Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 31, 2012

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  about 13 years ago

    Now I’m getting dizzy. Good night.

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    DylanThomas3.14159  about 13 years ago

    Because we have two eyes? One on top of the other?

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    Hamlet Knight  about 13 years ago

    cuz he can!

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    DylanThomas3.14159  about 13 years ago

    I believe, Richard, that π = pi is also a transcendental number, which makes it even more difficult to use in math, rather than in the real world of science and engineering where all measurements are approximations, no matter how exact.

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  5. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member about 13 years ago

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    DylanThomas3.14159  about 13 years ago

    Which puts to rest the false notion of the so-called-but-false formula for the area of a circle: A = πR^2 or, in English, Pi R Square. It’s wrong. Obviously. The disproof: By inspection everybody knows that Pi R Round. Hence, Pi R Square is WRONG. In the illustration above the triangular or wedge-shaped piece of Pi is not wrong, because it is only a SUBSET of the round Pi. So, to avoid superstition, never bake nor ever eat a Pi baked in a Rectangular tin, which is geometric nonsense. (It’s also bad luck, because it means you would die shortly thereafter.)

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    DylanThomas3.14159  about 13 years ago

    “Mathematical puns R the first sine of madness.”—Johann Von Haupkoph

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    roctor  about 13 years ago

    The BIG SQeeZE.

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    David Wolfson Premium Member about 13 years ago

    @Richard S. RussellSorry, but isn’t Pi defined as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius?

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    Buzza Wuzza  about 13 years ago

    I’ll say it again, I love when this strip is about comics!

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    Bruce L2  about 13 years ago

    I thought Pi was 22/7.

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    DeeBeeS  about 13 years ago

    As we say on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay,

    “M R Ducks? Yep, M R Ducks!”

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  13. Mytar
    jimcos  about 13 years ago

    Square cornbread?!? Heavens! What a concept. If it hasn’t been baked in a round, iron skillet, it’s not real cornbread. Call it johnny cake or somesuch if you like, but it’s just an imposter. (But in the spirit of P.C., I will admit that that’s how I was raised.) Anybody else agree?

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    glenardis  about 13 years ago


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    Blood-Poisoning Vermin  about 13 years ago

    @ Richard S. Russell,Just a secant – wiwo was on the right track and wcorvi got it right, π is that ratio. Yes it’s irrational but it’s also a ratio. Ratio first, irrational second.

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go take the square root of some negative numbers.

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    TexasWrangler  about 13 years ago

    Pie are round, brownies are square, and I bake my cornbread in a cast iron pan in the shape of Texas. BTW, I learned at Texas Tech that pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle and the diameter AND 22/7. Fun in analytical geometry, yea buddy!

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    TheSpanishInquisition  about 13 years ago

    Are the lines bended or straight?

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  18. Bull shirt archie
    underwriter  about 13 years ago

    I feel so sorry for poor e, ignored because it’s not as punnable as pi (and probably also because slide rules are pretty well obsolete).

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    DylanThomas3.14159  about 13 years ago

    I like chicken pot pie.

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    kaffekup   about 13 years ago

    I always heard, “pi are round, cake are square…”

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    Dtroutma  about 13 years ago

    Is it appropriate that Key LIme is the Florida pie we’ll end up with today, regardless the “vote”??

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    DylanThomas3.14159  about 13 years ago

    “It all depends on how potent your Pot is…” I dunno, masterskrain, how many different kinds of chicken pot are there?

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    workingathome  about 13 years ago

    Pi is not 22/7, that’s just an approximation.

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    DylanThomas3.14159  about 13 years ago

    “… Do you study semiotics by chance?” No, full otics only. I never study semi- anything. I like full-vast ideas, not half-vast.

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    FriscoLou  about 13 years ago

    Trudeau must be reloading with some more slam material after todays primary. With all these far out comic visuals, and now that football season is effectively over, I started thinking about baseball and that incredible game Dock Ellis pitched in June of ‘70 for the Pirates. That was when Ellis lost control of his intentions and pitched a No Hitter while accidentally tripping his balls off (pun intended) on acid in the game known as the “LSD No No”. To be fair, the Padres never knew what they were facing, and it was misty. The best part of this achievement is that it’s, all true.

    The beneficial effects of LSD has been studied and known for a long time, but still the Know Nothings seem to have the final say.

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    farwingedselene  about 13 years ago


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    GTphile  about 13 years ago

    Pi, yesterday you had a great ride. Thanks for the chuckles.

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