Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for August 25, 2011

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    DonVanni  over 13 years ago

    Goats are O.K. as any Cubs fan now knows to his or her bitter regret.

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    duggersd Premium Member over 13 years ago

    When a good hitter is being intentionally walked, I would just once like to see him swing at ball four a couple of times to make the pitcher pitch a couple more pitches outside. I believe that can mess up a pitcher for the next batter.

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    nmcconnell  over 13 years ago

    I think the dumbest unwritten rule is that the strike zone should vary according to whom the umpire is.

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    loner34  over 13 years ago

    Dumbest has to be that a pitcher has to throw at an opposing batter after a home run.

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    cartwrights  over 13 years ago

    “Don’t bunt
” Yeah, like an Angel did a few weeks ago to break up Verlander’s no-hitter against them. In the 8th inning. Bush league.

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    The_Ol_Goaler  over 13 years ago

    “Don’t steal a base when you’re up by ‘X’ runs”; how do you know the opposition won’t make a comeback?

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    coloradorunner60  over 13 years ago

    Managers and coaches wearing baseball uniforms. Can you imagine what basketball and football coaches would look like if they wore uniforms? Connie Mack had it right.

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    cottonmit  over 13 years ago

    Why does a team whine about the other team stealing their signs?

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    porter53  over 13 years ago

    “Don’t step on the chalk lines. Ichiro should do it and show American’s he’s boss.” ha ha

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    gofinsc  over 13 years ago

    But it is okay to have horses’ asses in the dugout.

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    DavidGBA  over 13 years ago

    Probably, the lines used to be quick lime to kill the grass under them. Nasty stuff. Well, they look like quick lime, which was a familiar chemical in the out-house era.

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    jerseyinsd  over 13 years ago

    Teammates: don’t talk to your pitcher during his no-hitter. Announcers: don’t mention the pitcher has a no-hitter [although that seems to be going by the wayside. they’re now saying “he’s retired 17 in a row”, etc.]

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    smoore47  over 13 years ago

    Stealing when you have an insurmountable lead. Swinging on a three 0 pitch also when you have a big lead. Peeking back at the catcher just before the pitch to get the sign.

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    jeffmillar  over 13 years ago

    thanks to all who commented. we’ll probably use them in a couple of weeks.

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    kenlit  over 13 years ago

    The dumbest unwritten rule in baseball is that you must learn how to spit.

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