…..delivered within three eternities or its free….
Darn it 3hour i was going to do a pizza joke. You know, something about all the extra cheese made them really heavy or something along that line.
I guess she won’t have grandkids now.
LOL! Famous mother sayings. I wish my mom was still around so I could show her this. See, Mom – sometimes, yes, it will!
Jeff Stahler
February 19, 2017
May 10, 2018
May 26, 2018
August 23, 2017
September 24, 2017
September 30, 2017
3hourtour Premium Member over 13 years ago
…..delivered within three eternities or its free….
J Short over 13 years ago
Darn it 3hour i was going to do a pizza joke. You know, something about all the extra cheese made them really heavy or something along that line.
rockngolfer over 13 years ago
I guess she won’t have grandkids now.
snugharborman-catalog over 13 years ago
LOL! Famous mother sayings. I wish my mom was still around so I could show her this. See, Mom – sometimes, yes, it will!