Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 01, 2011

  1. Image002
    hsawlrae  over 13 years ago

    If cutting off one leg doesn’t cause healing, cut off the other one.

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  2. Tornado
    revtry  over 13 years ago

    Evelotionists have been taking the same aproach for decades.

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  3. Dscn1232
    palos  over 13 years ago

    The trickle down economists may make their case if the abyss ultimately fills up with the first believers (or the uninformed).

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  4. Ahm8 perceptor
    perceptor3  over 13 years ago

    Remind you of any politicians?

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  5. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  over 13 years ago

    he’s playing the game my nephew and i invented with his stuffed penguin on the top of the stairs. we called it, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!”

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  6. 654px red eyed tree frog   litoria chloris edit1
    Superfrog  over 13 years ago

    Not sure if they need more leverage, negative gearing or bridging finance.

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  7. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago

    What goes up, must come crashing down.

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    spamster  over 13 years ago

    I don’t blame the economist, I blame the people who continue to believe him.

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  9. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  over 13 years ago

    Obviously this is the federal government at work.

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    Varnes  over 13 years ago

    More like economissed…..

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    finkd  over 13 years ago
    He wouldn’t be saying that if he were on the other end of the equation.
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  12. Green sea turtle
    Siscosdad  over 13 years ago

    Wiley gets smarter and smarter…….while the rest of us get dumber and dumber……..

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  13. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Ah, the guy who invented fiat money.

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  14.  dsc0425
    zonkerpirate  over 13 years ago

    insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

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    dcoolmail65  over 13 years ago

    Eventually they will be able to walk across on the backs of those they have thrown down the hole.

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  16. Txflag avi
    TxSon  over 13 years ago

    Kaynesian theory. The new definition of insanity.

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  17. Rothbard thumb
    lsherris  over 13 years ago

    Well, Keynesian economist; Austrian economists actually do understand the way the world works.

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  18. Beaufaceshot
    js305  over 13 years ago

    Notice that the ones who develop the ideas never try them first hand? Example: public healthcare plan vs congressional health care

    We do need our senate and house member healthy so they can take care of the rest of us. (Look up the word “service” and how many different meanings there are for same to get the full impact here)

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  19. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 13 years ago

    WILEY Yesterday you pointed out grade school civics that the President does not pass bills, Congress does.BUTThe president uses his political capital to lobby, promise, threaten, plead, or railroad a bill he does or does not like’ Losing, this the bill is presented to his desk. He may sign, veto, or pocket veto it. By not vetoing a bill, he uses a double negative to pass it. Therefore, it is his bill.When the extension for the liberal hated Bush tax reduction for the rich (3% tax break for ALL taxpayers) came to a certain Democratic President from a Democratic House and Senate, he did not veto it. It is now the Obama liberal hated tax reduction. Sorry, the President has the last word. Yeah, I know, a new House the people of our wonderful Republic elected would have overturned his veto any ruined any credabilty he had as a leader, but if he had really been oposed, he would have vetoed it.Sign, veto, or pocket. The veto is a mighty sword.

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  20. Img 0011b
    cptvdo1  over 13 years ago


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    freeholder1  over 13 years ago

    Welcome to Lew world. Live off your Post office/government pension and health care system and then take shots at the federal government that gave it to you. Now we know that “going postal” can happen even in postal retirement. ;-)

    And. Lew, if they can overturn a veto, then the Prez hardly has the last word. Like the QB on the team, he gets too much praise when they win and too much guff when they lose.

    As for the deficit debacle, you can blame your Tea Poohers for that. But then when you elect anarchist, atheists who hate the system to run the system, you can only expect them the CRASH the system first chance they get. Ayn Rand would be so proud. I’m certain she’s smiling in Hell right now.

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  22. V  9
    freeholder1  over 13 years ago

    And if you think Wiley is wrong on this, look up the Black-Scholes economic theory and see how they follow it doggedly even though it has failed in practice several times for the last twenty years or so, including this last time when it finally crashed the system almost completely.

    You been reading Mike Lewis, Wiley or just paying attention?

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  23. Photolilpeli
    kpduty  over 13 years ago

    Where’s the first engineer when you need her? She’d know how to build a bridge.

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  24. Frog
    momazilla  over 13 years ago

    kp: most early inventions were by women, Men stole them and got the credit.

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  25. Nmhornedtoad2
    wwh85cp  over 13 years ago

    The theory needs one minor improvement – let’s leave the economist on the side NEAREST the chasm and jump on the far end. If he clears the chasm, he’s over there, can’t get back, and everyone else just walks away. If he doesn’t, well that’s a win of another kind!

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  26. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    That’s GOT to be John Maynard Keynes’ great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great granddaddy.

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  27. V  9
    freeholder1  over 13 years ago

    “Panic: the Story of Modern Financial Insanity” Edited by Michael Lewis. Lots of articles by others, but his intro is about the best of the bunch. Nice to know you’ve been paying attention, Wiley.

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  28. V  9
    freeholder1  over 13 years ago

    Evolutionists and Bible thumpers do both tend to take the same course, so you guys are right. Religions are like that.

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  29. Thinker1
    Fan o’ Lio.  over 13 years ago

    I hate it when the comments all turn political – that’s what the political cartoons are for.

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  30. Hawaii5 0girl
    treered  over 13 years ago

    TTTHHHRRRUUUSSSTTT! (or a canon)…

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    kevkirkpatrick  over 13 years ago

    The word Economist should be replaced with the word Evolutionist.

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  32. Hawaii5 0girl
    treered  over 13 years ago

    so, lewreader is an economist? lol!

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  33. Tt2
    TheSpanishInquisition  over 13 years ago
    It’s not “trickle-down”, more like “plummet-down”.
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    jkhandy  over 13 years ago

    Economists, why does anyone listen to them? They talk in circles. You want to fix the American economy? Get rid of all the Wal-marts for starters. Two new ships have been built for them, which are the largest cargo ships in the world. These ships sail to the US from China, packed, but sail back to China empty. Now it doesn’t take an economist or a rocket scientist to figure out that this practice will collapse the American economy. And if you shop at Wal-mart, you are part of the problem, not the solution.

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  35. Blackbird
    baileydean  over 13 years ago

    I’ll just sit back and ruminate on the words of a wise old cat named Mr. Jinx who said (paraphrased) “I hate Von Mises to pieces!!”

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  36. Lonelemming
    Ernest Lemmingway  over 13 years ago

    You’re forgetting the “Reagonomics” of the ’80s. It worked for a little while, but then the bubble burst and we had a recession at the end of that decade. Things picked back up in the ’90s, then burst again at the end of the century. They picked back up again during the first years of the new millennium, then the bubble burst AGAIN! “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” And so far America is getting a big, fat “F” in history.

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  37. Hawaii5 0girl
    treered  over 13 years ago

    Randy Cunningham is a Vietnam Vet too…

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    NightOwl19  over 13 years ago

    Interesting; I thought the strip was a general commentary on how adhering to an economic model without considering that there may be other important factors not accounted for by the model can lead to very silly (and painful) consequences. I didn’t read political partisanship into it, and ended up enjoying it quite a lot!

    Lots of opinions today – I can’t help but to think that most of the issues we face in society are actually quite complex and not always easy to solve, and that if half the country does not listen to the concerns of the other half (it goes both ways, and there are valid points on both sides), then a stalemate occurs and the problem does not get solved. While greed and ignorance might infiltrate all aspects of society, so do compassion, insight, and honesty, so it is important to look for those qualities in people who come from very different backgrounds and have very different perspectives. Have a good day, everyone!

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  39. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  over 13 years ago

    “Economists have correctly predicted nine of the last five recessions.” — Paul Samuelson, economist.


    “Economics is the only field in which two people can get a Nobel Prize for saying exactly the opposite things.”


    “An economist is someone who sees something working in practice and asks whether it would work in principle.” Stephen M. Goldfeld, The Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, November, 1984, p. 611.

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    chassimmons Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Joan Robinson (an economist): “The reason to study economics is so you can’t be lied to by economists.”

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  41. Blackbird
    baileydean  over 13 years ago


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  42. Blackbird
    baileydean  over 13 years ago

    Our doom is our own to choose, or to avoid.

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    AltrinchamMike  over 13 years ago

    whatever goes up, has to come down. that is why its called gravity.

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    bagbalm  over 13 years ago

    That’s two – time for QE3

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  45. Green sea turtle
    Siscosdad  over 13 years ago

    In theory, practice and theory are the same. But not in practice….

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