Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 06, 2011
December 05, 2011
December 07, 2011
Danae: Hey-hey, ho-ho... the scourge of homework has to go!! And brussels sprouts, too... Lucy: So is the system bending to your will yet? Danae: I don't think so... maybe I need a bigger bullhorn.
“…kids should have some free time to just be kids.” Well intended, but exactly how would kids today use additional time? I suspect it would be with some electronic means of gabbing with their friends. In my view homework is good reinforcement of the lessons of the day.
No additional out-of-school studies (= homework) relates to lower quality education……These “poor screwed by the system” kids will have plenty of free-time because they won’t be qualified to enter the work force! (at any age!)
Newt, And No TelePrompter.
Take 6 brussels sprouts for each serving, soak them in a brine overnight. Drain most of the liquid a place on a food processor or heavy duty blinder to puree. Dump the entire mess into the toilet or street drain. Hopefully the EPA will go light on you for pollution and your family will appreciate it.
What the OWS people need is some good ole’ fashioned astroturf-roots organizin’ like the Teabag Party got from the Koch brothers and their daddy’s money that was made supporting Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan.
Danae forgot the most important part: call a TV station for coverage. I saw one Tea Party “rally” on the local news that consisted of only four or five people with signs standing on a sidewalk, as traffic buzzed past. The entire rally could have driven there in one car, but it was big enough to justify TV time.
Well, these things will happen when you rule and regulate and tax the jobmakers and unionize the jobs… the job makers have to either move the jobs or compete against those who do. The only thing that will save the situation is a massive rollback of government intrusion… which the left will never permit. Solved problems generate no votes.
Hey, hey, let’s stop this foolishness about broccoli…it’s so good I wrote a song about it. (I actually like asparagus better, but it’s hard to fit that into the beat of a song…)
Pygar, stop signs are government intrusions. They do good….Grow up and deal with it...All problems would be solved if corporations saw to it that their workers made a living wage. But workers are a commodity, like coal. The cheaper the better. They can’t change the price of coal, but they have changed the price of labor. You can’t make a living working these days. (Any country song writers out there?)Dudes, we aren’t taxed too much, we are paid too little, wake up!
If I ever needed proof that Danae is insane, this is it. Brussels sprouts are amazing – tossed in olive oil and balsamic, a little salt and pepper, a little bacon, and roasted for 350 for 10 minutes.
Ida No about 13 years ago
Make your voice raise at the end of the sentence. That always works in Candorville.
thirdguy about 13 years ago
(quizickly optimistic) This should keep her busy, until say, dinner!
x_Tech about 13 years ago
(solutions) No, not a bigger bullhorn…
just a news network.
tomielm about 13 years ago
“…kids should have some free time to just be kids.” Well intended, but exactly how would kids today use additional time? I suspect it would be with some electronic means of gabbing with their friends. In my view homework is good reinforcement of the lessons of the day.
larryscountry about 13 years ago
No additional out-of-school studies (= homework) relates to lower quality education……These “poor screwed by the system” kids will have plenty of free-time because they won’t be qualified to enter the work force! (at any age!)
Newt, And No TelePrompter.
rockngolfer about 13 years ago
Reminds me of “Hey, hey LBJ how many kids have you killed today” or the right wing war on the post office.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member about 13 years ago
Hey! I like brussels sprouts!!
tripwire45 about 13 years ago
You need more people…and some tents.
psychlady about 13 years ago
I like brussels sprouts, too, but it will soon be forgotten when Danae moves on to her next project!
GROG Premium Member about 13 years ago
Just say no to brussel sprouts. I still hate ’em.
eddie alexander Premium Member about 13 years ago
Take 6 brussels sprouts for each serving, soak them in a brine overnight. Drain most of the liquid a place on a food processor or heavy duty blinder to puree. Dump the entire mess into the toilet or street drain. Hopefully the EPA will go light on you for pollution and your family will appreciate it.
celeconecca about 13 years ago
not a strong enough argument, Danae, for those who are of voting age
Spamgaard about 13 years ago
What the OWS people need is some good ole’ fashioned astroturf-roots organizin’ like the Teabag Party got from the Koch brothers and their daddy’s money that was made supporting Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member about 13 years ago
@Number 6Mmmmm…roasted with garlic and oil….de-lish!
Varnes about 13 years ago
Mmmmmmm……Brussel sprouts…….
MadMonk about 13 years ago
The ones that didn’t do their homework are the ones sitting in tents in a city park instead of being productive members of society.
Oh, and Brussels sprouts are the devil’s testicles.
TexTech about 13 years ago
(getting older) Careful there friend. You are showing our ages. You by saying it and me by understanding the reference!
Packratjohn Premium Member about 13 years ago
Why do we use terms like “idiot” and “stupid”?
LingeeWhiz about 13 years ago
You need to go to the Communist party U.S.A. They will fix you up with a huge mob of protesters. You need to get big enough to attract media coverage.
Can't Sleep about 13 years ago
Danae forgot the most important part: call a TV station for coverage. I saw one Tea Party “rally” on the local news that consisted of only four or five people with signs standing on a sidewalk, as traffic buzzed past. The entire rally could have driven there in one car, but it was big enough to justify TV time.
ReaderLady about 13 years ago
She needs to trash the parks and poop on cop cars. Scream at the preschoolers — yeah, that would get the point across.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member about 13 years ago
Yummy @Number 6….good eats!,!
pswhitlark about 13 years ago
Oh my Gosh!!! Another “Occupy” thing… When will the silliness end???
Ermine Notyours about 13 years ago
You can’t use a bullhorn at an Occupy site. You have to use “mic check.” You say something, the horse repeats it, and so on.
Pygar about 13 years ago
Well, these things will happen when you rule and regulate and tax the jobmakers and unionize the jobs… the job makers have to either move the jobs or compete against those who do. The only thing that will save the situation is a massive rollback of government intrusion… which the left will never permit. Solved problems generate no votes.
Varnes about 13 years ago
Hey, hey, let’s stop this foolishness about broccoli…it’s so good I wrote a song about it. (I actually like asparagus better, but it’s hard to fit that into the beat of a song…)
Siberman about 13 years ago
“Bigger Bullhorns” available (in Democrat , Republican , Independant and Marxist styles) at your local "Representatives R Us " chain.
Varnes about 13 years ago
Pygar, stop signs are government intrusions. They do good….Grow up and deal with it...All problems would be solved if corporations saw to it that their workers made a living wage. But workers are a commodity, like coal. The cheaper the better. They can’t change the price of coal, but they have changed the price of labor. You can’t make a living working these days. (Any country song writers out there?)Dudes, we aren’t taxed too much, we are paid too little, wake up!
firedome about 13 years ago
i hope it isn’t memorex…my worst cassettes were memorex. by best, however, has always been basf or maxell…
wilb44 about 13 years ago
I suppose a vow of silence is out of the question.
phoenixnyc almost 2 years ago
If I ever needed proof that Danae is insane, this is it. Brussels sprouts are amazing – tossed in olive oil and balsamic, a little salt and pepper, a little bacon, and roasted for 350 for 10 minutes.