Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for June 17, 2011
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Hollingsworth Hound in "Brave New Third World" Hound: Get some of my congressmen in here for a report! POW Aide: Sir. Each citizen only has ONE representative in the house... HOUND CO. INC. Hound: Idiot, I'm not speaking as a constituent! I'm speaking as a PURCHASER! Man: Mr. Hound, corporate profits are healthy, but alarming unemployment is persistent. Man: Tax cuts for the rich and expensive wars of choice have put the U.S. on the verge of DEFAULT! Man: Sir, you're crying. Hound: Gentlemen, let me tell you a little story... When I was a lad, I was taken to the tiny nation of Thirdworldenia. Father: Son, in this country, all wealth and power reside in a permanent aristocracy. Father: A middle class, education, infrastructure, social safety nets, science...all practically NONEXISTENT! Father: Therefore, there is no class mobility! Hound: Papa, it's a UTOPIA! Why can't the U.S.A. be like this?! Father: Son, it CAN be! It will be up to YOU! Hound: Stay the course, men! Papa, we're almost there. The End.
Charles Brobst Premium Member over 13 years ago
And THAT is the honest truth of what the rich are trying to do to the USA.
3hourtour Premium Member over 13 years ago
..Americans are just lazy..why,they wonât even try to get a job unless it pays more than $7.00 and hourâŠ
Leshka over 13 years ago
Thatâs because you can at least look for a higher paying job when youâre on unemployment. If you have a full time job that pays almost nothing, you get stuck in it very quickly.
RunninOnEmpty over 13 years ago
Maybe if we pass an amendment to allow noble titles in the US the upper class will be less cruel â but probably not.
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
There is so much politically, economically, and historically wrong with this strip there is no point in commenting further.
steverinoCT over 13 years ago
Yes⊠all wrong: dogs canât talk!
DougDean over 13 years ago
Ruben, Ruben, Ruben, you have been smoking way too much weed.
ladywyntre over 13 years ago
I donât think this is accurate. I think, rather, that the âcorporate classesâ in the USA are completely indifferent to the plight of all others. We flatter ourselves if we imagine that they give us a thoughtâwell, more of a thought than to throw some money to fund a populist movement (the Tea Party) and pretend itâs grassroots. But even that is primarily to get us off their backs, not because of any innate hatred or desire to see us fail but simply because our success would be an impediment to their profit-worship.
Malcolm Hall over 13 years ago
mandrak3 over 13 years ago
Haha, I donât think the structure of the USA could be modified to a third world nation status. Then again, I do think the âcorporate classâ and republicans are attempting their best.
One true thing is that the situation in my country would be Mr. Houndâs paradise, we have close to no science development, education and healthcare are free and universal, but those taxes are paid by the middle class, the rich here are among the richest in the world and at least 40 percent of the population lives with less than a dollar a day. By the way it is one of the countries that purchases the most luxury goods in the world.
Politicans can be bribed for very reasonable rates, and they will simultaneously âpurchaseâ the vote of the empoverished starving population by giving out extremely cheap meals, so that the vote of the shrinking educated middle class never counts enough to change things.
Oh and @Cessna172 : we DO have guns coming out of our ears.
Tommy1733 over 13 years ago
I think that fundamentally Wyntre (above) is correct in that the wealthy class cares not a whit about the rest of us. In many ways our society is beginning to resemble 18th century France, shortly before the Revolution. But we have a much more solid foundation than they did and I believe with a lot of effort we can maintain a decent standard of living and justice for a long time forward. However, we cannot let any Michelle Bachmans into high office, and if you agree with that statement then you must be aware that Obama, as obviously excellent as he is, will be highly vulnerable in 2012. We cannot stop fighting for what is right.
SVeidt over 13 years ago
Why are you so upset about unemployment right now, Ruben Bolling? Just about every strip for months has addressed the topic. What the hell?
number9dream over 13 years ago
His father looks like Richard Wagner.
vhammon over 13 years ago
WE the people gave away our power to create new money to the private financial sector. A fractional reserve privately owned monetary system gives an elite few the power to determine where investment goes and who benefits. A fractional money system is designed to shift wealth from those who produce to those who have the power to create new money. The system requires continuous exponential growth, which leads inevitably to booms and busts, and those with financial privilege are in the best position to profitâ-every time.The idea that anyone with wealth works hard for it and deserves to keep their earnings, and keep âgovernmentâ out of their game, is a useful myth to keep the system in place.
jpozenel over 13 years ago
What a heart-warming story!
micromove over 13 years ago
Lucky Ducky is there! Look very closely in the 9th panel, 4th figure from the right. Go Ruben!!!! Awesome!!!
TeeDub5921 over 13 years ago
What pschearer meant to say was the following: âThis cartoon makes me uncomfortable, but I am too lazy to try to find facts to bolster my position.â
templemathews over 13 years ago
Brilliant. You would have to be a moron not to know how the wealthy in the us are just getting richer.
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
Eryx, you make the mistake of assuming a 40-hour work week. Why, if theyâre willing to work 80 hours, they can DOUBLE thatâŠ
(Of course, youâre ALSO assuming that sick time and holidays would be paid, but thereâs no harm in dreamingâŠ)
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
Even better, they can work midnight to midnight Monday through Friday, and theyâll have the whole weekend to themselves.Oh, the luxury of it allâŠ
mdmjd over 13 years ago
You nailed the creepy Authoritarian Leader personality. Also called Social Dominators, theyâre the driving force behind all kinds of oppressive authoritarian governments. Social Dominators love to make others suffer because it feeds their delusions of vast superiority and monopoly entitlement. To achieve their dystopias Authoritarian Leaders get plenty of help from a second personality type, Authoritarian Followers, fear and hate driven boobs who buy into Social Dominator propaganda and slavishly obey them, aggressively suppressing anyone who dissents and persecuting members of designated foreign and minority groups like gays and Hispanics. The Authoritarian Leader-Follower relationship is forged in hate for others. Authoritarian Leaders and Followers are the reason there is so much hate and hate-related violence in the world. They destroy democracies from within and replace them with oligarchic authoritarian regimes. Authoritarian Leaders running amuck in the USAâs business community have completely taken over the Republican Party and crippled the Democratic Partyâs ability to help its middle class and poor constituents. Their corruption of corporations and government at all levels is our countryâs number one problem.
mdmjd over 13 years ago
Have you ever considered taking a test to see if you"re an Authoritarian Follower? It canât hurt and it could certainly help.
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
Howâs this, hogenmogen?
Lucky Ducky: âIâm sure glad I donât live in Thirdworldenia anymore!âHollingsworth Hond: âCurse you, Lucky Ducky!â
MisngNOLA over 13 years ago
See, the problem here is that what in the cartoon is partially true, but also an exaggeration. And most folks canât see issues in anything other than black and white. Itâs either A or B, and thereâs no sense arguing with people who donât see the shades of grey in nearly every major issue upon which political parties base their rhetoric. Many educated people just wind up ignoring the process and work around and through the system without attempting to change it, while the hard core left and right wingers gather all the publicity and continue to erode your freedoms from both the liberal and conservative points of view. If you believe the Democrats are any more friendly to your personal rights than the Republicans are, you canât be looking at things with both eyes open. There still ARE things you can do to change this process, one of which is to ALWAYS vote for the least funded candidate, and never vote to re-elect an incumbent. One of the biggest problems with Congress in my humble opinion, is the gaggle of lifetime Representatives and Senators who work the Congressional system of seniority to prevent free and independent thinkers from ever making any headway in presenting and passing intelligent, moderate, cooperative legislation. Each party is interested only in either acquiring or retaining power, and thus plays not to the masses, but to the deep pockets on the fringes.
BrianCrook over 13 years ago
Nola, did you vote against Bush-Dick in 2008? Do you vote against your incumbent senators & representative every two years? Do you vote against your incumbent mayor & governor every election?
h_lance over 13 years ago
pshearer said -
There is so much politically, economically, and historically wrong with this strip there is no point in commenting further.
Translation â âOh my god, Ruben Bolling is onto meâ.
Doug Dean said -
Ruben, Ruben, Ruben, you have been smoking way too much weed.
Translation â âDuuhhhhhâŠ.but Fox News told me that âthe minoritiesâ are causing all my problemsâ.
kylegann over 13 years ago
Youâve certainly captured how the actions of the rich look to the rest of us. I wonder if the rich would recognize themselves here.