So, it’s possible to start a scooter without the key? Interesting.My dad’s old trail bike would kickstart (not “jump” start — that’s what you do when the battery’s dead), but you still needed the key.
Continuity error. Yesterday the cop was to Winslow’s left, and there was an electrical pole to his right (that the bike was chained to). Today the cop is to Winslow’s right and there is no pole in sight.
McGehee over 13 years ago
So, it’s possible to start a scooter without the key? Interesting.My dad’s old trail bike would kickstart (not “jump” start — that’s what you do when the battery’s dead), but you still needed the key.
LucasFoxx over 13 years ago
Don’t believe anything Stantis writes.
Dirty Dragon over 13 years ago
A victim of profiling. Every cop that ever watched Looney Tunes knows the coyote is a bad guy.
KPOM over 13 years ago
Continuity error. Yesterday the cop was to Winslow’s left, and there was an electrical pole to his right (that the bike was chained to). Today the cop is to Winslow’s right and there is no pole in sight.
KPOM over 13 years ago
I think the cop was asking Winslow for his dog license.
-HARLAN over 13 years ago
Per the Prickly City strip in my local newspaper, the strip (Scott Stantis) is on vacation. These are Golden Oldies this week.