Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 07, 2012
Mom: "Some guys don't like the overdone Tiffanys. They prefer more natural types" Luann: "As in plain?" Mom: "Honey, there are all kinds of beauty. Tiffany has one kind, you have another. It's not a competition. Instead of wishing you had HER beauty, celebrate the beauty YOU have" Luann: "Yeah. Like the media does?" Mom: "Well, who are you going to believe. The media or your mother?"
jennifer about 13 years ago
Luann needs to see some Ugly Duckling HS pictures of movie stars and models.
Ottodesu about 13 years ago
Tough call.
FatTonyBalducci about 13 years ago
never believe the media…….[no]
Ottodesu about 13 years ago
Beauty magazines exist to make you feel ugly.
Airman about 13 years ago
Ok, Luann, you’ve isolated what you see as the problem. So, what are you going to do about it?
TheDOCTOR about 13 years ago
Closer to home, Luann needs to see an “Ugly Duckling” High School Pix of Toni.
jennifer about 13 years ago
By the way, there are plenty of Ugly Duckling photos out there. Anyone have some good links to share?
Nightbird about 13 years ago
Ugh this again. I’m starting to hope she stays in this sullen mood for the rest of her live so she can be a bitter old shrew who never knows the touch of a man.
ShagsCA about 13 years ago
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
jennifer about 13 years ago
Here is a good link with a few ugly ducklings:
truthtella2 about 13 years ago
Luann might be a plain jane but from reading this comic over the years she also has a terrible personality. She’s hard to sympathize with
Professional Rookie about 13 years ago
TGIS. Hopefully next week will be more interesting than watching Luann beat herself up. Yeah, ok. Sullen teen. I get it. Let’s move on.
kbyrdleroy123 about 13 years ago
Luann, choose your mother.
wiselad about 13 years ago
I prefer Sandra Bullock over Cindy Crawford or Pamela Anderson
chris_weaver about 13 years ago
But the Media NEVER LIES!
The Old Wolf about 13 years ago
@Wiselad: My wife is reconciled to the fact that I swoon over Sandy Bullock. It’s just hardwired, I think.
Chuck373 about 13 years ago
Why is this even a discussion? You have the guy you want, and he wants you. Stop analyzing it.
Cronkers McGee Premium Member about 13 years ago
Great advice from Mom. Will Luann apply it?
Chuck373 about 13 years ago
In ’69, James Garner did a movie, “Support Your Local Sheriff”. Throughout the movie he kept saying he was on his way to Australia. He never made it there either.
Chuck373 about 13 years ago
The answer is right in front of your face, Nancy. “Does he want the fake, Tiffany, or the real, Luann?” And never talk to a teen about inner-beauty. That translates to outer-ugly.
Chuck373 about 13 years ago
In fact, your right. It attracts women using their assumption of what men like. And their usually wrong. I used to work in a company that had model calls. A herd of 6 foot tall size one’s speaking Russian. Not appealing.
Mordock999 about 13 years ago
Nancy’s RIGHT, for ONCE.
You should LISTEN to your Mom THIS Time, Luann.
And BESIDES, Gunther LOVES You Just as You ARE.
Oh. I’m Sorry, I’m being PRE-JU-DICED again….,
scottartist creator about 13 years ago
Common grammatical mistake. Media is plural. It should be ‘the media do.’
vldazzle about 13 years ago
@Scott, it bothers me less when a teen cartoon character has mistakes in grammer than when a real person (teacher spokesperson particularly) does so. Nice to see that you enjoy other cartoonists ;-)
vldazzle about 13 years ago
Luann is quite typical even in this arc. Looking back on my teen photos and even more in my 20s, I was quite lovely even though I never had an outstanding shape because I’m short. Nowadays, the Tiffany types are what many admire. In this January (resolution) period, local TV even has the plastic surgeons doing ads on TV.
David Griffies about 13 years ago
I really like this story line. I lost my beloved and cherished “plain Jane” beauty last year. I never paid any attention to them before but I can’t believe how many fake beauties are out there. Hope Greg has a good moral in the script.
Phosphoros about 13 years ago
As Fat Tony said… never believe the media. Luann, you should unplug from that like me. (The pity party is getting a bit tiresome.) Thanks Professional Rookie. I agree
georgiiii about 13 years ago
One of the most attractive girls in my HS was also among the homliest – but you had to look at a picture to know it. In person she projected a confident, put-together attitude that was attractive and attracted friends of both sexes. She wasn’t dating, but that was by choice. She could have had any boy she wanted. Listen to Mom Luann.
photogirl800mm about 13 years ago
Ugh. This is getting sooooo old. Talk about being self-centered… All LuAnn does is talk about herself in a negative way .. NOT a good role model for teen age girls out there. She should’ve stood up to Tiff when Tiff was all gushy over her “boyfriend” .. But oh wait, it’s just a comic strip. Not real life. I will stick with Calvin and Hobbs!
yohannbiimu about 13 years ago
The media is always 100% BS, so why do people care what it says? I guess that’s why “reality TV” and “outrageous” shows keep slopping out of our sets. We are a nation of idiots.
miracleshappen about 13 years ago
Luann should remember that more guys are Mary Ann guys than Ginger guys.
nubian_kinonna about 13 years ago
while i can understand the frustration that some of you have with luann, i have to step to her defense. she’s a teenage girl growing up in these days. i’m only in my early 20s, so i don’t just remember what it’s like to be 16 and feeling unattractive, i still feel it sometimes. it’s cool that she can talk to her mom about stuff like this. i had my friends, but i wish i could have talked to my mom about this, but we don’t have that kind of relationship. i WILL say, however that she should stop jumping down quill’s throat about her insecurities. talking to him about it is one thing, but she’s obsessing about it to him.
Cimmorene about 13 years ago
I vote you listen to your mother, Luann. The fashion industry has only one goal, to make you feel ugly so that you buy their products to feel pretty again and they make money. Mom’s goal is to help you grow into a well-adjusted young woman. Who would you rather listen to.
tigre1 about 13 years ago
Propaganda works. Luann’s exemplifying it, but a lot of guys with daughters recognize it, even as they must watch pro football or sport and also get their minds bent to other peoples’ profits.Or our politics: Fox is pure propaganda, lots of political ‘institutes’ and under-written ‘study groups’ are what I deem subversion, ie, intended to change the mindset of the American populace to permit rule by one segment of the populace…notice how easily your thought can be directed by a single word? it’s part of the bargain for domestication of homo sapiens…who tells people what to think about is a powerful group. It used to be fun setting the calendar and schedule of topics, working in media. It’s not, who tells you what to think? it’s more, who tells you WHAT to think about?and who gains from your behavior about that?
Obenavides about 13 years ago
The sad reality of all is that the great majority will believe the media…sniff..sigh.. sniff.
Doctor11 about 13 years ago
I’ll take my mom over the media ANY day of the week. If I have a political question, I go talk to my dad about it.
LovDComix about 13 years ago
What does Luann think she looks like???! She’s slender, blonde, and yes, natural. She doesn’t need a bucket load of make-up. The difference between her and Tiffany is that Tiffany is self-absorbed and desperate for attention…like that’s attraction.
yuggib about 13 years ago
LA needs to listen to a very old song from the early Rock-n-Roll age if she’s going to continue in this mood;
“If ya wanna be happy for the rest of your life, get an ugly girl to be your wife.So, in my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you!”
Ugly, just like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. (And a beer-holder only works when it’s close to closing time!)
notinksanymore about 13 years ago
The women on tv/movies and in magazines spend a ton of time and money on their appearance. They have professionals who spend hours putting tons of makeup on them and styling their hair. Their entire lives pretty much revolve around how they look. If I had a personal trainer, a nutritionist, a make-up artist, a hair technician, and all the other crap those girls have to have to look like that, I would look like that. But I have a life, and a job, and frankly better things to do with my time. So I don’t put much stock in the media’s idea of beauty. Besides, my fiance says I’m a solid nine, and nobody else matters :-)
Spode about 13 years ago
The soul of the freckle-faced, jowly, dumpy 13-year old – as Luann was drawn back in the 80s – is trapped in the body of the attractive teenager as she is drawn today.
ewalnut about 13 years ago
From the way she’s drawn, Luann has become a very pretty girl. But she still sees herself as the homely kid she used to be. It’s actually fairly common for girls Luann’s age to feel they’re plain or ugly — especially if they weren’t terribly attractive as children. They may not whine about it the way Luann does, but how is Greg going to cover the subject if Luann keeps her feelings to herself? Unfortunately no amount of reassurance from friends and family is going to change her lack of self esteem, so I don’t see where Greg is going with this.
boldyuma about 13 years ago
Mom is hot..I wonder what Luann would look like
as a brunette..
Airman about 13 years ago
I have to remind myself that Greg is attempting to capture the mentality and priorities of a teenager. We can’t judge her on what we’ve learned, she must learn it on her own, and all we can do is observe and hope for the best. At least Tiffany knows what she wants and thinks her beauty, not her brains, will get her there. She is a shallow person who will probably be very satisfied with shallow relationships. Tiff is also the most likely to get hurt. Yeah, when I was a kid, I was more discouraged that I couldn’t make the football team than I was that the Russians had just launched Sputnik. .
Tinyman about 13 years ago
My High School picture put the “UG” in ugly. Everytime I looked in the mirror right after I woke up Isaid “UG”. I always siad that my face can scare Frankensteins monster and Godzilla and King kong.
Tinyman about 13 years ago
I am still wondering who got what part in the movie (or ad).
hippogriff about 13 years ago
Many years ago, there was a sexist, but still sight-gag funny commercial. A bunch of teens were discussing the mother of one as being hot. The daughter mentioned she had seen a HS picture and she didn’t look that great. “Like you?” one rude guy says. “Exactly [you see the gears whirring] like [they start to mesh] me.” [big grin]
mojitobaby about 13 years ago
Guys, what has Luann’s experience of romantic life been so far? That Tiffany date her long-unrequited major crush, who then went on to date, among others, a hot Hawaiian/Asian girl – in fact, everyone BUT her. Handsome Miguel was indiscriminate in his “love” for Luann, Delta and who knows who else, attractive Ben was too close to Bernice and never panned out. Hottie Stuart, who she thought was interested, turned out to be married, and to date the only guy who’s been head over heels for her is good ol’ geeky Gunther, who’s no one’s idea of a dreamboat. .Big news – teenagers are as superficial as they come, and the fact that none of the hot guys Luann has crushed on have reciprocated translates to: she’s not hot enough to keep a good looking guy. If you think that isn’t a “valid” conclusion for a teenager and are impatient wih Luann’s attitude, you’ve forgotten long ago what it was like to be that age – go ask yourself why “She’s Out Of My League” and other loser-tries-for-a-beauty films are so popular with that age group. You could take it further and assume Luann’s concluded that the only guys in her “league” are Elwood and Gunther. Losing a beauty contest along withTiffany in a beauty contest and getting the lead in WSS don’t translate to “I can keep Quill as a boyfriend”, because those experiences haven’t helped her do that with any boy to date..So of course she won’t believe Quill’s reassurances – all her experience to date has told her Tiffany will take him if she wants him. This is also how self-fulfilling prophecies are born.
789coolcatlane about 13 years ago
mom is soooo right. Luann should not be sulking about that anyway
tegm about 13 years ago
why is it so important how beautiful she is anyway?!
joegeethree about 13 years ago
The insecure grow up to be the clingy, dependent type. Not good.
Airman about 13 years ago
Unfortunately, I suspect that the road up the corporate ladder is also paved with beautiful wives. Look at Donald Trump’s collection.
georgelcsmith about 13 years ago
Unlike the awkward Luann of a few years ago, today’s Luann is developing into quite an attractive young lady. If I were young enough, I would choose a girl like Luann over one like Tiffany any day.
hippogriff about 13 years ago
… said: The female in question was too young during the marriage for the politician to have been Trudeau, so who was it?
imbaldeagle about 13 years ago
Perhaps Greg will answer some of the questions related to Luann’s looks, self esteem, self beautification (makeup), etc. in his next blog. For he writes in this one " the next blog will be my thoughts about the future of LUANN. Ooooo!"
imbaldeagle about 13 years ago
On the other hand, he may supply thoughts about dating and plans following high school.
Yammo Premium Member about 13 years ago
Excellent strip, great message.
DamSkippy about 13 years ago
If I could talk to my high school self I would say to heck with stressing about any guy, much less a high school guy, and think about what I’m going to do beyond high school, save 1/2 my babysitting money in gold, and work out in the meantime. Stressing about any guy is a waste of time.
cozy3952 about 13 years ago
Does Luann not remember that beauty contest they had at school? Tiffany DIDN’T win!
smsrt about 13 years ago
OK… how many guys has Tiffany gone out with? How many has Luann had on her lines? Rest my case. Proof that even though we all think the grass is greener, it’s not that bad on our side. Hmm…
docforbin about 13 years ago
C’mon, folks, you know by Monday Luann’s going to decide to ignore this advice like she’s done thousands of times before and launch a fresh new plot to win Quill, which will end with Tiffany stealing him away from her once again and causing her to whine and cry to Delta, Bernice and Mrs. Horner, who will once again tell her to shut up, grow up and move on.
Meanwhile, Tiffany will either be gushing that she’s got the plum role in the Eyez of Zeye movie or that she got a lousy, two-bit role in it or it the whole movie (and Elwood Druit by extension) is a fake, and she’ll get her revenge by steaing Quill away from Luann.
Also, Gunther and Rosa will inevitably break up, and Gunther will hit up on Luann again while everybody else pushes her to hook up with him. . .and that will lead to Luann being miserable for the rest of her life in a loveless marriage to Gunther.
Why Luann has to put up with this is beyond me. Aaron Hill is the only person who has ever cared for her or showed any concern for her. Don’t you remember when they held hands at the Halloween party or when they talked for hours at the library? Aaron Hill has shown more care and concern for Luann than that Aussie jerk. . .tons more.
Luann must learn and learn soon that moving on is for losers and that real winners like Tiffany do what they want to achieve their goals, even if that means angering their friends and looking like they’re selfish and immature. That is why Tiffany always won Aaron Hill away from Luann because she did what she wanted and never gave up on her goal of winning Aaron Hill.
Luann must for her own good and for the good of mankind run away to Hawaii, reunite with Aaron Hill and run away with him to Mexico so they can get married and have a bazillion kids so that Luann will live happily ever after. If that doesn’t happen soon, the Universe will collapse upon itself.
cheap_day_return about 13 years ago
Luann, take a look at Mom. That’s who you’re going to end up looking like. And she’s HOT!
fmasroor about 13 years ago
The media has a whole load of things that can easily be described by words that are to inappropriate to put here.
puddinheadwilson about 13 years ago
Tiffany is not pretty. That type of girl is ugly to me.