Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 11, 2011

  1. Hatcat
    wiselad  over 13 years ago

    so now we learn what was her mom’s job

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  2. Cat yin yang
    fr8-cat  over 13 years ago

    Minor nit-pick: In diplomacy, translators work only with written material. Interpreters are the ones who interpret spoken words in real time. Not saying she wasn’t a translator, but there’s more call for interpreters in embassies since they can usually fill both roles.

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    ComicLaff  over 13 years ago

    Now we’re getting somewhere.

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    4shadow  over 13 years ago

    He’s not stuttering or saying “ummm”… this is good.

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  5. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  over 13 years ago

    LOL about the last one… but it’s “Porgy” – unless you think Gunther’s fat?

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  6. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 13 years ago

    This is sweet stuff. Backstory plus pair-bonding. Rosa is really smoothing the way for Gunther and getting him to relax and open up a bit.

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    ZacBSM  over 13 years ago

    So now we know about them a little better. That’s nice.

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  8. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 13 years ago

    Now we see where Gunther has come from. He lost his dad at an early age and did not have a male figure in the household. Also, because of this, his mother had to go to work and probably didn’t make much money. To save on expenses, she probably made Gunther’s clothes and that is where he gets his interest and talent for sewing. He probably has never been fishing or hunting. The types of activities that bond fathers and sons. ///// Meanwhile, Rosa has lived in several foreign countries and learned their languages and customs. She has a sweet and gentle disposition. However, I know from personal experience, that you don’t want to get a Hispanic woman angry. LOL They will turn on you and make you feel like you are in the midst of the fires of HELL! //// I’d like to add one other thing. Even though her father has that important job as a diplomat. He still took time to come to the beauty pageant and supported his daughter.

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    JerryTheK  over 13 years ago

    Grew up in France / Italy & Mexico only 16. So add the United States.

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  10. Th  chihuahua avatar
    barbarasbrute  over 13 years ago

    Love your spelling. Or is it just your pronunciation?

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    thewoodman1  over 13 years ago

    all this for a comic?

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    jenbrown1017  over 13 years ago

    who the hell are Solomon and Gomorrah????

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    Calvin+Hobbs  over 13 years ago

    I agree with the woodman, people this is a comic, not real life! Go with it, enjoy it, and get a life yourselves!

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  14. Cm1
    Mordock999  over 13 years ago

    “HOW”? — Said Mordock putting down his coffee mug.

    “How, Rosa, are YOU and Gunther ALIKE??”

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    Chuck373  over 13 years ago

    Ya gotta love Rosa’s big hair! I think she hasToni beat there.

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  16. 444untitled
    Hugh Manatee  over 13 years ago

    Now if Rosa would just reach across the table and undo that top button…. instant transformation!

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    Calista  over 13 years ago

    I think he was thinking of Sodom and Gomorrah, which weren’t people, they were cities.

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    froglunch  over 13 years ago

    Solomon and Gomorrah? Do you mean Samson and Delilah?

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  19. Steelers logo
    arsmall  over 13 years ago

    You know…I’m really feeling some kinda way about this “new” Rosa…seriously. Did Greg ever give us and answer as to why he gave her the “michael jackson”? Besides that fact that it’s “his comic”?

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  20. Eyes
    aerwalt  over 13 years ago

    I remember “The Ed Solomon Show”.

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    jebjayman  over 13 years ago

    Sodom and Gomorrah were cities destroyed for their sin of promiscuity, according to the Bible. I believe HectorPriam meant “Solomon and Sheba” and JerryTheK’s comment about Rosa’s “Growing up” in FOUR countries by the age of SIXTEEN is very astute. I think Greg made a mistake with that one.

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    Varnes  over 13 years ago

    Elvis and Costello?

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    bronzeskater  over 13 years ago

    Perhaps David and Bathsheba? The Queen of Sheba made a state visit to Solomon’s Israel, but that doesn’t fit the idea of lovers. King David, on the other hand, loved Bathsheba, and had her husband sent to certain death in battle so he could marry her

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  24. Hatcat
    wiselad  over 13 years ago

    this is only pic I see of “Porky and Betsy”

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  25. Drstrangelove slim pickens riding the bomb
    Kirk Sinclair  over 13 years ago

    @posterblue – Love is blind.

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  26. Hpim1063
    ChappellGirl5  over 13 years ago

    PORKY & Bess?? SOLOMON & Gomorrah???? Let’s try Porgy & Bess & Sodom & Gomorrah.

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  27. Hpim1063
    ChappellGirl5  over 13 years ago

    a flying Japanese turtle?? Giant or otherwise, I must have missed some anime somewhere.

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  28. Hpim1063
    ChappellGirl5  over 13 years ago

    Am I wrong or isn’t Luann all about the teen angst, that’s the whole purpose behind this strip. So where’s the problem here?

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  29. Thinker1
    Fan o’ Lio.  over 13 years ago

    Porky? Solomon? – HectorPriam is just messing with our minds. Stirring the pot so to speak.

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    ZacBSM  over 13 years ago

    Both love classic books. That was what the topic of their conversations been these past weeks. I guess you hadn’t been around? Their romance started at the library where he works.

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  31. Dib
    Belinda Banana Ana  over 13 years ago

    I thought his parents were supposed to have been divorced. Aw whatever, it’s better not.

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  32. Beacon 5
    doverdan  over 13 years ago

    Notice that Gunther is able to talk to Rosa without any … umms …

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  33. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  over 13 years ago

    What do Solomon & Gomorrah have in common, anyway?

    Never mind, I can live without knowing!

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  34. Raven w eyes and text1
    DayoftheDead  over 13 years ago

    Seriously Romeo and Juliet are the only ones you got Right. Solomon was a Hebrew King and Gamorrah was an ancient city destroyed for its wicked ways by God. But we will give you a B for effort.

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  35. Mighty mouse
    Mighty_Mouse  over 13 years ago

    Did Solomon ever go to Gomorrah? Or was he treated for it?

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  36. Our spot on the joe
    ST Joe River Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I AGREE THIS IS A COMIC BY THE WAY DID ANY ONE ooops caps on the notice that we need to pay about 12 bucks a year for comics. Did not know this was coming must have been when the comics sites become one. Not bad price but said trial period over just want to check to see if any one else got it or is it a scam???

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  37. Hatcat
    wiselad  over 13 years ago

    if you want the “comics page” with ALL UR FAV comics on one page, and those being sent to your email, than pay the 11 something; besides that, there is not much of a difference

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  38. Dragon
    Dragongirl2319  over 13 years ago

    I hate it when Greg changes his stories. Gunther said a couple years back that his dad left him, not that he died. The same thing happened with Shannon. She used to be a random kid that Luann babysitted, then when Toni came into the picture, she was her cousin, then a few years later she was her niece. I just hope he doesn’t do it again.

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  39. Dragon
    Dragongirl2319  over 13 years ago

    @HectorPriamI think you mean “Sodom” and Gomorrah@jenbrown1017they’re from the Bible.

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  40. 08 6
    tegm  over 13 years ago

    seriously, WHAT does she see in him??

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