Angel: Punishing them with plagues or floods was too messy, so now He just tells a few of the nuttiest ones to run for president. Voices: EEEK! ARRGGHHHH! NO!!
This has been working for the Republicans for decades. Examples, Reagan, Quayle, Cheney, Dubya (W) and this year’s candidates including “Mitt the Ripper”. (referencing a Stephen Colbert mock political ad)
No, Sonny1 was right, Obama won the last election. Where have you been that you think Cheney/shrub were still in office?The primary process is all about getting rid of those who might actually change things and an attempt to give an appearance of legitimacy to the candidate the party was going to put up in the first place.
Unlike a global flood, at least this particular plague afflicts just one country. Although the whole world suffers to some extent from their madness… (I wish we could have a War of Independence, in which the Rest of the World wins its freedom from American Imperialism!)
The Republican candidates do look like a bunch of folks on sabbatical from Ringling Brothers, but don’t forget that the present power-that-be is channeling PT Barnum.
The frightening thing is :When a clown like Palin runs for office , fewer Republicans vote. When a clown like Obama runs for office, record numbers of Democrats vote. Apparently Democrats provide the most divine comic relief.
I really think that most folks have missed the point of this strip, it really isn’t political at all.Wiley is refering to the people who have publicly stated, that God told them to run.
You list all of these evils of Bush 2, and yet, Obama did NOTHING to end them. In fact, he’s embraced all of the constitution-trampling. How can you CONTINUE to blame Bush for the evil if the hot potatoes are in Obama’s hands? Speaking of the constitution, Obama’s DISDAIN for the constitution is palpable, as he described it as a document of “negative rights.” Oh, and you claim that Obama had only half of the congress, but he had BOTH OF THEM for two solid years. Your memory is pathetic.
I suppose divine retribution is as good an explanation as any for the current Republican field. At least watching Big O enjoy the traditional second term meltdown should be mildly entertaining.
This god person kills, or allows to be killed, good people all the time. Innocent babies die every minute. Not to mention genocide by flood. It’s a special way to show one’s love, you know. By comparison, GOP candidates are just a good laugh.
After reading the childish remarks above, I am reminded of the over 40 different countries I have been in and how they really are. So, all you democrat/socialist/communists can just move right over to any one of them. I would like the elbow room.
Where, in my reply, did you get the idea that I think Bush, Cheney are all that and a bag of chips?Obama has one third of the gov’ against him. Bush had two thirds – if the one third is keeping Obama from doing anything, how did Bush get his evil agenda through with two thirds against him?Plus, Obama is a democrat. One side of a coin of which the other is republican…
firedome about 13 years ago
he said nuttiest, not most insane.
bluskies about 13 years ago
Have you been following the primaries? Klown Kollege doesn’t even have a contender.
pouncingtiger about 13 years ago
This has been working for the Republicans for decades. Examples, Reagan, Quayle, Cheney, Dubya (W) and this year’s candidates including “Mitt the Ripper”. (referencing a Stephen Colbert mock political ad)
Can't Sleep about 13 years ago
What troubles me isn’t that the loonies run for office – it’s that so many people take them seriously.
Can't Sleep about 13 years ago
Sorry to see you had to drop out of the race – you were hilarious in the last debate!
Varnes about 13 years ago
Seems messier to me…..Yuk….
vwdualnomand about 13 years ago
until one nut becomes president and ends the world….plot to the dead zone. getting pretty close to that, especially the 5 clowns on the gop.
pschearer Premium Member about 13 years ago
Anyone but Obama.
wilb44 about 13 years ago
So when they say, “God told me to run”. They are telling the truth. A presidential candidate telling the truth. NOW I AM AFRAID!!!!!!
roctor about 13 years ago
Will the dems field a candidate?
waynl about 13 years ago
She still looks like a two-bagger to me!Nice to see ya back!
walruscarver2000 about 13 years ago
At least the floods etc didn’t last for 8 years at a stretch.
tripwire45 about 13 years ago
The plague of politicians. And Moses thought Pharaoh, King of Egypt was bad.
JoeRaisin about 13 years ago
No, Sonny1 was right, Obama won the last election. Where have you been that you think Cheney/shrub were still in office?The primary process is all about getting rid of those who might actually change things and an attempt to give an appearance of legitimacy to the candidate the party was going to put up in the first place.
psychlady about 13 years ago
They are all a bunch of clowns – how to vote depends on which circus you want to come to town for the next four years!!!!!!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 13 years ago
“wing-nuts”, all of them.
Destiny23 about 13 years ago
Unlike a global flood, at least this particular plague afflicts just one country. Although the whole world suffers to some extent from their madness… (I wish we could have a War of Independence, in which the Rest of the World wins its freedom from American Imperialism!)
Sandfan about 13 years ago
The Republican candidates do look like a bunch of folks on sabbatical from Ringling Brothers, but don’t forget that the present power-that-be is channeling PT Barnum.
yaakovashoshana about 13 years ago
This would be funny if it wasn’t so true.
Stormy Fairweather about 13 years ago
It’s a sad statement of american politics that the only candidate worthy of serious consideration is a comedian.
Varnes about 13 years ago
H. W. J. V. How would Jesus Vote?
johndifool about 13 years ago
“he said nuttiest, not most insane.”
Our next president will be a Payday bar?
crosscarrier923 about 13 years ago
amen to that!
Duncan Idaho about 13 years ago
The frightening thing is :When a clown like Palin runs for office , fewer Republicans vote. When a clown like Obama runs for office, record numbers of Democrats vote. Apparently Democrats provide the most divine comic relief.
thirdguy about 13 years ago
Welcome Back!!!!
thirdguy about 13 years ago
I really think that most folks have missed the point of this strip, it really isn’t political at all.Wiley is refering to the people who have publicly stated, that God told them to run.
Warren Wubker about 13 years ago
Worst thing is, we elected one last time.
jpsomebody about 13 years ago
Run, Forrest, run.
RayThomas101 about 13 years ago
The Republicans are funny…the Democrats are dangerous.
momazilla about 13 years ago
Any one but Obummer, with the posible exception of H Clinton.
YatInExile about 13 years ago
Nutty people don’t need to be told to run for president. The sane ones are smart enough to stay out of politics in the first place.
Toxicdave about 13 years ago
A plague on all of our houses?
Stormrider2112 about 13 years ago
Wiley nailed it one that one :)
Barbaratoo about 13 years ago
Spyderred about 13 years ago
Absolutely the best strip ever!!!
yohannbiimu about 13 years ago
You list all of these evils of Bush 2, and yet, Obama did NOTHING to end them. In fact, he’s embraced all of the constitution-trampling. How can you CONTINUE to blame Bush for the evil if the hot potatoes are in Obama’s hands? Speaking of the constitution, Obama’s DISDAIN for the constitution is palpable, as he described it as a document of “negative rights.” Oh, and you claim that Obama had only half of the congress, but he had BOTH OF THEM for two solid years. Your memory is pathetic.
Wizard4168 about 13 years ago
I suppose divine retribution is as good an explanation as any for the current Republican field. At least watching Big O enjoy the traditional second term meltdown should be mildly entertaining.
tullibardine about 13 years ago
Quos deus vult perdere, prius dementat….
ZydecoBear about 13 years ago
This would be hilarious IF IT WEREN’T SO TRUE!
Kali39 about 13 years ago
Where are the clowns? Don’t bother – they’re running for President.
KarlW2000 about 13 years ago
This god person kills, or allows to be killed, good people all the time. Innocent babies die every minute. Not to mention genocide by flood. It’s a special way to show one’s love, you know. By comparison, GOP candidates are just a good laugh.
Dtroutma about 13 years ago
Well, just so all folks back away from the “N” word: Newt
kathrynismerry about 13 years ago
I miss him, too. Who’s holding him hostage?
dssedvet about 13 years ago
After reading the childish remarks above, I am reminded of the over 40 different countries I have been in and how they really are. So, all you democrat/socialist/communists can just move right over to any one of them. I would like the elbow room.
TURTLE about 13 years ago
No that is Obama the clown you liberals voted into office.
JoeRaisin about 13 years ago
Where, in my reply, did you get the idea that I think Bush, Cheney are all that and a bag of chips?Obama has one third of the gov’ against him. Bush had two thirds – if the one third is keeping Obama from doing anything, how did Bush get his evil agenda through with two thirds against him?Plus, Obama is a democrat. One side of a coin of which the other is republican…
chris_weaver about 13 years ago
This time, God fights dirty.