Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for January 24, 2009

  1. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    I must say that I much admire todays strip. It has a proper balance between the dark and light areas. The writing is legible and and conveys something. My one critique would be that I feel there needs to be more characters shown. Perhaps some firemen mopping up the scene, local law enforcement personnel securing the scene, even a hazardous materials unit conducting tests. Even though his house is in shambles the Dr. at least appears to have cleaned up, but I believe he has suffered damage to his fingers and may be in shock, as he does not seem to notice. I particularly enjoy the trees in the second panel. I certainly hope there are no further explosions.

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  2. Missing large
    CyberV  about 16 years ago

    No serious scientist would EVER use unlabeled test tubes. Not that any test tubes should have survived the explosion. Not that the house wouldn’t be condemned after that explosion. Not that Noll should have been able to go there, as it should be an active crime scene. Not that Noll shouldn’t be in the hospital as a precautionary measure.

    Gee, a whole lot of “not” in the strip today. Maybe I should label it or something. Not that it matters…

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    That’s a nice thumb on Tess’ hand in panel one. I do hope that that nice Dr. Noll is careful when he goes in and out of his front door, the porch looks like it’s in danger of imminent collapse. I do wonder if the fire marshall inspected the premises and declared them safe for occupation again. That window needs to be replaced. Burglars are attracted by open windows, and might steal some of the good Dr.’s brilliant ideas! Oh, I’m getting the vapors just thinking about it.

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  4. Images
    JerryGorton  about 16 years ago

    everybody shift into neutral! This is a comic and authors do have some license with the truth and the good ones like this create with your imagination!!

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  5. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  about 16 years ago

    Gweedo, Reagan rides again!!!! But even Ronnie would label his test tubes and he had two working eyes. Locher continues his inconsistency with the drawing of Noll.

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  6. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    Let me tip toe quietly around today’s magnificent art presentation. Locher is a crafty writer. Now in respectful hushed tones ask. Has anyone noticed that that while Dick and Tess where out consoling Dr. Noll that Angelelinous had somehow vanished ? Why worry about exploding perfume or sheet bombers? Leave that to Cos Grove. Did the Tracy’s check their silver?

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  7. Palm
    SGIBeachbum  about 16 years ago

    Like many of you out there I have been around a long time. Yes, I read DT with my grandfather when Kennedy was President. I have been following this and other strips for years on GoComics (and UComics and all the other labels). The entertainment value of DT in the Locher era has been this comment board. I have anticipated the comments daily, just like I anticipated the daily newspaper as a kid. Occasionally I have dropped a remark or two, but mostly have just been a silent consumer. Now, this new twist has made me laugh out loud for a moment, but come on guys. Sarcasm has its value, but there is a limit. You gotta know when nuff’s enuff. (DL included) As a loyal supporter of the regulars, I beg you to get back to the good stuff.

    BTW, good call. He does looks like Reagan.

    Thanks everyone!

    Be Groovy

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  8. Palm
    SGIBeachbum  about 16 years ago

    I can’t help but ask. What happened to Tess and Popeye walking hand in hand back to the Tracy crib? They were strolling down the street and looked so cozy that I started to choke up and now, suddenly, they are back at the still changing house and Popeye is starting a new batch of Dick. Could that car in second panel be a cousin of Christine. That could explain so much. And I have to wonder what Bozo’s sister is doing while this little stroll is underway. I guess budget cuts prevented the HazMat team from showing up. Reaganomics again? Perhaps Tess’s thumb is growing to compensate for all stubby fingers of the past. Just a thought. And, yes, that is a nice drawing of DT in panel 1. Seriously. I do miss the hat though. Never forget, this is all in love.

    Peace Y’all

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  9. Trop light
    JonD17  about 16 years ago

    This page just leaves me ….uhh, speechless!

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  10. Large fdr
    bassmanbob  about 16 years ago

    Tess was more ticked off at Dick then she could remember. “How dare he question the good Dr. Noll”? her mind screamed. “And I’m sick and tired of the foul odor in the place”. Seeing Dick just standing there with that satisfied grin on his face was more than she could take. “Dr Noll is back in his lab, Dick.” She told him as she prepared to use her well drawn right hand to teach him a lesson. “He says he has everything under control”. Meanwhile, Dr. Liam C. Noll couldn’t decide which dressing to use on his salad which he found bland and boring without the added topping. He only enjoyed two different kind. One he liked to call freedom and the other bondage. “Now, which one is which”?


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  11. Raider lv
    Akenta  about 16 years ago

    The comments are the best part. I find out stuff I missed when I read the comic the first time. Have to scroll back up and check out.

    At least the smoke is gone from the house. We’ll get the recap explosion tomorrow and then probably a new one next week.

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  12. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    My computer on the night of the carpet bombing was down and I’ve just caught up with many of the posts and sure enough the alter ego is gone and JK IS back. What “jubilation” in the Praetorian Guard’s common room. “DICK LOCHER has BEEN SAVED”!! Don’t mind it’s at the expense of limiting freedom of speech. I can picture Tom J., Patrick H. and Chet Gould doing some laps around the Stature of Liberty. The unvarnished truth may be harder to come by, but morrow just don’t leave. Your departure will be just an undeserved victory for those that have only ONE mission. Protect DL at all costs and to shut up those that dare to protest.

    STAY! and tell us as you see it. Groc, had it right, - Free speech for ME, (but unless it’s praise) none for THEE ! In the meantime, the returning Prodigal, now fearful, has been reduced to “sighs

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  13. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 16 years ago

    Those must be *excellent” test tubes, to have survived a blast that took out not only the doors and windows, but even damaged a nearby car.

    They must have the constitution of Dr. Noll himself!

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  14. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member about 16 years ago

    I read comics on about four different websites and I enjoy the ones posted on goComics the best because of the comments. Usually you find a wide variety of comments on many topics. It’s really only here on DT that the comments are consistently negatively aimed at the artist. And we all have to admit that there are some comics out there MUCH worse than DT and artists much worse than Mr. Locher. It’s just gotten to be too much fun to bash Dick. (Uh, heh, sorry) Seriously, it’s a great crowd here, I love ya, but we do get carried away.

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  15. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    Judy, Taking your cue I called the Director of “Leafy Dale” to find out if “Blow Quick Moatie” had returned. He told me the same thing he told Tracy on 3-13-06. “No, he’s been missing for some time”. I guess that explains it all!

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  16. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    Dick Locher Is a lucky man. First, he was selected to take over the Art when Rick Fretcher died. By the time Max Collins was eased out of the Tracy job, saying he had been “betrayed” by people he trusted (and I haven’t the slightest idea who he was pointing out), Dick L. moved into the Senior position and in interviews even stated that he retained “Artistic Control”. So I guess we can hold him responsible for any facial changes of art goofs and “praise” him when it is deserved. Something I have done on occasion. Next, It was reported on the In ternet (December 2008) that he was “retired”. Fans, including many from this board wrote TMS to keep him and the strip on. Result Liam has the opportunity to carpet bomb these comments. Further,despite newspaper circulation falling from 350 to only 50 newspapers on his watch! He continues operating in the same contented style everyday. I guess those that used silver tongues have got the product and author they deserve. DL’S contract runs for another 2 years

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  17. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  about 16 years ago

    Sydney, you certainly live life on the edge. Gotta watch out for that next carpet bomb.


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  18. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    Mayhew P, said: “You dont have freedom of speech, Sydney. You don’t live in this country and even if you did … blam, pow, blam etc”( a little reminder on the Spanish sounds there). Yes MPH. Perhaps I’m a little naive, a little confused on why the Pilgrims migrated to America, I thought it was to escape Lack of tolerance,freedom of speech and freedom to worship (?)Are these only allowed in Government Prioperties in the good old USA? Help me! Is that the scope of the 1st Ammendment? What did Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry go to all thar trouble for? As an outsider I’m a bit confused as to what all those loffty and principled statements really mean? Do they all fall down depending on what part of the USA one stands? I’m a little edgy, I thought 1984 was just an anti-communist novel and that there was no “big brother” watching you off the lamp posts and through the television screens. Are some people MORE equal than others? I’m respecting Liam’s rulling although I didn’t interpret what he said to mean I could not criticize the work in the comic strips,(only, RESPECT the Author). It seems that TMS and GO Comics would welcome knowledgeable comment and are not likely to resent a touch of humor in the delivery (?) Any accountant will tell you to balance the ledger you can’t expect credits alone … look at the debits. They are sometimes more helpful.

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  19. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    Matthew Hansel says: You just don’t know when enough is enough, do you. MPH

    And who pray tell, are you to chastise us for our comments? You remind me of those from my childhood, who when others were having fun, would run to tell mommy or daddy or the teacher, that they were not playiing by your rules. Your sniveling is not appreciated by others here, and the fact that you sought to interject your desire to censor others because YOU did not like their comments is far more odious than anything that has been posted by others. There is simple solution to YOUR problem, STAY AWAY AND SHUT THE—UP. If someone puts forth a product for public consumption, then they should expect criticism of that product, whether fair or not. Usually, people use that criticism to better their product and not seek to muzzle the critics. Do us all a favor child, and run to mommy, just follow the apron strings, she’ll protect you from all the big, bad bullies that dare to voice their opinions. You are indeed keeping the intolerance and fear alive that the pilgrims brought with them to this shore, seeking to deny others that which you claim to be your right. Wake up and smell the perfume, we will state our opinions just to spite you.

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  20. Large fdr
    bassmanbob  about 16 years ago

    “You just don’t know when enough is enough, do you.” MPH

    When Lian says enough then it’s enough. You could learn from him.

    Have a wonderful day.


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  21. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  about 16 years ago

    If our alleged destructive comments are so bad, Gocomics could always disable the comments section and let people mutter to themselves how silly things get within the strip or how poorly drawn something may be.

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  22. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    Anthony 2816 must be into Chemistry. In the effort to develop a new perfume (or was it a bomb?) Dr.Noll’s formula produced hardened glass on those test tubes (trust ‘bee in the bonnet’ DL for these innovations - like “robots”), now, a replica of the material that Wonder Woman’s ‘plane is made from. Nice material for the next generation of US Fighter Jets! Heck! And remember, DL was a Test Pilot defore becoming a cartoonist.

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  23. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  about 16 years ago

    Ok Liam. You’re going to let Matty boy insult US but we need to keep our comments respectful. I’m sensing a double standard here.

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  24. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  about 16 years ago

    That is TOTALLY and COMPLETELY uncalled for, LudwigVonDrake. You are WAAAAAAAAY out of line.


    And…? So when the name calling goes the other way YOU cry foul? Oh Puh-leeze!! No one here except maybe your pal, Jeff, has any sympathy for you.

    I know your “plan” is to get everyone riled and start the insults so they’ll shut down the comment section so no one ever again can say negative things about your beloved Dick Locher.

    To quote one of your lines from the old Comicspage message board: “BE GONE!”

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  25. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  about 16 years ago

    Watch out! Matty is standing his ground! You Go Girl!

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  26. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    Matthew Hansel says: I DO NOT appreciate the pot shots taken at Dick Locher and the strip each and every day by a handful of basement dwelling, mouth breathing, emotionally stunted individuals. I will call out these individuals each time I see them rear their acne-covered heads. You are out of line with this comment. You owe an apology to those who have posted here. You decry the name calling and general nastiness of comments, yet willfully attack others with the same tactics and a broad brush (many of which have never attacked you)you bemoan. Have the courage of your alleged convictions and set the tone for others to follow. If you fail to do so, then you are the problem and not someone who seeks to rectify the situation.

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  27. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  about 16 years ago

    Besides your Idol, you’re the ONLY ONE I’ve insulted and it was ONLY AFTER YOU INSULTED ME AND MY FELLOW POSTERS.

    Uh oh, here it comes…BE GONE!!

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  28. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  about 16 years ago

    I’m done with you for this evening.

    BE GONE!

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  29. Bp 1276417405712
    fishbulb  about 16 years ago

    Today’s board resembles some sort of radio call in show with a host who insults his callers and hangs up on them.

    Again–I fail to see the logic in coming to a website everyday to mock something that you profess to hate/dislike. Is you life that sad and empty that you need to come here each day to justify your very existence and look cool for a less-than-handful group of people?

    THAT is a sad, sad existence.

    Uh, Matt, YOU have posted 18 times today, I believe. You seem to be the one with time on your hands.

    Judyhansel, please tell us what other boards this little bundle of joy has wrecked.

    I am 53 years old. I watched the UPA cartoons. I have a Dick Tracy Soaky. I read Tracy in my local paper (no longer carried) during the Mooon People era and loved it. I do love the Dick Tracy strip.

    I hope I am allowed to ask the following questions without fear of being chastened by this group’s self appointed nanny.

    Who the heck is the villain?

    Where is this story going?

    Wouldn’t the feds want to be informed right away, especially in this day and age of any explosion? Wouldn’t this lead them to Dr. Noll?

    Why would Tess want to be rich? Didn’t she give away an inheritance some time ago?

    Since when can people just walk off the street and into Tracy’s house? Remember the arsonist who died INSIDE the Tracy home when he could not get out of the front door because all of the doors in the house had double key locks?

    What happened to the woman the Tracy’s left in their house?

    This is not insulting to Mr. Locher. If he is going to write/draw a strip, it should make some sort of sense.

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  30. Trop light
    JonD17  about 16 years ago

    Matthew, I offer the following link for your benefit, along with a 55 gallon drum of Prozac.


    I think the Prozac would work best if you took them all at once…. Seriously man, YOU NEED HELP.

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  31. Palm
    SGIBeachbum  about 16 years ago

    Wow! I just stopped in to see what might be new on the board and there are 61 comments and “now were going to have to kill you”?!?! I can’t hang with this. I’ll be back when/if the storm has passed.

    As has been suggested I must BE GONE.

    Peace Y’all.

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  32. Bp 1276417405712
    fishbulb  about 16 years ago

    Of the current 65 comments on the board, 21, almost one third, belong to MPH. Someone’s a little obsessed. “Suspense’ is hardly the word to describe the current continuity. And throwing a word at me with a sneering retort did not answer even one of the questions I asked. Never mind. I’m going to bed. Maybe I’ll drag out my old Blackthornes and reread the King of Crime/Mister Alpha story.


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