Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for January 24, 2012

  1. Missing large
    chiphilton  about 13 years ago

    I hope Cortez doesn’t quote Leviticus to his mother and banish her when it’s that time of the month.

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  2. Sablediety
    lilgriffdeuceclub  about 13 years ago

    Quote the law as it fits your purpose.

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  3. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  about 13 years ago

    Leviticus 19:27, Cortex – “You shall not shave around the sides of your heads, neither shall you disfigure the corners of your beard.” Where’s YOUR beard, dude?

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  4. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  about 13 years ago

    (As to that, unless you’re suffering from alopecia – where’s your hair?)

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  5. Moxie
    grshprnh  about 13 years ago

    1 Corinthians 6:19-2019 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

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  6. Spirit
    tomshelly1990  about 13 years ago

    Whoops! Many of my seminary classmates got cross tattoos
.guess they need to meet Cortez for attitude adjustment!

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    Kadedee  about 13 years ago

    Some years ago my young nephew told me that getting tattoos broke one of the commandments. Oh, really, I asked. Which one?He replied: thou shalt not decorate thy body. LOL

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  8. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  about 13 years ago

    All that fire and and brimstone is making the kids melt in P3.

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  9. Gil thorp
    chujusmith  about 13 years ago

    I don’t know my scriptures as well as some of the other Gil followers here, but is there one that accounts for the apparent banishment of Marshall Lopat, because he hasn’t been seen since the first week of December?

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  10. 1197114401399640364steren bike rider svg thumb
    BikeMike  about 13 years ago

    When will Ransom & Beecher meet? Will Ransom discredit Beecher in some way? Cortez seems to be an impediment to Ransom’s growing business.

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  11. Moxie
    grshprnh  about 13 years ago

    A true follower of Christ will not bring a case of beer to a super bowl party being given by a recovering alcoholic. On the other hand a recovering alcoholic invited to a super bowl party must expect that beer may be consumed. With tattoos one guy is decorating his body with a cross to show honor and glory to Christ, good for him, it is his walk with Christ. Another dude may not consider a tattoo as glorifying to Christ that is ok too. We all have our own personal relationship with Christ, and we please Him as He leads us to.

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  12. Kaz
    Kazbot  about 13 years ago

    All I know is that Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding of Cana for attendees to drink, so for Christians drinking shouldn’t be so bad. Yet there are many Christians who state that the scriptures tell them not to drink. I guess there is a scripture for anything. No tats? Sure. No drinking? Maybe. Luckily bacon is still OK.

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  13. Bunnypancakehead
    DarkHorseSki  about 13 years ago

    If you think Leviticus 19 is full of tough rules, just keep reading into Leviticus 20 where you have to kill your own children if they curse you (which I am pretty sure would leave most parents of teenagers in a pretty tough spot!)

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  14. Milford
    miffedmax  about 13 years ago

    Yes. Ransom is about to make a call to the Maori Mafia.

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    Cliff1911  about 13 years ago

    Thou shalt not tattooest.

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  16. Wetterhorn peak standard route mtawny8xlzi0mtmx
    Wetterhorn612  about 13 years ago

    Sounds like Beecher needs to distinguish between Law and Gospel.

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  17. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  about 13 years ago

    What’t the point of the towels if they’re just going to walk around with them on their necks and not actually use them to dry off any of the water?

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    decten1968  about 13 years ago

    In P1 – Cortez obvioulsy busted his right hand against the rim or backboard because its swelling up, and so he has to wear a ‘Wonder Woman’ bracelet to keep the swelling from extending up his arm.

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    bronyaur  about 13 years ago

    It’s bad, very bad to steal Jobu’s rum.

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    puddinheadwilson  about 13 years ago

    Would you put a bumper-sticker on a Ferrari?

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  21. Miserichord5small
    Miserichord  about 13 years ago

    The prohibition on alcohol for Christians primarily comes from certain sects that operate on the principle “if it’s pleasurable, it must be sinful.”Drinking alcohol, smoking, dancing, non liturgical music, sex (other for reproduction),


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  22. Clip image001 1
    softball coach  about 13 years ago

    The Shakers didn’t even believe in sex for reproduction. they danced (shook) until exhaustion to ward off sexual urges. I guess it largely worked as they died out fairly quickly. Too bad, they made interesting furniture.

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