, it’s only one monkey that’s doing it.

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  65. Trop light
    JonD17  over 15 years ago

    Puddleglum you run your mouth too much and I don’t need a dictionary to state the obvious there.

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  66. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    JanCinVV said, “Have you never heard of Chad & Jeremy?
” You are quite right. Do we have a music aficionado here? Their best known songs also include “A Summer Song” and “Willow Weep for Me”. Ronshua means well, I think. I consider him to be a friend.

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  67. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    Ronshua, See my post to JanCinVV! Thank you for the paragraph about politics, but I doubt that it would work for me. It’s tends to get frustrating when you try to do well and the detractors keep howling at the door. “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down”. BTW, when you see my comments in quotes, it often means that I’m quoting titles and/or lyrics of songs. That was the case this time. I won’t argue the respective merits of past and gone. Actually, oftentimes people use past and gone, interchangeably.

     •  Reply
  68. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    BC13 said, “However I am against gratuitive profanity
” I’m with you; I am against gratuitous profanity, also, but it’s practically pandemic (to coin a commonly used word these days; it used to be epidemic).

     •  Reply
  69. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    JonD17, What’s the obvious? Do you mean the meaning of the word ‘paradox’? I don’t need an ignoramus to tell me how much to talk, either.

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  70. 64449 wallpaper400
    Ronshua  over 15 years ago

    YOU think well Puddleglum2 and I also of you friend .

    JanCinVV– After a Google I Suddenly remember it . Now I really feel bad . Sorry Friend .

    I must of been thinking of Paul’s “Yesterday”& the allegory employed . Thanks JanCinVV.

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  71. Bill the cat
    papawhale  over 15 years ago

    Why is masturbation such a taboo subject?–even little girls and boys do it
c’mon people!

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  72. Bill the cat
    papawhale  over 15 years ago

    It’s more of an oxymoron than a paradox

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  73. Missing large
    bandz  over 15 years ago

    All we need now from Puddleglum2 is the story of how she got her on-line name. Making a puddle at an inopportune time or place probably would make someone feel a bit glum. We don’t really need to hear or see the tale of Puddleglum1. Come to think of it, we can happily do without the Puddleglum 2 tale as well.

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  74. Missing large
    bandz  over 15 years ago

    Far be it from me to chastise mom and dad for missing an opportunity to augment Calvin’s education. But when Calvin draws their attention to the “monkees” and mom comments about how they use theit tails to climb, what they are probably observing are not monkeys but apes. There ARE some small monkees with prehensile tails, but zoos are most likely to feature the graceful Gibbons which are apes, not monkess. [Gibbons are sometimes referred to as Lesser Apes to distinguish them from the larger, but less graceful Great Apes: Gorillas, Orang Utans and Chimpanzees.] End of Natural History lesson for today.

     •  Reply
  75. Missing large
    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    papawhale, Both oxymoron and paradox have a contradictory aspect. I had used an oxymoron previously so I decided to call this one a paradox, but I won’t dispute it with you. :o) I suppose context can make a difference, too; it usually, if not always, does.

    bandz, Maybe you are new to this site, but I previously told both stories, briefly. Somebody wanted to know. Neither of them had anything to do with the kind of puddle you mean. I’d like to have a cordial, or at least tolerant relationship with everyone, but an unnecessary nasty comment about me doesn’t lend itself to such a possibility. All I’m trying to do is make worthwhile, often with humor, comments. Why does the number of comments, whether many or few, matter?

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  76. P 00316s
    James Lindley Premium Member over 15 years ago

    My wife and I once saw a monkey alternating between # 23 on grazer’s list (the one papawhale mentioned) and covering his eyes while laughing at the attention he knew he was getting. So in essence, we were watching a monkey spanking his monkey. I guess we’ll never know for sure if that’s what Calvin saw the monkey doing.

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