Frazz: Ready for school? Girl: Am I ever? Last night mom & dad took me to some classic rock show. Frazz: That would put any ponderousness into perspective. Girl: Parents' music does for the first day of school what church does for Mondays.
Cajtri87 over 13 years ago
I agree that music is great..gotta love the message in it. Hard to see how an Atheist actually enjoys it since the words mean nothing to him
Olddog1 over 13 years ago
Well, Lee-Anne, he said the music is good. I happen to agree with R S R on both counts. It was Gospel that helped give birth to rock and Roll.
Christopher Shea over 13 years ago
You can also enjoy Bob Marley without being Rasta, Carole King without being female, and Public Enemy without being black.
Davepostmp over 13 years ago
America’s first album is one of my favorites – beautifully recorded, great vocals and harmonies – but most of the lyrics are terrible. Who cares?
steelersneo over 13 years ago
That’s ok, God doesn’t believe in you either.
jbarnes over 13 years ago
Bear in mind, a classic rock show performed by the original artists has some pretty old artists. It doesn’t look the same as it did when the same artist was 20 or 30.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 13 years ago
Blues had a baby and they called it “Rock & Roll”……
iFerrarifan over 13 years ago
I would probably enjoy the show.
lmchildress over 13 years ago
But the images are great! Newspaper taxis appear on the shore, waiting to take you away…..
childe_of_pan almost 8 years ago
My daughters, both 17, like a lot of my music, and vice versa. Hey, they like my Celt-rock band! I have never been judgmental about what they listen to (“You call that garbage music? Why back in my day…” You know the riff.) If I don’t like it, I can tell them why, usually having to do with production values making it all sound the same.