Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 20, 2012
Woman: "Barack Obama says he loves America... but Barack Obama is taking the guns out of the hands of our troops and sending them to vicious drug gangs in Mexico. Yes, arming the same gangsters who flood our country with drugs! Barack Obama loves America? Really?" Toggle: Weird... actually b-b-buying this. Engineer: Me, too. She's that good, bro.
BE THIS GUY about 13 years ago
Are they buying it or her?
palos about 13 years ago
If they are buying it, or any any other political ad, have they stopped thinking analytically and independently?
A recent LA Times crossword had a quotation attributable to AA Milne, and I paraphrase: Have you ever stopped to think and forgot to start again.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
If they’re buying her rather than it, then Sherm’s remark — “Me, too. She’s that good, bro” — takes on a whole ’nother meaning.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
“… Obama is taking the guns out of the hands of our troops …”. Imagine defenseless U.S. troops in Afghanistan. I can’t believe that either Sherm or Leo is stupid enough to buy that line. Good thing this is a comic strip — with willing suspension of disbelief — or I’d have been outta here looong ago.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
“Before she’s finished, she’ll believe it herself.” Do you believe it, gmartin997?
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
“…some folks will sell their values at any price.” Good think Skye isn’t “some folks”, isn’t it?
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
“Ever see a film clip of Hitler addressing the Nuremburg Rally?” I’ve seen maybe a couple hundred clips, or read the speeches, many delivered at Nuremberg. There’s an entire website dedicated to the speeches in which he claims to be a Christian leading a Christian nation (nearly all Catholics and Lutherans) — all of which was a lie. He was a racial occultist who believed Fate had favored him to lead a thousand year German Reich. “Ein volk! Ein reich! Ein Führer!” (“One people! one empire! one leader!”) was a favorite slogan, even among the “little people”. Most Germans were taken in by his Christian facade. BUT MANY WEREN’T AND SAW THROUGH IT TO THE REAL MADMAN. They were just too scared to say, even to whisper, anything but the Nazi party line, even to their own children, for fear they would blab in school, at play, at church, at market, or anywhere.
trouthier about 13 years ago
what happened to her tat on her left arm?
wordymom about 13 years ago
@DylanThomas3.14159That sounds like a fascinating book. Maybe one day you’ll find time. I have an idea for an unreliable-narrator work, but it’s a daunting proposition. It’s such an interesting technique when it comes out well, though.
Jack Straw about 13 years ago
There was an attempt, at least here in Oregon, to add a class in critical thinking to the public school curriculum. This was in the late 80’s, I think. It was opposed, and ultimately defeated, by the religious right. (“Anything you need to know is in your Bible – don’t think for yourself.”) Now we have a populace who actually believes the kind of poison that GBT is parodying in the above strip.
Ravenswing about 13 years ago
It’s not like people really believe the poison. It’s that our innate tribalism has us divided into two teams. Anything Your Team says or does is right; everything the Other Team says or does is evil. Well, see, Ted Kennedy’s youthful womanizing, that’s Proof That The Liberal Socialist Bastards Are Scum, while Newt Gingrich’s womanizing, well, err, boys will be boys — and how about those LIBERALS????
leweclectic about 13 years ago
Ich gratuliere Ihnen. I congratulate you.
tedunn5453 about 13 years ago
Getting back to the original theme of the strip, read up on “Fast and Furious” scheme concocted by the FBI and DOJ. Then understand why people are calling for Eric Holder’s indictment.
CedarCircle about 13 years ago
It appears Mr. Trudeau is afraid that voters will take the Republican positions seriously.
fritzoid Premium Member about 13 years ago
“Ever see a film clip of Hitler addressing the Nuremburg Rally? I don’t speak German, so I have absolutely no idea what he was selling, but I knew I wanted to buy some of it.”
The same thing happened to Ben Hecht (journalist/playwright/screenwriter of the first half of the 20th Century). He was in Germany between the wars (as a reporter), and he attended a rally one time. He wasn’t fluent in German, but he found himself mesmerized by Hitler’s speech (even though, as a Jew, he knew what the upshot of it was).
PShaw0423 about 13 years ago
The point of the strip has nothing to do with what she’s saying. Rather, if you get carried away with the messenger, you’ll swallow the message whole, no matter what it is..Leo and Sherm are also teaching us the first line of defense against being manipulated: to recognize that you’re being manipulated, and to hold the message at arm’s length and consider it with a cool head.
Hectoruno about 13 years ago
“She’s mostly right.” She is not. The failed sting did not take guns from the military as you yourself noted.
smalltownbrown about 13 years ago
It’s all the same f#^*#^g sound bite, man (to paraphrase Janis Joplin)
Coyoty Premium Member about 13 years ago
Sometimes you think you know a person thoroughly, then suddenly they seem to be from a different universe. It’s unnerving when it happens, but it happens. I’ve seen people turn 180 degrees when they’ve found God, or found EST, or found a political party. They think it will solve all their problems if they obey all the tenets, and not be swayed by the unbelievers. They are desperate souls clinging to whosever hand they find that seems to support them, even it it leads them to a corral.
summerdog86 about 13 years ago
Hey, she had her tattoo removed while we slept!
LegendaryColChuckCrustwoodRet about 13 years ago
Speaking of Hitler:
Sarah Palin
Usain Bolt
Michael Jackson
Truth About Santa
bin Laden’s Death
Reacts to SOPAOut of Toilet Paper
Call from Obama
Xbox Live
Kills Justin Bieber
Varnes about 13 years ago
It could very well happen here. Those of us who thought for ourselves were against Bush’s dirty little war. The right wing called us enemies of the country, traitors, many people were intimidated by red necks and anyone who thought for themselves and who broke with the war mongers, was subject to mistrust and even threats. It was easy to see how fascism can rise from any right wing. The rightt wing conservatives are very close to it now…Did you see the debate last night? They sounded like a rabid mob of crazy people…..
Radical-Knight about 13 years ago
A method in showing Hitler’s perspective without glorifying him would be to use a similar tactic as in “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis, where Screwtape, an administrative undersecretary of Satan mentors his nephew, an inexperienced demonic temptor of hell; and advises him of how to handle humans in saving them from The Enemy (God and christianity). It is a satirical view of the devils point of regarding Christianity.
Potrzebie about 13 years ago
ATC did a piece on commercial voice actors. Next day she will be doing a commercial for the dems using the same language.
fritzoid Premium Member about 13 years ago
“Will Skye offer any proof of her blatherings?”
Skye doesn’t believe what she’s saying either; she’s just reading from a script. It’s called ‘ACTING’!
wcorvi about 13 years ago
People, you do realize Leo is talking about HER buying this; Sherm misunderstands, is also buying it, and thinks Leo is.
rpmdbs about 13 years ago
Trudeau is such an Obama dupe. Imagine anyone thinking that Obama and Holder both knew nothing about Operation Fast and Furious. Even if they didn’t, they’d both be just as guilty of incompetence.
Their chosen scapegoats are now refusing to talk:
summerdog86 about 13 years ago
Leo’s talking about himself, is how I see it.
coolwaterman about 13 years ago
And you know this to be a fact… how?
Mythreesons about 13 years ago
I posted short message on several sites. The Jan 15 Flo and Friends was so ME, I wanted to share it with commenters I have become friendly with but not on all the same comics. Even my name is correct, age only off 3 years, and desires exact.
rpmdbs about 13 years ago
F&F was designed for one purpose and one purpose only: To undermine the Second Amendment. This WH resident, and his puppet Holder, hate that we can legally own firearms. Their failed plan was to arm the cartel members, then be able to say “See! We told you our guns find their way south of the border.” Had the BP agent not been murdered, the actual plan would never have been revealed. That poor guy’s blood is on the hands of every single government employee involved, from the White House on down. Bringing up Reagan’s unrelated alleged crime a quarter of a century ago merely reeks of an impotent and desperate attempt to defend the indefensible.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
“You’d be amazed an horrified just how many people are convinced by things like this. I just don’t understand it.” I know but am not “amazed” / “horrified”. And I do understand it because I was born and raised into a mystified “cultish” church among people who “are convinced by things like” what Skye is reading.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
“I wonder why [Hitler] chose 1,000 years? Look in your Bible and you will find that same 1,000 years.” Maybe you answered your own question. Interesting topic for research.
Traveler51 about 13 years ago
I belive her/it. Can’t believe a life long liberal like Trudeau buys it. What goes around comes around. Ban guns and you will have real anarchy!
J Short about 13 years ago
Is anyone crazy enough to read all the entries for this strip?
ramonesfan about 13 years ago
Maybe Rupert Murdoch can give her a show on Fox News, so she can share more loony ideas with the U.S. public
BE THIS GUY about 13 years ago
Thank you Doughfoot, especially for the entry from George Mason and James Madison. I have always argued that the 2nd Amendment is only one in the Bill of Rights written with a clearly stated purpose.
States have the responsibility to administer the Militias according to rules set by Congress (Article 1 Section 8 Clause 16). These are not some self-appointed vigilante groups.
RinaFarina about 13 years ago
Speaking of the “unreliable narrator” technique, I fear I’m the kind of person that would swallow almost anything, unless someone else were around to tell me about it. I think there’s a book titled The Good Soldier or The Good Soldier Schweik, translated into English (from German?), that I could never make sense of: the reader was supposed to realize that the narrator, Schweik, was too stupid to see that everything he perceived had the opposite meaning to what he understood.
However, I did discover, as I got older, that I was getting better at this. There really are benefits to getting older!!
RinaFarina about 13 years ago
actually there is another reason I wouldn’t swallow everything – things that are just too ridiculous to accept just don’t sink in. Like in Doonesbury today.
BE THIS GUY about 13 years ago
Operations like F&F have been going on at least since 2006. The purpose was to track and arrest gunrunners who sold weapons to Mexican drug gangs. The first one was shut down in 2007 when Mexican authorities refused to cooperate. The idea that this plan originated with the Obama administration is another big lie.
RinaFarina about 13 years ago
j.short; Yes. They are fascinating.