Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for August 17, 2008

  1. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 16 years ago

    Grok- I think you’ve hit on what we (a group of posters from another discussioon group that was abruptly dissolved) figured out long ago. It has two sides. (1) The strip appeals to some who marvel at the fantasy and artwork, with the object of fascination being Tracy and (2) some people are utterly amused how an octogenarian can take a lengendary American hero and morph him with The Three Stooges day after day and have the nerve to call it by its original name! The entertainment value lies in the clown act that Locher produces; the police aspect of the strip has long since died.

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  2. 0ca0gnv65caws4te8cajv0y07caq1zgduca9f0krdcaxz3uedcaanhettcax2bi6vca1sojl9cajr2zskca5d1ksacar5id5xcaw6a8m1caydshrhcatu2fvtca9r623xcaf40u61ca73p070cab3ckxx
    EatDickTracySandwiches  over 16 years ago

    Ha, I really think the artist is enjoying drawing the dogs more than he enjoys drawing DT. Did the dogs get about 2x bigger in the last week? They are bigger than Shirl! Gotta love the “concerned” expression of the dog being tranquilized, and the fact the artist included “SOON” as the top AGAIN.

    Morrow, you are correct, this comic is enjoyable for a mockery of what is supposed to be a serious crime drama. Oh god, I hope no one is out there reading this thing and saying “I wish I could be a cool detective like DickTracy and carry around dog meat in my pockets, and be square and slow moving. Mmrrrghh!”

    Happy Sunday DickTracy, here are some pieces of dog meat for you on a sesame seed bun. Pass the ketchup!

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  3. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  over 16 years ago

    The Dogs are such killers that all they seem to be able to rip is clothing! Their teeth are so big how do they close their mouths?

    As for that second to last panel, Locher needed to put a thought bubble above the dog as he gets hit with the tranquilizer that says, “Uh oh!!”

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  4. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 16 years ago

    I just want to know, how do you blow a whistle and speak yards of dialouge at the same time?

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  5. Avatar 4101
    g6793  over 16 years ago

    LOL Yeah, Ludwig, you’re right! Acually, the dog looks a little bit like Scooby Doo’s really, really mean cousin (if he had one). Well, I wonder if they’ll wrap up the story or streeeeeetch it out some more (memories of the “Haunted Mansion” story come back, oh no!!) Guess we’ll find out!

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  6. 220px charles bowles aka black bart
    Steve Bartholomew  over 16 years ago

    I am the attorney for Mr Baskerville’s estate. You will be hearing from me, Tracy!

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  7. Frankenstein1
    Greypilgrim  over 16 years ago

    Many old strips are still going after their creator’s death. Tracy is the only strip that should’ve ended when Chester Gould passed on. The artwork sucks and the storylines(?) just don’t have the same feel that the old ones did. I only check it out once in a while. I can’t honestly bring myself to read it on a daily basis anymore. What a shame!

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  8. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  over 16 years ago

    Let’s see, Queenie was in mid-air for three weeks so this story could go on for a month…at least!!

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  9. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 16 years ago

    For all the decrying of the comic, you are still readers. It has ever been easy to poke holes in the stories, even from its inception.

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  10. Missing large
    neozno  over 16 years ago

    I’ve been a fan of bleeep Tracy comics since I was 6 years old and I cannot believe how vicious some of the comments directed towards Locher. It is totally uncall for and obviously those persons making such negative comments are very insecure individuals.

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  11. 0ca0gnv65caws4te8cajv0y07caq1zgduca9f0krdcaxz3uedcaanhettcax2bi6vca1sojl9cajr2zskca5d1ksacar5id5xcaw6a8m1caydshrhcatu2fvtca9r623xcaf40u61ca73p070cab3ckxx
    EatDickTracySandwiches  over 16 years ago

    Neozno: lighten up! I am very sure that Locher reads some of the smack written about him, and doesn’t care. Part of the fun and timelessness of the comic as it currently is drawn is that some people take it seriously and find it an interesting crime drama (people who love rectangles), and others find humor in something that is supposed to be serious but has tons of holes in the story and dirty whistles being passed around. I consider myself very secure, and I enjoy making a bad sandwich for a bad detective. Each to his own, right?

    Grok - spot on!

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  12. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 16 years ago

    I’ve been reading D i c k (can you believe they bleep that word?) Tracy off and on since my childhood almost 60 years ago, when I marveled at the bullets exiting from the back of villains’ heads whenever Tracy shot them. I watched the strip deteriorate as Chester Gould aged, and it came back somewhat after Locher and Collins took over and did away with the foolish Moonmaid storyline. But this horribly done sequence convinces me that it is time for Locher to hang it up, like T.K. Ryan recently did for Tumbleweeds. If the syndicate can find someone willing to continue the strip ala Prince Valiant, fine–tho I’d be afraid they’d just follow the cheaper course of rerunning strips from decades ago. It might be better to have D i c k (Tracy and/or Locher) retire to Florida and end the strip forever.

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