Dean: Omigosh! Look, Heart! There's a whole bunch of new "Star wars" lego sets! Heart: Step one of your "Star wars" addiction treatment" negative reinforcement. I learned it from Dr. Drew. Dean: Was the badminton racket his idea?
Didn’t they used to call that ‘negative reinforcement’ stuff something like ‘knocking some sense into…’ ? Probably a little bit better than a tennis racket.
“Do you seriously purpose to steal from other people too? Star Wars belongs to Lucas you could no more take it out of his hands then you can take money out of someones account that does not belong to you.”
When you see a drunk try to get behind the wheel of a car, you take the keys away from him. That’s not theft, that’s a Good Deed. It protects the man, it protects innocents on the roads, it protects the car.
Someone (maybe Lawrence Kasdan and Irwin Kirshner, the screenwriter and director of “Empire Strikes Back”) should have vetted the script for “Return of the Teddies” and said “George, you go lie down for a few years. We’ll take it from here, and send you nice, big checks.” We’d all have been better off.
Even the specialized Lego sets can be used for whatever you want to make. My son used to say, “First we follow the directions, and then we make something better.”
The Nihilist almost 13 years ago
On the bright side… At least it wasn’t a shock collar.
pschearer Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Sealed With A Kiss?
Plods with ...™ almost 13 years ago
Nice form, Heart. Good backhand.
T_Lexi almost 13 years ago
Didn’t they used to call that ‘negative reinforcement’ stuff something like ‘knocking some sense into…’ ? Probably a little bit better than a tennis racket.
ottod Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Nice follow-through!
Kip W almost 13 years ago
I’m saving up for the LEGO Mount Rushmore set! There’s two pieces, the front and the back, and you snap them together.
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 13 years ago
autumnfire1957 almost 13 years ago
Getting hit by a Clue-by-4.
rmbdot almost 13 years ago
Hit by a badminton racket and he sees stars? He should be seeing birdies!
fritzoid Premium Member almost 13 years ago
“Do you seriously purpose to steal from other people too? Star Wars belongs to Lucas you could no more take it out of his hands then you can take money out of someones account that does not belong to you.”
When you see a drunk try to get behind the wheel of a car, you take the keys away from him. That’s not theft, that’s a Good Deed. It protects the man, it protects innocents on the roads, it protects the car.
Someone (maybe Lawrence Kasdan and Irwin Kirshner, the screenwriter and director of “Empire Strikes Back”) should have vetted the script for “Return of the Teddies” and said “George, you go lie down for a few years. We’ll take it from here, and send you nice, big checks.” We’d all have been better off.
biblioholic Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Sorry, but that’s not negative reinforcement—it’s punishment. No one gets this right!
jaydee81 almost 13 years ago
Even the specialized Lego sets can be used for whatever you want to make. My son used to say, “First we follow the directions, and then we make something better.”
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 13 years ago
“The racket was his idea. The back hand was mine.”
Dr Lou Premium Member almost 13 years ago
That was not negative reinforcement but a positive punisher.
burleigh2 almost 13 years ago
Really?!? Are they in 3-D to go with the new movie releases!?!?!?!!!?? :-D
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
A very graceful swing.