Brewster definitely decides primarily according to Fi (subjective values), but his primary source of input is definitely Se (objective, “here and now” data and events). He aspires to use Ni (relating to inner symbolism) effectively, but usually doesn’t (as in this strip, especially the last panel).
An NF wouldn’t have to “look hard enough” to see patterns in the stars; they’d appear automatically and without conscious control. Brewster speaks here like an S, not like an an N.
Thanks to the cognitive processes he manifests in a particular order and way, Brewster’s an ESFP Performer, and not an NF (not even the often-screwball ENFP Inspirer).
An ESFP with ADD? Yikes. You couldn’t ask for a looser cannon. :)
(Winky, on the other hand, is most likely an ISFJ Nurturer: as caring as an INFJ Protector, yet without an INFJ’s ability to see mortal danger to his spleen coming.)
Rakkav, there aren’t many INTPs in the comics, are there? I think we’re too practical - I wouldn’t be caught out in the open like that without being armed!
Now cross that system matrix of individual differences with Galen’s: Phlegmatic, Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholic, all mutually orthogonal scales; there’s enough for unique fingerprints for everybody! Infinite recreation, labeling each other, too…
margueritem over 15 years ago
Brewster is so easily distracted, while Winky loses another spleen…
Dutchboy1 over 15 years ago
Captain Short Attention Span strikes again!
Rakkav over 15 years ago
S.O.S.: Save Our Spleens!
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
Everyone says I have ADD, but they just don’t - hey! Look! A chicken!
zero over 15 years ago
Suddenly I realize I, just like Brewster, have been probed once too often…
wicky over 15 years ago
A giant space bat?……get the spleen kit.
Ray_C over 15 years ago
A space bat? What are the wings for, I wonder. In space, as my granddad would say, “They’re useless as t i t s on a boar hog.”
McGehee over 15 years ago
Well, if they didn’t have wings they would be space rats.
Nebulous Premium Member over 15 years ago
Solar panels, very small solar sails, field coils for electromagnetic sails. . Also true, McGehee.
rdh288 over 15 years ago
He’s doomed.
kmoss1961 over 15 years ago
i hate when that happens
pibfan868 over 15 years ago
Maybe the space kitty will snag the bat and Winky will come back for once with his spleen!
Trebor39 over 15 years ago
I hate those spleen eating giant space bats!
pdeason2 over 15 years ago
oh no they are going have to clone a new spleen for winky and prob a new winky.
wicky over 15 years ago
May as well, Winky’s they cloned Winky’s spleen already.
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
Even though we saw the space bat but for one brief panel, I think it radiated charisma and vivaciousness. Heck, make it part of the Sirius crew.
Varnes over 15 years ago
I hear they’re good eatin’….
princepavel over 15 years ago
I suppose they taste like space chicken, dracip.
Cameloo over 15 years ago
Ooo! That one looks like a spleen!
jestrfyl over 15 years ago
ADD and NF (Myers Briggs reference) in space - a scary concept!
Rakkav over 15 years ago
NF? Let’s test that.
Brewster definitely decides primarily according to Fi (subjective values), but his primary source of input is definitely Se (objective, “here and now” data and events). He aspires to use Ni (relating to inner symbolism) effectively, but usually doesn’t (as in this strip, especially the last panel).
An NF wouldn’t have to “look hard enough” to see patterns in the stars; they’d appear automatically and without conscious control. Brewster speaks here like an S, not like an an N.
Thanks to the cognitive processes he manifests in a particular order and way, Brewster’s an ESFP Performer, and not an NF (not even the often-screwball ENFP Inspirer).
An ESFP with ADD? Yikes. You couldn’t ask for a looser cannon. :)
(Winky, on the other hand, is most likely an ISFJ Nurturer: as caring as an INFJ Protector, yet without an INFJ’s ability to see mortal danger to his spleen coming.)
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
Rakkav, there aren’t many INTPs in the comics, are there? I think we’re too practical - I wouldn’t be caught out in the open like that without being armed!
pbarnrob over 15 years ago
Now cross that system matrix of individual differences with Galen’s: Phlegmatic, Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholic, all mutually orthogonal scales; there’s enough for unique fingerprints for everybody! Infinite recreation, labeling each other, too…
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 6 years ago
The problem with short attention spans.
SamuelMeasa over 3 years ago
Cloning Lab, We’re going to need another Winky.