PreTeena by Allison Barrows for April 23, 2011

  1. Johannesburg 2008 016
    JoanHelen  almost 14 years ago

    Yes, Fogger_Man, I agree with your comment yesterday. That is one of the reasons why I restricted my daughters’ TV viewing when they were growing up. I have grandchildren now and my daughter is bringing them up the same way. Internet and TV is carefully controlled and It does make a difference.

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    cdward  almost 14 years ago

    Yes it does.

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    cdward  almost 14 years ago

    Fogger_Man, from yesterday wrote: “There is a total lack of respect for any form of authority. If it isn’t from our own warped societal views, where does it come from?”

    While I agree that there is general lack of authority among teens, and while I agree that our society often sends out destructive messages to our kids (like you have to have stuff to be happy…), there is also a timeless element called adolescence. Teens have always been disrespectful and lazy, at least in the eyes of their elders. And their elders have always sworn that the youth of today are much worse than they were back in their day. Socrates wrote about it. Mark Twain wrote about it. And you can read about it in the Bible, too. Don’t worry; they’ll grow up.

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  4. Horseshoes3
    McGehee  almost 14 years ago

    I agree with cdward, at least to some extent. A lot of people make the mistake of assuming human children are born civilized, but it isn’t true – there are certain natural tendencies that need to be re-directed to make them civilized.

    And then once you think you’ve got the job done, along comes puberty and you have to start all over again.

    But if the young’uns aren’t civilized before puberty sets in, it only makes things worse.

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    cbrsarah  almost 14 years ago

    Love Jeri’s expression. Serves her right. But I’m in agreement with Kim. The guy should just not talk about Jeri at all.

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    Fogger_man  almost 14 years ago

    My comments yesterday were “in general” and there are certainly exceptions to the norm. I applaud you JoanHelen for being involved in your children’s world and raising them with certain elements of respect.

    cdward: when was the last time you heard a curse word on TV? When I was young, you didn’t! When was the last time you saw a teen showing disrespect to an adult? That was NOT allowed when I was a kid. You also never saw it on TV. I read my Bible, and it tells me if I spare the rod (refrain from disciplining) I’ll spoil the child. It’s more about teaching morals, not keeping them from being kids. I was not allowed to be disrespectful or lazy as a child, and I believe it has helped me to be a better person.

    As for the comic (the real reason we’re here anyway), again I say, “Wake up, Johnson, and realize what you have right in front of you!”

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    Dkram  almost 14 years ago

    Jeri, close your mouth or the flys will get in.


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    Woody157  almost 14 years ago

    Fogger_man, you wouldn’t be an Ark Razorback, would you? (your avatar). A couple of examples from the old days of radio (Lum & Abner @ the Jot ‘um Down Store) or B & W tv with round screens. Ozzie (not Osborne) & Harriet or Dezi & Lucy (not van Pelt) even though they were married they slept in separate beds. Today…

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    Deanna175  almost 14 years ago

    Jeri is dumbfounded, and it’ll probably be replaced by jealousy.

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  10. Hog2
    Fogger_man  almost 14 years ago

    Woody157: Woo Pig Sooie! TV had restrictions back in those days that a married couple couldn’t even be shown sharing the same bed unless each partner had one foot on the floor. I’m not a prude by any means, but just look how far the restrictions have gone… in the wrong direction!

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