Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 13, 2012
Jeff: Who should I sign this to, dude? Man: You shall inscribe the book as follows... "for the dark lord Damon, whose dominion over realms both celestial and earthly puts to shame my own puny claims to mortal glory... with reverence and awe from your obedient servant, Red Rascal." Jeff: "For the dark douche: thanks for the 25 bucks, R.R." Man: "p.s. I bow before your prowess at Angry Birds."
BE THIS GUY about 13 years ago
My 6 year-old nephew is probably better at Angry Birds than this jerk.
pouncingtiger about 13 years ago
This jerk has a bigger ego than Newt Gingrich. (If that’s even possible.)
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
Jeff’s emergence into reality after his success at book-writing is what truly deserves “reverence and awe” here. Cynicism aside, I do believe in the power and possibility of the human spirit. BTW, kudos to Becca among others. Keep booting backside, Jeff!
rayannina about 13 years ago
This week just keeps getting better …
The Nihilist about 13 years ago
and these are just book signings. Wait until he has to make con appearances. True horror awaits!
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
“Of course it’s possible [to have a bigger ego than Lord Damon’s]; just look at Obama if you want proof.” Of course you’re right, corpcasselbury; just look at the contrast between Obama’s relatively modest ego and Newt’s brobdingnagian one if you want proof.
Doughfoot about 13 years ago
No one with a normal ego and a normal share of self-doubt would want to be president enough to become president. Without making any claims about what might be found in the inmost heart of either Gingrich or Obama, the claim that Obama projects more ego and self-importance than Gingrich could only be made by someone so lost in partisanship as to be blind and deaf. Not to mention the fact that the man who holds the most important office in the most important nation does have some claim to pride and self-importance that others do not. Or do you really want a president who modestly defers to other world leaders?
Peabody-Martini about 13 years ago
Jeff is surrounded by people who make him seem very grounded in reality. Speeding tickets at the Indy 500?
GrimmaTheNome about 13 years ago
>with everyone in costume you can’t tell reality from fiction.
you can’t? I usually find the wearing of a costume clue enough ;-)
rajalabritt191 about 13 years ago
He looks like Norway’s July 22 bomber/terrorist, scary.
Bill the Butcher about 13 years ago
OK, I am beginning to hate Trudeau for making me love Jeff Redfern, whom I spent years hating. Damn you, Trudeau.
Coyoty Premium Member about 13 years ago
Collar buckles. Why didn’t I ever think of that?
basshwy about 13 years ago
I don’t believe I have ever met or heard of any politician anywhere regardless of party or any other definition that has a small ego. To blame Obama is to leave all other politicians the world over out of the argument…a grievous omission
Finbar Gurdy Premium Member about 13 years ago
I was thinking Mitt or any of the other a$$clowns trying to get elected.
chris_weaver about 13 years ago
Uh, close enough!
DavidGBA about 13 years ago
Can his former employer attach his earnings to pay for losses?
JAPrufrock about 13 years ago
politicion ego > normal egoObama ego >> normal egorepublicn politician ego > democratic politician egoGingrich ego >> Obama ego
corzak about 13 years ago
lol . . . great caricature. Sometimes, some people who plunge into role-playing MMORPGs . . . they dive in and barely come up for air!
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
“Happy Friday the 13th, DT. :-)” In the context of temperamental nordic gods and medieval dark lords I’m not quite sure how to take that. But the :-) symbol is a good clue. So, thanks, babygirl. BCNU.
Buzza Wuzza about 13 years ago
If it wasn’t for you other commenters I would never have got the Angry Birds bit.
LingeeWhiz about 13 years ago
His followers are more egotistical and self deceived than Jeff.
deadheadzan about 13 years ago
I’m loving this story line. A send up of so many genres’, in so little time. Keep ’m coming.
APersonOfInterest about 13 years ago
Is it comforting to know that there are wingnuts out there more deluded than RR ???
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
It relieves stress to be able to question a fictional character’s grasp of reality while ignoring our own. Perhaps that’s why God has given Trudeau so much success.
daj024 about 13 years ago
OK. I get that Jeff is living in his own little world. But where I am somewhat clueless is did he really work for the CIA just as a normal worker and the adventures are all in his head or was the whole CIA thing a dream? I seem to remember a set of panels where his boss sent him places where he was expected to be killed to get rid of him because of his cluelessness.
Huicho about 13 years ago
I can’t stop laughing. “DARK DOUCHE”! hahahahaha
JAPrufrock about 13 years ago
We’ll know tomorrow. Go Pats!
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
“Is all this sort of like today’s notion that Tim Tebow is winning games by “Divine Intervention”?” It is “like” yes, but not “the same as”.! One cannot disprove deity. The “American community” is structured around the notion. Beyond this, theologians have constructed a “semiotic cathedral”, a symbolic sign language of Christianity, in which “we live and move and have our being” (St. Paul). Therefore, it may acceptable to attribute certain happenings to the “symbolic” power of God as a communication mechanism. The “Tim Tebow” thing though seems to to be little more than an “in God’s face” ego trip, of which the the deity of our mutual “semiotic cathedral” would most certainly disapprove and may appropriately punish. We’ll see.
Stephen Gilberg about 13 years ago
I wonder how successful a newspaper cartoonist you have to be before you can get away with “douche.” Not counting French-language newspapers, of course.
kaffekup about 13 years ago
Obviously, you are so full of hatred that whatever the truth, you would not see it. I’ve seen this level of hatred, far surpassing anything the left said about Bush (who richly deserved it) for a while now, and the only source I can see for it is Fox “News”. If you watch lies exclusively, sooner or later you come to believe them. Since none of you can back up your extravagant statements, I assume you are just parroting Hannity, O’Riley, Coulter, etc, and your words have no meaning to an intelligent human being.
denis mclx about 13 years ago
Trudeau is too left for my taste
Alabama Al about 13 years ago
OK, let’s get political. Question for all you Mitt Romney supporters: Taking Obama out of the equation, knowing what you do about Romney, would you give Mitt even a second look for president?‘Didn’t think so. Guys like Romney are what you get when you’re more concerned about voting against than voting for.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 13 years ago
Dark Douche! LOL! Good one R.R.
BE THIS GUY about 13 years ago
You do realize that Mr. Pi is well liked and respected by most of his fellow commentators, or is that too difficult for an ignorant jerk like you to understand?