Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for February 14, 2012

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    DanLareau  about 13 years ago

    looks like Brad joined too

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  2. Hatcat
    wiselad  about 13 years ago

    Gunther???? Quitters never win; winners never quit

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  3. Alfred e neuman
    FatTonyBalducci  about 13 years ago

    what a dork!…..that guy couldn’t punch himself out of a wet paper bag!!

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  4. Th jaredletoangelface
    SideshowStarlet  about 13 years ago

    I like the third panel. Gunther’s got that grin on his face, and the guy standing next to him is all scowling and menacing.

    Hopefully, the instructor tells them there are no refunds or something to that effect, motivating Gunther to stick with the class and get his money’s worth.

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    ComicLaff  about 13 years ago

    Alright Gunth, don’t chicken out, you wimp!

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    Chuck373  about 13 years ago

    I guess Gunth is only interested in self respect if it comes without effort.

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    Chuck373  about 13 years ago

    Gee Gunth; wasn’t life easier when nobody wanted anything you had?

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    ZacBSM  about 13 years ago

    Figures. Gunther thought he found a short cut. Now he is finding out he is wrong. He is BOOK SMART – he learns from books but the real-life self defense class involves PAIN. Not so appealing to Gunther. Ever heard of “No pain, no gain?”

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    mojitobaby  about 13 years ago

    Yeah, because what every hesitant teenager with an inferiority complex and a jumpy reaction reflex needs is a gun. /end sarcasm.Just speaking from a martial arts point of view, when you get to a point in any form where you’ve acquired the skill to actually kill someone with your hands, you’ve also acquired the dscipline not to – which is something that any yahoo who goes out and buys a cannon usually never acquires.

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  10. Twiggy2
    Mr. Tinkles  about 13 years ago

    Become a monk, Gunther. Just until you graduate from high school.

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  11. Schnail
    whayle  about 13 years ago

    While I do not think Gunth is going to kick any serious butt because of this class, I do think he is going to change just a little. For the better. Like Brad slowly came out of total dorkdom, so shall Gunth. He is going to be a little more self confident and have a little more respect for himself. I can see him deciding not to fight Leslie. Les might either walk away confused, or punch Gunth anyway. Gunth will have learned how to block a punch. Maybe give a painful wrist twist. But he will walk away without fighting, but without further worries about ole Lesleeee.

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  12. Jeff portrait ukulele 300 copy
    jeff_e  about 13 years ago

    The tough guy to Gunther’s left may be his own personal Dirk.

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  13. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  about 13 years ago

    On the contrary, the pain comes from when you get kicked in your kidneys, which the fetal position, sadly, leaves exposed. Just sayin’.

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    JerryTheK  about 13 years ago

    Looks like he want’s out. Hope not. If he can make the first day. It could work. The real Gunther will quit. The New Gunther will stay?

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  15. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 13 years ago

    It’s just “gallows humor” on Gunther’s part. He will entrust the krav maga sensei (or whatever the term should be in this martial art) with his body, his life, his honor. All for Rosa! Good luck, Gunther! This is going to hurt!

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Hopefully the instructor will talk him out of the refund.Knowing he is able to protect himself will boost Gunther’s confidence.

    Hey F-T-B, do you really hate the kid that much?

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  17. Hatcat
    wiselad  about 13 years ago

    sometimes Gunthie is such a dimwit, that he might have the “fantastic idea” (sarcastic voice used) to use again a pair of glasses as he figures kids with glasses can’t be hit

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  18. Speechless deluxe
    Finbar Gurdy Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Whereinthehell does Greg come up with names like “Krav Maga”?

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  19. Cm1
    Mordock999  about 13 years ago

    Oh Great, Gunth.

    Show your WIMP Side on the Very 1st Day of Class. Now GUESS who;s gonna be the “Class Designated Practice Dummy” for the REST of the session?

    But do ya know whats REALLY distrubing?Gunther’s FELLOW students?

    THEY’RE a Bunch of THUGS!!!!!

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    ArtCreator  about 13 years ago

    I love how there are all these tough looking guys and then there’s nerdy Gunth!

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  21. Shark vs swimmer stencil copy
    SwimsWithSharks  about 13 years ago

    Oh. I thought the sign said Krav Manga and I was going to learn to draw cutesy street fighters.

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    Gunther has his “back up”. Class will adopt him as kind of a mascot, and protect his butt from Leslie.

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    Shooter918  about 13 years ago

    He’s a minor & if he takes the gun to school, he’s expelled no matter what the circumstances.

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    Kydex29  about 13 years ago

    A valid argument, if he was being threatened with similar deadly force. That not being the case, he’s better off developing muscle, confidence, and a few effective techniques.

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    smiling4Him  about 13 years ago

    @wiselad – if quitters never win, and winners never quit, then how come you’re supposed to quit when you’re ahead?? ;)

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    cdemattos  about 13 years ago

    looks like Sluggo from the old Nancy comic strip joined too.

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  27. Blue boy
    dr_dolittle_rwc  about 13 years ago

    If you take my 8 week program, you will learn…the strength of a GIZZLY…the speed of a PUMA…and the WISDOM…off a MAN!

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  28. Peter cooke   hood
    Ottodesu  about 13 years ago

    As a foreigner, I don’t get the gun-for-personal-defence thing.Is it the rule that bad people don’t have them? Otherwise it doesn’t make sense to me.I shot vermin on our farm, but if they had been able to shoot back I would have have had a different strategy.

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    Kathe  about 13 years ago

    Gunther has the right to defend himself against another who would do him harm, so I hope he sticks with it. Learning a few moves should boost his confidence and just maybe, Leslie Knox will then back off should he confront Gunth again.

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    tigre1  about 13 years ago

    Took so many classes…taught so many…amazing how many people drop out. Some of us dweebs actually NEEDED what it taught, and I got mine. It’s been very satisfying sometimes, and there have been moments where I didn’t even notice the difficulty or so-called challenge…it just wasn’t there anymore.

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  31. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  about 13 years ago

    This is deja vu— Brad failed the fire exam test and wanted to quit. Toni chided him to practice more and succeed. Hope Rosa (in person or in imagination) does the same for Gunth.

    I’ve had quite a few self-defense classes too. They’ve made me more confident but not much better at defending myself!

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    jadoo823  about 13 years ago

    …fat tony, zac, kanukles, miles – all these contributors sound as if they are speaking from the experience of being bullies…

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    Cathy38c  about 13 years ago

    What about Diplomatic diplomacy ? The United States uses it all the time.

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    ITguy  about 13 years ago

    Hmmm…..Greg, have you considered retiring, just moving on?

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  35. Bgfcvvesve4ipojsr
    Gokie5  about 13 years ago

    My reaction was, “I’m with YOU, Gunth!” I’m also introverted and studious. When I watch football and stuff like that on TV, I keep saying, “I’m sure glad I don’t have to do THAT!”

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    A lot of the comments I read in this forum remind me of a t-shirt Scotty Hamilton used to wear. It said, “The Older I Get, The Better I Was.” Valentine’s day and Gunther is in a combat class. C’mon Greg, lighten up. Rosa & Gunther should be sharing something more romantic. Tiffany is the only fun character left in this strip. “The Divine Ditz”.

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    tickled  about 13 years ago

    OMG, it looks like Brad or a look alike in the class!

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    tickled  about 13 years ago

    Oops, gues I’m late on that thought, I really should read all the comments before writing. lol.

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    roderickyoung  about 13 years ago

    It takes true courage for a person to admit who they are.

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    doverdan  about 13 years ago

    Rosa has warned Knox. If she is credible (has six big tough brothers) that will be the end of it. Gunther may never know.

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  41. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  about 13 years ago

    Those who truly want to swim must first be prepared to get wet…

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    EricAlder  about 13 years ago

    I’m getting a real “Rex Kwon Do” vibe here. (Where are his American Flag pants? LOL!)

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  43. Popeyesforearm image
    Popeyesforearm  about 13 years ago

    a couple years in the Army would be a good start for Gunther.

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  44. Thinker1
    Fan o’ Lio.  about 13 years ago

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    fnmpfn  about 13 years ago

    i hope gunth ends up learning aikido – martial art of geeks & peaceful people

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    kennfong Premium Member about 13 years ago

    I wish Greg would drop this arc. I want to find out what happens to TJ and Ann Eiffel.

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    imbaldeagle  about 13 years ago

    Looks like “black shirt” has been clobbered by an iron skillet 3-4 times. He probably is there to avoid 5th, 6th, 7th …

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    gale5406  about 13 years ago

    Too bad Greg didn’t do a Valentine strip with Luann. Lately the Luann strip is never about her. I’m not saying it has to always be about her, but more than it is now.

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    jmo328  about 13 years ago

    Just learn to bob and weave, when he can’t lay a hand on you he’ll just look stupid and give up.

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    Wing Chen, Wushu, Wang Chung? Do any of those come with egg rolls?

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  51. Peter cooke   hood
    Ottodesu  about 13 years ago

    It’s widely recognised that 78% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

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    tegm  about 13 years ago

    krav maga? well well…

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