Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for September 27, 2011
Man on phone: They gave or CEO a million-dollar bonus and then laid me off. Adam: How can a bankrupt company pay executive bonuses? Man on phone: That's what I asked. And then they canned me. They run the company into the ground and then celebrate with cash for themselves. Adam: How do these people get these jobs? Man on phone: They start by meeting the devil down in Georgia without a fiddle.
linwoodbragg over 13 years ago
Ah, a good ole charlie daniels reference
slug_queen over 13 years ago
Adam, people all over the country have been asking those questions. And we’re not getting real answers either.
psychlady over 13 years ago
cdward over 13 years ago
This would be a good law – if your company goes bankrupt, no bonuses or severance packages to execs. Or at least none larger than for the lowest paid employee.
x_Tech over 13 years ago
♫♪ Went down the crossroads/Tried to flag a ride … ♫♪
Libertarian1 over 13 years ago
There are baseball players on last place teams earning $10-$15 million/year. Should they give their salary back?
Olddog1 over 13 years ago
Yes, at least a large part of it.
cactuslady100 Premium Member over 13 years ago
Is this what you call robbing from the poor to feed the rich??
Libertarian1 over 13 years ago
@ linwoodbragg In basketball where they earn even more, as many as half of the teams are losing money. Hence the strike/lockout.
Sharon_ski over 13 years ago
In baseball cities where teams do well and make money give a percentage of their money to those teams that don’t break even.
linwoodbragg over 13 years ago
All Major League Baseball teams make money. All of them. They may not make it on salaries to ticket sales but between TV rights, revenue sharing, merchandise, concessions and all sorts of things they don’t report to the public (they don;t have to) they make a profit.
Libertarian1 over 13 years ago
@ linwoodbragg In basketball? Why do you think there is a strike going on right now and the entire season may be lost? The players are asking for less money than the previous contract because they believe that many teams are losing money. They actually saw the books.
Libertarian1 over 13 years ago
30 players earn>$12.5M/year Kobe makes >$25M/year Lakers payroll $93M.
Many NBA and NHL teams are losing money. MLB and NFL do well. In 2011 Dallas won the championship. Should Kobe return his $25M?linwoodbragg over 13 years ago
Got it. You’re right the lakers are high but the average of the league ($55 mil or so) would put them as a small market MLB team. NHL definitely has issues in southern towns and nontraditional markets like Nashville.
pam Miner over 13 years ago
I think It’s like this. If CEO gets $300.00 a week, worker gets $1.00 – Worker gets $100.00 a week CEO gets $3,000.00 Worker gets $100.00 a week, – CEO gets $30,000.00 I could be wrong but CEO’s get about 300 times what the workers get. Anymore, the shareholders, who own the company, can loose big time but the CEO still gets paid.
ghbyrd Premium Member over 13 years ago
Oh, WOW! Refer to King Of Id this date 9-27-2001!