Don’t give in, Brewster! Protect all that’s holy! Maintain the standards of civilization!
(I remember my first TV remote, in the 70s. It was sonic, not infrared, so channel-surfing sounded like CHUNG!! CHUNG!! CHUNG!! I also remember when my mother did all our laundry by hand on a scrub-board. Believe me, machines are better. Tarnation, I’ll bet you young whippersnappers don’t even know what a scrub-board looks like, by cracky!)
margueritem almost 16 years ago
Back to the stone age for the crew of the R. U. Sirius.
BillTidler almost 16 years ago
I do my laundry that way all the time.
hcaulfield almost 16 years ago
practice throwing pebbles at the controls on the tv
ejcapulet almost 16 years ago
I’m not sure if that’s funny. Over here, MOST people do their laundry by hand.
wicky almost 16 years ago
I don’t expect that he thinks she knows anything about laundry.
WillardMBaker almost 16 years ago
I remember when TV was black and white and no remote. The first remotes were wired and you couldn’t lose them.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 16 years ago
This is my first venture over here. Are they all this funny?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 16 years ago
pibfan868 almost 16 years ago
Oh Brewster, how the heck do you remain so fit looking—you do as little as possible, always!
wndrwrthg almost 16 years ago
When I was a child (in days of yore) my dad had a wireless remote control, me.
Benedick almost 16 years ago
Love Brewster’s face in the first panel.
pschearer Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Don’t give in, Brewster! Protect all that’s holy! Maintain the standards of civilization!
(I remember my first TV remote, in the 70s. It was sonic, not infrared, so channel-surfing sounded like CHUNG!! CHUNG!! CHUNG!! I also remember when my mother did all our laundry by hand on a scrub-board. Believe me, machines are better. Tarnation, I’ll bet you young whippersnappers don’t even know what a scrub-board looks like, by cracky!)
farren almost 16 years ago
It wasn’t the scrub boards that got to me, it was the wringer. One of my uncles had the wringer strip the flesh from his left arm, poor guy.
ejcapulet: Where’s “over here”?
ChiehHsia almost 16 years ago
Laundry? What is this, “laundry”? And what does one do to it? Why? Are you people still using television? We thought you’d be up to holovision by now.
ChiehHsia almost 16 years ago
and when did I become a “pro”??? I didn’t apply for it! I’m scared now!
RogOregon almost 16 years ago
It says we are all “Pro” now, but if you try something like looking at comics more than a month old, it knows that you aren’t really “Pro”.
risitas almost 16 years ago
Wow! Next, let’s try sweeping the floors with a broom, instead of using a ‘bot.
Rakkav almost 16 years ago
Hey, Brewster…can you say “spare”? :)
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 6 years ago
I bought my first TV in 1981. Also first I dealt with with remote control.
Much fun.
SamuelMeasa over 3 years ago
these days we just use our smart phones as a TV. Also sometimes new TV’s have basic buttons or no buttons relying entirely on the remote.