I want to know about the medical conditions which make The Pouch and Putty Puss what they are. I wonder if either of them has ever been written up in a medical journal.
There was a local guy with pouches in his cheeks but he just filled them with seeds and nuts, they called him “Chipmunk”. If pouch has hidden evidence somewhere besides his head or pouch, he never mentioned it & they never asked. perhaps they’re all idiots.
actually, their striped shirts reminded me of the kingston trio. especially considering how john stewart and bob shane grew out their hair in the early ’70’s.
I figured that Putty Puss would just shoot pouch. The chances of the heat getting off is slim to none.I can just fill an old fashion shoot-out in the air.
Pouch would never sell information to the police; his clients have included Willy the Fifth and B-B Eyes. Besides, we’ve no idea what information he sold Putty Puss. It could be that ‘someone’ (Mr. Crime) is putting together a big organization which could use someone of his talents.
MikeCurtis Premium Member about 13 years ago
Maybe they’re Nut Boys unstead of Pep Boys.
margueritem about 13 years ago
Good morning, Mike! I just hope he doesn’t break into nervous tic song again…
FLIGHT SUIT about 13 years ago
I want to know about the medical conditions which make The Pouch and Putty Puss what they are. I wonder if either of them has ever been written up in a medical journal.
Mdstudio about 13 years ago
He’s one to talk about being nuts!
billcor about 13 years ago
There was a local guy with pouches in his cheeks but he just filled them with seeds and nuts, they called him “Chipmunk”. If pouch has hidden evidence somewhere besides his head or pouch, he never mentioned it & they never asked. perhaps they’re all idiots.
JP Steve Premium Member about 13 years ago
(From Saturday)
@Ken in Ohio
Thanks Ken! It had completely escaped me that Niav and Putty Puss were the same person!
jonahhex1 about 13 years ago
I’m thinking Pouch was the victim of a hideous chemical accident as was Putty Puss.
firedome about 13 years ago
actually, their striped shirts reminded me of the kingston trio. especially considering how john stewart and bob shane grew out their hair in the early ’70’s.
Sisyphos about 13 years ago
Let da boyz raid the fridge, since henchmanning for a loon is hard work, then ream them out, Putty Puss!
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ about 13 years ago
Good morning all…
trimguy about 13 years ago
Maybe Putty Puss should look into an abandoned candle factory. He looks like he’s melting, anyway ;)
APersonOfInterest about 13 years ago
The plot is moving along very nicely.
Buzza Wuzza about 13 years ago
PP is going back on TV with a dance competition show. Hence Sunday’s “pole to pole” lyric.
johnrussco about 13 years ago
I figured that Putty Puss would just shoot pouch. The chances of the heat getting off is slim to none.I can just fill an old fashion shoot-out in the air.
Det.DanDone about 13 years ago
Putty just got scammed. The Pouch is on th run himself.The chance of him going to the police are slim to none.
dakota_jones about 13 years ago
I thought the Pouch was with Mr. Crime! BTW Putty Puss was the victim of a botched plastic surgery courtesy of Dr. Will Carver during the Collins era!
Can't Sleep about 13 years ago
Pouch would never sell information to the police; his clients have included Willy the Fifth and B-B Eyes. Besides, we’ve no idea what information he sold Putty Puss. It could be that ‘someone’ (Mr. Crime) is putting together a big organization which could use someone of his talents.