Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for February 26, 2012
Rat: Hey, Stephster, quick question. Stephan: What is it? I'm trying to draw. Rat: Just curious...what's the highest honor in all of cartooning? Stephan: The Reuben award. Why? Rat: The Reuben, huh? I don't suppose you've ever been nominated for that? Stephan: Where is this going? Rat: Nowhere. Hey, just wondering, you haven't by chance been nominated three years in a row, have you? Stephan: Please...leave...right- Rat: AND LOST MISERABLY EVERY SINGLE YEAR?! I built you a trophy shelf. Mind if I use it to store garbanzo beans? Pig: The pantry is soooooo full.
legaleagle48 almost 13 years ago
For a minute there, I thought we were going to be treated to a Pastis pun (you know, something about a Reuben sandwich.)
margueritem almost 13 years ago
How about some fava beans and a nice chianti?
JoanHelen almost 13 years ago
I thought Stephan Pastis did win the Reuben award the year before Richard Thompson.
V-Beast almost 13 years ago
He’s drawing with his wrong hand, thats why.
fatjimi almost 13 years ago
Brian CraneStephan PastisTom Richmond
3 Nominated…..awards May 25 in Las Vegas
bahramthered almost 13 years ago
For those who miss the obvious it’s self mocking. Been nominated four times, didn’t win three times. Maybe this time. But pig’s right the pantry is full, why not store some beans on that shelf?
phuhknees almost 13 years ago
Bean seeing you…
DuHhozr almost 13 years ago
I was a little jarred by this strip
Sisyphos almost 13 years ago
The dark alter ego of Pastis can say to us what the man himself dare not!
DuHhozr almost 13 years ago
Or are those canned garbanzos? I thought they came in jars. Mostly I see them at salad bars where they’re free to go visit the other vegetables in their perspective bowls. Are there free roaming garbanzo beans?
WelshRat Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Never heard of Tom Richmond?
Pearls has:-
doublepaw almost 13 years ago
How wry he has never won the Reuben.
The Old Wolf almost 13 years ago
Seriously, Stephan is in good company. I’d love to see PBS win the award this year.
Samskara almost 13 years ago
Gee, in just a decade or so, Pastis will be eligible for the Susan Lucci Award.
Kaputnik almost 13 years ago
I know that Pastis is probably going with what he thinks the majority of his fans like, but I’m in the minority that is getting really tired of him being a character in his own strip. It was my favorite strip there for a while, and I still like it a lot in general, but…
If he wins this award, I wonder if it will make him better or worse in that regard.
Plods with ...™ almost 13 years ago
I know a deli that serves an award winning Reuben
Mopman almost 13 years ago
Wait – what did he win that Cathy Guisewite presented to him? Or was he making a joke about if he won with his luck Cathy would be the presenter?
libbydog almost 13 years ago
Rat is sooo mean – I love him!!!!
Uh, Actually Daddy almost 13 years ago
Jeez…at least he’s in a position to lose. Most of us aren’t even allowed to join the NCS… I can’t believe I’m seriously jealous of someone else’s losing streak. How pathetic.
frostee almost 13 years ago
Those are canned garbanzo beans, seems one of his fans sent him a whole case of them.
route66paul almost 13 years ago
No cigarette?
frostee almost 13 years ago
The National Cartoonists Society awarded Pearls Before Swine the Best Newspaper Comic Strip in 2003 and in 2006.
Hoodude almost 13 years ago
Wonder what Breathed and Watterson are up to these days?The pressure to perform seven days a week has to take a toll.Much less dealing with syndicates and editors,etc…and yourself…and Rat.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 13 years ago
By the way, although the whole NCS event is usually refered to as “the Reubens”, strictly speaking “the Reuben Award” is the top honor, “Cartoonist of the Year.” Like the Nobel for Literature, it’s given for “body of work” and it can go to anybody. One of last year’s nominees was Glenn “Billy” Keane, who’s now an animator at Disney. (Jeff “Jeffy” Keane is the current head of the NCS, so I suspect string-pulling both in Glenn’s nomination and in his loss; classic passive-aggressiveness by The Jeffy.)
eloeswick almost 13 years ago
Get that man a Reuben!
DavidMac almost 13 years ago
PBS is a great strip. I hope Pastis wins.
Number Three almost 13 years ago
I LOVE the 5th Panel!
Poor Poor Stephan!
tigre1 almost 13 years ago
How cheesy to mention the Reuben…
jayjaypom almost 13 years ago
how i love sunday strips…wikipedia says hes wan the reuben…
killacowinWA almost 13 years ago
I was expecting a pun strip. This is funny too though. Although, I do prefer when the focus is on the characters within the strip and not on the cartoonist. But since Pastis is the only one I know of who does it and he does it well, I can’t complain.
dralcax almost 13 years ago
Canned garbanzo IS the trophy for mediocrity.
A_NY_Outlaw almost 13 years ago
Hey Pastis- Garbanzo Beans are deserving of a home too!
mark-r almost 13 years ago
I for one love when he includes himself. It shows he is actually working. If he didn’t include himself we would probably assume a computer is creating his work.
kenhense almost 13 years ago
Re Great Cartoonists. It’s like baseball – no player ever bat 1000 – and no cartoonist has been funny every time. Babe Ruth bat .342. So if a cartoonist is really funny one out of three times – he’s top notch. I tend to think of funny cartoons as a hit, an extra base hit, and occasionally, a home run. Lately “Pearls” and “Fuzzy” have jokes within the joke – one character telling a joke to another. Good theater. In such cases the cartoonist could rate the joke at the bottom of the frame: “strikeout” “pop fly” “ground to short” “aboard on an error” “base hit” “extra base hit” “home run”. This is just an idea for a running gag – might catch on.
kenhense almost 13 years ago
Re: Great Cartoonists. It’s like baseball – no player ever bat 1000 – and no cartoonist has been funny every time. Babe Ruth bat .342. So if a cartoonist is really funny one out of three times – he’s top notch. I tend to think of the really funny cartoons as “a hit” “extra base hit” “home run”. Somewhat funny cartoons could be “a walk” “aboard on an error”. Lately “Pearls” and “Fuzzy” have jokes within the joke – one character telling a joke to another. Good theater. I thought it would be funny in such cases to have something like subtitles at the bottom of the frame “strikeout” “pop fly” “ground to short” “aboard on an error” “base hit” “extra base hit” “home run”. This is just an idea for a running gag – might catch on.
bmonk almost 13 years ago
I’ve never had a Reuben Sandwich made with Garbanzo beans.
RinaFarina almost 13 years ago
Please, please!! not (shudder) garbanzo beans! but chickpeas!!
BobSpelledBackwards almost 13 years ago
From wikipedia:
Pastis was nominated for the National Cartoonists Society Newspaper Comic Strip Award for 2002, 2003, 2006 and 2007. He won the 2003 and 2006 awards. He was also nominated for The Reuben Awards for the years 2009, 2010 and 2011.
natureboyfig4 Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Naah, that’s just the SECOND-highest honor. The highest is “the laugh”, and he’s gotten TONS of those! :-)
Craig09111990 over 9 years ago
Actually, Pastis won the Reuben Award this year. :D
learninglair1 almost 7 years ago
actually a higher award has been given although it was not a cartooning award. doonsebury by garry trudeau has won a pulitzer the highest literature award.
Spirit749 about 4 years ago
totallynotamoose almost 3 years ago
this aged poorly, though I bet a million other people already said that