Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for June 28, 2009
Crusader: Sigh... now what? What's the problem here? Man: I've been trying to replace the stupid bulb in this lamp... I've tried every brand, and none of them screw in! Crusader: Hmm... that's a real puzzler. Try turning the bulb in the other direction. Man: Gasp... wait... go... in... the... OTHER... direction? Why, that just might be crazy enough to work, even though it violates my core principles of never admitting any wrong about anything.... Crusader: Don't worry, rationality isn't known to be habit forming. As dusk falls on the city, a plaintive wail rings out. The dimming light catches a figure emerging from the shadows... it's that benevolent Conundrum Crusader...
dhubb over 15 years ago
Sadly, I’ve had to say that to someone before.
vasgar1 over 15 years ago
Someone should tell that to President Obama… and someone SHOULD have said that to President Bush.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Hey, is he wearing Eno’s boxers? I need Obvious man. I am extremely inept in the fixit department.
carmy over 15 years ago
A man admitting he was wrong? I’m fainting here.
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
Here, here, carmy - very scary.
CobraDBlade over 15 years ago
the guy must be a politician.
johnparadox over 15 years ago
either politician or ‘pundit’
Lyons Group, Inc. over 15 years ago
Some should’ve tell that to Obama, President George W. Bush, and his dad, George H. W. Bush!
Superfrog over 15 years ago
Just hold the bulb still and rotate the lamp. That way you won’t need to violate any core principles or risk rationality.
brewwitch over 15 years ago
Josh1360 said
Some should’ve tell that to Obama, President George W. Bush, and his dad, George H. W. Bush!Wait a minute…? Wouldn’t that make them ‘flip-floppers’?
pdeason2 over 15 years ago
josh1360 we heard you the first time u don’t have to scream at us ok.
forbes2008 over 15 years ago
Sounds like a reflection of big government - which is only getting bigger folks.
Wildmustang1262 over 15 years ago
Use his stupid brain to screw that bulb in that lamp another direction!
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
Lightbulbs are not as simple as they used to be. Neither are watches, cars, phones, butter, beer and milk for that matter.
~Our world has been made ready for “Obviousman”!
Nighthawks Premium Member over 15 years ago
with due thanks to “Bob and Tom”
jimeguess over 15 years ago
… and the other direction …?
To the RIGHT, of course!
The Duke 1 over 15 years ago
Oh, please, Carmy! I thought I was wrong once! Turns out I was mistaken about it!
SaintRCat over 15 years ago
So happy to see Obviousman again. I missed him.
Wiley creator over 15 years ago
“with due thanks to “Bob and Tom” ”
Ok… due thanks about what, and who’s Bob and Tom?
smoothpate over 15 years ago
Bob and Tom are host of the sydicated “Bob and Tom Show” which airs on over 100 radio stations and on WGN TV. They have been broadcasting from WFBQ Indianapolis, Q-95 since 1983 and have been syndicated since the late ‘90’s. In 1997 they premiered “The Mr. Obvious Show” featuring sports guy Chick McGee as Mr. O and producer Dean Metcalf as the bewildered caller. Mr. O’s most famous bit was entitled “The Critter” and can be heard on “The Mr. Obvious Show” CD, a collection of 29 bits from 1997 thru 2005, available at
smoothpate over 15 years ago
nighthawks…. maybe now Wiley will make the connection!!!!
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
I like this, and I liked Mr. Obvious too.
wyrm282 over 15 years ago
Those boxers make me think of cheese…
Wiley creator over 15 years ago
Thanks, smoothpate. That’s an interesting coincidence. Obviously, I’m not a radio guy, so I’m not up on such things.
bwayjohni over 15 years ago
i thought i was wrong once. but i was mistaken.
D-i-c-e-R over 15 years ago
Wiley, you forgot to draw a lit light bulb in a thought balloon over that dimwits head when he final saw the light.
GuntotingLiberal over 15 years ago
Obviousman was always one of my favorites in this strip. He’s been absent for far too long, Wiley. Any chance of his making a comeback for a while? :)
Kaytebb over 15 years ago
Yay Obvious Man! You’re my hero!
dhubb said, Sadly, I’ve had to say that to someone before.
I’m curious, though I think I’m going to regret asking, you hae to tell someone to look at a problem a different way or you literally had to tell them to turn the light bulb the other way to screw it in?
benbrilling over 15 years ago
Get green Obviousman. Tell the guy to get an energy efficient bulb. Come to think of it, if you tell the fruitcake that the energy efficient bulb is the only one that will screw in, you he might always buy them in the future.
The things one has to go through to get folks to do the right thing.
daze62 over 15 years ago
In Australia (where I’m from), the obvious answer would be, “It’s a bayonet fitting.”
Logicman over 15 years ago
But CFL bulbs 1) contain mercury and need special disposal when they burn out 2) DON’T last as long as the label says unless they are run under ideal conditions (which don’t exist ‘in the wild’) and 3) are a poor second choice to LED lights which aren’t available commercially yet, but which use even LESS energy and have longer lives (for real) ….
“Green” can be relative! :)
dshepard over 15 years ago
Ahhh, a politicians thinking right to the core!
keenanthelibrarian over 15 years ago
“Rationality isn’t known to be habit forming” ?? Should pin that up at work.
pbarnrob over 15 years ago
CFLs only contain 5mg of mercury, barely enough to worry about, and then only if you drop one and break it. Just sweep it up into a paper bag, and take it to the next e-waste disposal event with your old alkaline batteries etc..
LED lamps are available, they’re just still pretty expensive, but they last some 50,000 to 100,000 hours. I get the 1156 amber ‘parking-light’ version at (, and put them in an old Tensor lamp. Great ‘bug-light’ for camping.
Freezing over 15 years ago
I don’t doubt your sincerity about CFL’s. I still cringe when I read a sentence that contains the words “…mercury, barely enough to worry about…”
theIrishman over 15 years ago
You thought collage was expensive? Try ignorance!!!
sutaohehe almost 14 years ago
LED is going to replace CFL sooner or later. LED High Bay