girl: Elliot is back from the emergency room! How was it? boy: Painful. Terrible. Never get stitches if you can help it. Not during daytime, anyway. Frazz: "The Price is Right" was on in the waiting room.
Not once, but on two different occasions, I had to sit in a waiting room with a TV tuned to “Fear Factor”. (They have since removed the TV, gods be praised.)
childe_of_pan almost 8 years ago
Not once, but on two different occasions, I had to sit in a waiting room with a TV tuned to “Fear Factor”. (They have since removed the TV, gods be praised.)
DKHenderson 3 months ago
I was in a waiting room where they were playing “The Kardashians.” I asked if I could change the channel before my IQ dropped any farther.
DevilDog2001 Premium Member 2 months ago
I used to watch The Price is Right with my maternal grandmother, rest her soul. We enjoyed it.