Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for December 26, 2011

  1. 2008happynewyear1024
    TexTech  about 13 years ago

    Not that I’m complaining but I am wondering if Greg did not pull this one from the archives. The artwork looks like it is from years ago and Luann looks more like 12 in this strip rather than 15-16.

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    bobviously  about 13 years ago

    Yea, socks and underwear!

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    Pink_Belle  about 13 years ago

    Nancy sure hasn’t changed much, that’s for sure!

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  4. Me 2 22 2012
    Harryfan  almost 13 years ago

    Perhaps Greg decided it was time to take some vacation. I heard that he may have gone to Los Angeles to see how Quill and Tiff were doing.

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  5. Mighty mouse
    Mighty_Mouse  almost 13 years ago

    Well, it’s only the Second Day of Christmas.

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    JerryTheK  almost 13 years ago

    1994 Is this the First Year?

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    ComicLaff  almost 13 years ago

    Actually, there are strips of Luann et al when she was just a kid.

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    Cathy38c  almost 13 years ago

    Greg needed a break!

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    cdward  almost 13 years ago

    Nice to go down memory lane, but I actually like the current versions better.

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  10. Theodemus a
    Hanno Lamp  almost 13 years ago

    Until I read the replies, I took TexTechs comment for an ironic bon mot. :-) Still not sure whether it isn’t.

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  11. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  almost 13 years ago

    Every cartoonist deserves a break now and then. Many take a week-long sabbatical and do reruns or guest strips. it’s not like they don’t deserve a vacation as well… and for me, it’s always interesting to contemplate the style changes over the years.

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    Tinyman  almost 13 years ago

    @Greg:May you have the best fantastic vacation. You deserve it.

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  13. Cm1
    Mordock999  almost 13 years ago

    Ah, yes.

    Greg IS taking a Well-Deserved Christmas Break and is treating us to Luann strips of days gone by.


    Any long-time Fans here REMEMBER the Infamous “Puddles goes to the North Pole” storyline???

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    Dconskjk  almost 13 years ago

    Aww…and I was hoping that Brad would give Toni a Christmas proposal….now I gotta wait

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    dfowensby  almost 13 years ago

    so that’s where she gets the bad lipstick DNA?

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  16. 12 14 11 intense dallas
    milania  almost 13 years ago

    Oh for crying out loud! There aren’t enough annoying re-runs on TV?

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  17. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 13 years ago

    Although we all think of cartoons as lots of fun, it IS WORK for those who have to think of new storylines and draw them daily, so I understand when they need a break. At least everyone does not do them the same week as they used to on TV when all we had were a few stations.

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  18. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 13 years ago

    And I just had a rerun; my daughter called to ask if I received her gift and I had planned to visit the mail box (down the street and around the corner) because I needed to see my store flyer to buy groceries today (so I can plan more of the specials). Now I will call her back to let her know I love the cloisonne box shaped like a hummingbird. But the Journal (even though it has pretty covers) will probably go for grocery lists or such because I want any momentos of our Family past written on something easy to edit and duplicate for all 4 kids – and I bought Dragon, just have to get around to installing it.

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  19. Skullblink
    Salamurai  almost 13 years ago

    wow, check the pinheads.Have the grandparents been in the strip recently? I didn’t even know they had any.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    And uncles and aunts make Christmas 3!!!!!

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    BradFilippone  almost 13 years ago

    The funny thing is, as I mentioned a couple weeks back, I’m currently reading through the archives, since I wasn’t reading the strip back then. I read this one recently.

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    Kerbster  almost 13 years ago

    Seems a little like Grandpa looks like Brad and his father, and Grandma looks like Luann and her mother?

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  23. Snoopy pensive typewriter
    The Life I Draw Upon  almost 13 years ago

    I’m with “Old Wolf” (nice icon). Also its nice to see how an artist changes, and often improves over time.

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    joevecchi  almost 13 years ago

    Is she wearing a Mutts shirt?

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  25. Pib130828 eyebrow cocked
    bikenboatn  almost 13 years ago

    Geez, what a troll….new account, only two comments, and one of them is a shot at me. What’d I ever do to you?

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  26. Dib
    Belinda Banana Ana  almost 13 years ago

    Lol I know right XD

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  27. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  almost 13 years ago

    Flashback time!

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  28. Beacon 5
    doverdan  almost 13 years ago

    She was 13 then.

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  29. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 13 years ago

    I prefer the “look” of the current strips to that of 1994, and indeed was not a Luann reader until just a few years ago. But Greg certainly deserves a break, and I don’t mind reading some vintage strips!

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    Kathy M T M Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Brad is much better looking now! Look at that hair- gads!

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    Chuck373  almost 13 years ago

    Most comics I’ve read over the years, the way a character was drawn, both those that age and those that do not, changes very little. It is easy to see how much Gregs art has improved over time. Where his current work has the characters looking more like real people, this work has them looking more cartoonish.

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    Chuck373  almost 13 years ago

    Don’t know about people thinking Greg is taking a break. I thought I once read where Greg said that he has this strip written up to eight weeks in advance. That way if he does decide to take a break, there is no break in the flow of the story line.

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    Chuck373  almost 13 years ago

    On Saturday, Quill called and told Luann that Tiff was leaving him alone. Why? Was her come-on to Quill all a big show for Luann? Perhaps she finally got the message that Quill is just not into her? And since Quill mentioned it, I guess Luann was asking about it. Being jealous may be as close as Luann has allowed herself to come to being romantically involved with someone.

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    Airman  almost 13 years ago

    I agree. Greg has matured in both storyline and art technique. But, replacing pencil, pen, and white-out with a computer program and a stylus can put one’s finished product on a whole, new level. This statement from one who barely made it out of Stick Figure 101. Don’t get me wrong, I totally admire his work.

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    Spode  almost 13 years ago

    The Chicago font makes everything about today’s strip worth it.

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    Michelle Morris  almost 13 years ago

    Love the Mutts t-shirt!

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  37. Bow to the white lion king by woxys
    Kyrel  almost 13 years ago

    Brad’s head is not only pointer, but he looks more middle-aged here! I think that he actually looks younger in the more recent strips.

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    Branjae  almost 13 years ago

    Can’t you guys see on the strip “vintage Luann 1994”!!!!?

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