Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for September 17, 2008

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    Shall he use the pincers or the hands, Diet?

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  2. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  over 16 years ago

    Robo-Tracyā€™s head seems to have grown in the last day or so.


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  3. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 16 years ago

    I want to find out if it can do dishes, shirts, windows and floors. If it can cook and not complain, Iā€™m going to order one from Diet and my wifeā€™s outta here!

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  4. 0ca0gnv65caws4te8cajv0y07caq1zgduca9f0krdcaxz3uedcaanhettcax2bi6vca1sojl9cajr2zskca5d1ksacar5id5xcaw6a8m1caydshrhcatu2fvtca9r623xcaf40u61ca73p070cab3ckxx
    EatDickTracySandwiches  over 16 years ago

    ā€œSMUNKā€??!! Is that like a combination of smash and clunk? WTF?

    I think it is hilarious that Traze-Rā€™s own creator canā€™t tell it what to do. How did he even test it out? Also, Why is Diet still trying to drink more milk? I think Diet really created the robot so that Diet could lay around like a mope while someone else opens his cartons for him. Genius, nice. Why donā€™t you ask Tracy to ask Traze-R to go grab you a #2 at McDonaldā€™s when heā€™s done?

    Robo Dickā€™s head totally grew over the past day. Also, it now appears that he has fists. The creativity never endsā€¦Gad!!!

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  5. Bonecrusher main
    RichardT  over 16 years ago

    Actually DT, his name is Diet, and its really not appropriate to call him by your pet name for him during business hours.

    Instead of tailing a car, resisting bullets, etcā€¦, Diet shows off how trazr can punch holes in walls and open milk cartons. How excactly is this useful to the police? Trazr seems well equiped to prevent school yard bullying. Poor Diet must have been picked on at school for his large, constantly changing size, and inability to decide between sitting and standing. Those bullies always took his milk and drank it behind brick walls! You smunck Diet.

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  6. Large fdr
    bassmanbob  over 16 years ago

    We all know that Diet doesnā€™t drink skim milk.

    ā€œOkay Traze-R, bring the fat boy his carton of whole milkā€.

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  7. Avatar 4101
    g6793  over 16 years ago

    Hi Guys! Lots of good comments today! Grokenstein,EatDickTracySandwiches,Morrow,Richardā€¦thanks for the chuckles! BTW, I also think the robotā€™s head has grown. Maybe thatā€™s what happens after he gets activated. :)

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  8. Large fdr
    bassmanbob  over 16 years ago

    Hey g6793, after all weā€™ve been thru,,, Iā€™m heart broken to think I can no longer cause even a little chuckle for you. I must be losing my touch. I guess Iā€™ll just make way for the new guys.

    Goodbye cruel world, tossed aside like Dietā€™s last super sized meal.

    Maybe Dorothy & Toto will let me hang with them.(on second though, never mind)



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  9. Maxine
    Maxine_Viller  over 16 years ago

    Donā€™t fret, Bassman; you know we all still love ya!

    Has anybody else noticed that Diet never opens his mouth when he speaks anymore? I canā€™t find a single panel so far within this storyline indicating that Diet even has a mouth beneath his mustache; just lots of chin. He must take his milk intravenously. Ew.

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  10. Large fdr
    bassmanbob  over 16 years ago

    Thanks for the encourging words Maxine, I was beginning to feel like a fighter past his prime who was just smunked!. ā€œOh, the agony of de feet!ā€ (or de wheels)

    By the way, where did that brick wall come from? None of the previous strips showed anything like it. Looks like one of the walls from my old school.

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  11. Dick tracy   gould 1936 promo sketch
    jkersten  over 16 years ago

    Glad to hear you and your family were mostly spared from IKEā€™s devastation, Morrow. It ceases to amaze me how seemingly discriminate the forces of nature can be when such devastation ensues. Take it from Me and Toto, Morrow ā€“ weā€™ve similarly been spared! :)

    Iā€™ve really enjoyed reading the comical comments posted here over the past week or so! This forum seems so much more enjoyable to this reader than the old comicspage BB, for which I cannot readily explain. Thanks to each for your ā€œcolorfulā€ commentary ā€“ its nice to know when I awake each morning that Iā€™m guaranteed a good belly-laugh here, if nothing else!

    MPH and I will be joining DL and his family in Dubuque, IA this Friday evening at a reception in his honor at the local Museum of Art and I canā€™t wait to talk to him about TRAZE-R. Iā€™ll be sure to follow-up HERE with some of his (hopefully) enlightening comments on Saturday, folks.

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  12. Large fdr
    bassmanbob  over 16 years ago

    Dorothy, so good to hear from you. Thanks for dropping by the ā€˜hood once in a while. Please tell Toto we miss him tremendously! I think the answer to why your enjoying this forum more then the old bb is pretty apparent, at least to me. Could it have something to do with the ā€˜one & doneā€™ pattern here? You donā€™t have to deal with a million continuing topics at the same time. Anyway, have a great time at the reception. Donā€™t spill any soda on Dickā€™s head.

    Oh, please tell Toto not to embarrass us by licking Dickā€™s boots too much.



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  13. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 16 years ago

    No, Diet. Tracy would be better asking it to repair the wall. (Wonder if it speaks Spanish?)

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  14. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 16 years ago

    Donā€™t worry about teaching him to eat donuts. I think that goes with the territory.

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  15. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 16 years ago

    ā€œSmunkā€? That is the lamest sound effect Iā€™ve ever seen for smashing a brick wall. I would have expected a nice, sharp ā€œTHRAKK!ā€

    But, then, Robert Fripp seems to be the only one doing thrakk attacks these days.

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