Skin Horse by Shaenon K. Garrity and Jeffrey C. Wells for March 31, 2012

  1. Weaponbrown4
    andrew_c  almost 13 years ago

    Someoneā€™s going to be extirpated, and itā€™s probably not going to be them.

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  2. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  almost 13 years ago

    So I wonder whatā€™s in that silver tube with no clear functionā€¦

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  3. Missing large
    tigre1  almost 13 years ago

    ā€œGet us out of hereā€¦weā€™re going to be genetically grafted to some reproducing basilisksā€¦on second thought, drop by, this could be funā€¦and you get to join ā€˜Xā€™ Men next yearā€¦ā€

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  4. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Flash drive. There IS continuity in this strip, just read back a few days.

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  5. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  almost 13 years ago

    He needs a no clear function app.

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  6. Missing large
    tigre1  almost 13 years ago

    Nice Jedi mind trick. ā€œThese are NOT the ā€¦.ā€ ā€œyou are looking forā€¦ā€

    Direct quote. By the way, reverse suggestions DONā€™T work that way. Biteth thou in thine atth if you phrase them THAT way.Ainā€™t no NOTS. Ever seen one? NOT is a self-induced self-constructed response.You might try,ā€œWhile you look for those other droids out there somewhere elseā€¦ā€.

    Once I got off on a ticket by thanking the officer for stopping me by instantly opening the conversation ā€œjust for a warning, thank you so very muchā€¦ā€

    Blew HIS mind, too.

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