Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 20, 2012

  1. Imagescaiw0lwc
    imbaldeagle  almost 13 years ago


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  2. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  almost 13 years ago


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  3. Th jaredletoangelface
    SideshowStarlet  almost 13 years ago

    Toni’s trying not to smile and failing miserably.

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  4. Th jaredletoangelface
    SideshowStarlet  almost 13 years ago

    “Thanks for caring, TJ.” At first, I thought Ann was being sarcastic, but TJ really fooled her. LOL!

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  5. Th  chihuahua avatar
    barbarasbrute  almost 13 years ago

    This one’s worth buying a coffee mug of.

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  6. Onion news1186.article
    Randy B Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    She didn’t get the crown!

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  7. Th jaredletoangelface
    SideshowStarlet  almost 13 years ago

    Is it just me, or did Ann sound kind of flirty (like she’s attempting to sound like a damsel in distress) in the second panel. That’s how I read it, anyway.


    Boy, is she steamed that TJ’s not sympathetic to her plight. What’d she expect him to do, kiss it better?

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  8. Imagescaiw0lwc
    imbaldeagle  almost 13 years ago

    Greg missed one `little` detail. He should have drawn smoke coming out of her hair in the last panel. BURN!

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  9. Missing large
    eocene82  almost 13 years ago

    Sheesh, what awful people.

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  10. Rubberduck
    Roman  almost 13 years ago

    Guys – stop bitching yourself. It is starting to become a bit unfair. True, Ann is not the nicest person but apparently she reacts positive to ( in this case only perceived) caring remarks. Shouldn’t TJ start getting the positive out of her?

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  11. Username catfeet
    Catfeet Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    You bit the wrong finger, Shannon!

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  12. Missing large
    Comicman424  almost 13 years ago

    Brad will be kicking himself for having missed this…

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  13. Beacon 5
    doverdan  almost 13 years ago

    She bit the right hand, it’s the left that is bleeding !!


    Well maybe she bit both off-camera.

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  14. Img 0816
    auramac  almost 13 years ago

    Treat others as you’d like to be treated yourselves. The only way for this story arc to be meaningful is to have Ann see the error of her ways and admit she’s truly an unhappy, lonely individual. Can she be rehabilitated, and do we want her to be? Not sure…

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  15. Beacon 5
    doverdan  almost 13 years ago

    Ann may be showing some vulnerability here.

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  16. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  almost 13 years ago

    Seriously, do you think that anything that childless and emotionally stunted Ann Eiffel could say to Toni about child care could make her feel inadequate about her ability to take care of Shannon? Toni sized her up from the first when she introduced herself as “Customer” – it was because she couldn’t manipulate Toni that Ann went to the extreme of firing Brad. That was, simply, the only way she could hurt her. .Toni is pretty secure in this arena – when TJ proved to be a natural, she was pleased, not threatened, by his ability to connect with her. And I think the only way that “insecurity” would impact on her reservations about marrying Brad is if he expected her to parent him, as well as their kids.

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  17. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  almost 13 years ago

    “It’s just a flesh wound”..Robert Palmer 1986..RIP

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  18. Missing large
    tigre1  almost 13 years ago

    Loving it. Kid’s got good taste.

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  19. Mo o
    lance96816  almost 13 years ago

    Mmmm, Ann is responding to tenderness. Maybe that was all se needed to let someone get close to her.

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  20. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 13 years ago

    Ann got what she deserved. From Shannon first, then from TJ. No misplaced mercy for the willfully evil Eiffel.

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  21. Peter cooke   hood
    Ottodesu  almost 13 years ago

    Eiffel feels awful.

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  22. Missing large
    bluetooth2kus  almost 13 years ago

    And she kept the crown!

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  23. Face
    Undefined  almost 13 years ago

    I don’t believe a manager would wear a B-cover dress in a family restaurant. For those that don’t know, it was (briefly) a popular term in China for a very short dress. B transliterates for Bi, the pinyin pronunciation of a slang word for a females genitals.

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  24. Missing large
    Namrepus  almost 13 years ago

    Ann Eiffel is in awful pain. Or is that “is an awful pain”?

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  25. Th jaredletoangelface
    SideshowStarlet  almost 13 years ago

    Also, children who have hypothyroidism are said to have a condition known as “cretinism.”

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  26. Missing large
    Tue Elung-Jensen  almost 13 years ago

    aaaw, she just wants to be looved… too bad.

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  27. Missing large
    tinabee1967  almost 13 years ago

    Love the look on Toni’s face. Shannon still has her crown!

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  28. Spirit
    tomshelly1990  almost 13 years ago

    “Cretin”? Does Ann have an underground lair somewhere?

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  29. Elkabong
    johnjohn4321  almost 13 years ago

    Bit the wrong finger.

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  30. Img 0163
    jwondga  almost 13 years ago

    That first panel with the Mona Lisa smile on her face….

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  31. Missing large
    smiling4Him  almost 13 years ago

    Notice that Shannon left with the crown?

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  32. Missing large
    Tinyman  almost 13 years ago

    @Ldover:Ya like in the past strips the T-shirts chane with every panel.

    Good for you you old ***********

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  33. Missing large
    ArtCreator  almost 13 years ago

    And boom there’s the bomb that shows TJ doesn’t f-ing care.

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  34. Violet bay
    LiviaBay  almost 13 years ago

    Oh… The Pain….lol

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  35. But eo
    Rakkav  almost 13 years ago

    Greg, if anything you pulled your punches! Which in the end is probably a good thing.

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  36. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  almost 13 years ago

    Yes! She drew blood! NEVER try to take an item from a kid without asking them first.

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  37. Blaknik
    joe  almost 13 years ago

    In yesterdays panel Shannon was biting a finger on Ann’s right hand - but in todays panel it is a finger on the left hand that was bitten.

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  38. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  almost 13 years ago

    Your concept of what “true sexual predators” say, do, dress, and what motivates them just so screamingly off base I honestly don’t know where to start. .They don’t sound like your fantasy version of catcalling female construction workers, for a start, nor is their hallmark dressing and acting like fevered dominatrixes or the women in Van Halen’s Hot for Teacher video, because FYI – it’s not about making yourself attractive to the person you want to subjugate. If “true” sexual predation can only be defined by crude remarks, overt gestures and running one’s hands over another’s body, then the only men who would ever be sued would be the ones who walked into a board room with their fly open and nailed the first woman they saw on the conference table. Just like rape isn’t about sex, sexual harassment isn’t about seduction..It’s about humiliating, controlling and dominating those weaker than you, and threatening and coercing someone who’s unwilling to give you sex into doing just that is usually the best, and most satisfying, way to accomplish that goal..You obviously missed the first round of Ann’s harassment encounter with Bernice and Zane – she targeted both of them but due to her insecurities, she found Bernice to be the more satisfactory victim. Ann’s subtle, she’s not overt. Drawing her victims closer and exercising a little more control every day, making them yield against their will is what makes it satisfying for her.

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  39. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  almost 13 years ago

    She’s sending you signals, Dave. She’s losing buttons for you. Tomorrow she’ll be down to two.

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  40. Black lace 9 edited 1
    Sangelia  almost 13 years ago

    one of the first time that kid being a brat has actually been to the best.I’ve had a few managers just like Anne. as well as one boss.

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  41. Missing large
    poyer4230  almost 13 years ago

    What? No pink slim? Shannon 1 Ann 0

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  42. Mb avatar
    Mike Blake  almost 13 years ago

    I would hope TJ was showing some slight concern when he asked if it was bleeding, blowing her off when it wasn’t. A bleeding wound from a human bite can be serious business.

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  43. 50da727d d303 4f79 ac14 534dd99f7b3a
    GoBlue  almost 13 years ago

    Wonder why she’s holding her LEFT hand? In yesterday’s comic, it was the right hand that was about to enter Shannon’s mouth? Greg slipped up.

    Also have to love the pseudo-psychiatrists on the boards.. Everyone DOES understand that this is just a comic strip, right? Not real people?

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  44. Missing large
    tknr69  almost 13 years ago

    I see romance between TJ and Ann.

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  45. Smokey stover
    sjsczurek  almost 13 years ago

    She has the power to hire and fire. THAT supercedes all.

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  46. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  almost 13 years ago

    Seriously, do you think only CEOs and Directors sexually harass salaried workers because only at that level of power is the concept viable? You have a lot to learn – perhaps you might put off taking that much needed cold shower and do a little reading before you post again. .Sexual harassment can come from a factory foreman, a fast food manager, a school principal or anyone who’s your superior and has authority over you. Perhaps you didn’t notice when Brad, not exactly a HS kid, was concerned about how badly he needed a job to pay his rent – if you think fast food restaurants are only staffed with kids who can blithely flip the bird and decamp for KFC, you haven’t been in one in quite a while. Perhaps you refuse to believe that fear paralyzes many people from quitting or reporting coercion, or that many people who’ve been out of the work force are already insecure about being hired in the midst of an economic downturn and might not want to let go of the first paying job they’ve had in a year and half. .Here’s the 411 – most people who become victims of harassment are told by the harasser that he’ll alternately fire them for theft or worse, ruin them in the industry, or just generally make sure their character is so stained no one will ever hire them again if they don’t make him/her happy and do what he/she wants. THAT is what power in this setup looks like – it’s intimidation of one person, not control of the board of directors meeting. Clear enough? Sexy enough? A HS student like Bernice would be a perfect target, as would anyone who’s looking at foreclosure or only has 15 years of homemaking and child care on their resume.

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  47. Missing large
    Chuck373  almost 13 years ago

    For a moment there TJ seemed to be bringing out a more attractive side of Ann. She seemed appreciative of TJ’s concern. I think the two of them could really be a couple, if he would stop trying to irritate her.

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  48. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    that said. I just love Anne’s sexy, slender thighs!

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  49. Missing large
    Brown Leghorn  almost 13 years ago

    TJ and Ann are two of a kind and if human behavior goes it’s course, they will at some point find each other and the blossoming romance will find a mutual agreeable level but not at first after a ride on a rollercoaster

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  50. Nose moustache glasses
    demorodney  almost 13 years ago

    somewhat anti-climactic. I figured Ann for the type of person who would strike back, even at a child.

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  51. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  almost 13 years ago

    This is turning into a battle of bits.

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  52. Missing large
    jebjayman  almost 13 years ago

    The bite did not hurt as much as Tj’s casual response to her pain in failing to put his arm around her and console her. That’s what she was expecting.

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  53. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 13 years ago

    Only on a comic strip (and perhaps a cartoon or two) can the right hand be bitten…and have the injuries appear on the left.Well, the important thing is that Ann learned something from this…Yeah, right!

     •  Reply
  54. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  almost 13 years ago

    Hey, how do you know I wasn’t responding to the “voice of reason” comment? .Point taken. I was skeeved out about how TJ, as “young male”, should be “curious about her body” – enough to fake concern to find out if she was packing an extra navel or gills or something, I guess.

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  55. Skullblink
    Salamurai  almost 13 years ago

    Sometimes I wish I could do that to people.

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  56. Eternal sailor jupiter by dreamarii06 decso1m 375w 2x
    Callie Ray  almost 13 years ago

    I knew it! Ann Eiffel had it coming!

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  57. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  almost 13 years ago

    No, you’re still missing the point. If neither of them is insecure and needs a job, a promotion or is in any way very much dependent on staying in your good graces, you’ll end up with a lawsuit. Do you really think child sexual abusers or adult abusers go eeny-meeny-miney-moe and just pick a target at random according to who’s the “hottest”? I have news for you, “firey” targets will leave you holding your essentials with one hand and calling your lawyer to represent you with the other. What predators like do is look for kids, (family members, students, etc.), or adults, who are isolated, insecure, needy and otherwise open to exploitation – someone who’s vulnerable and will be ashamed, or frightened, and more importantly, unlikely to tell on you. .You could have actually learned all of this, and more, if you’d actually read or researched anything about the subject. It’s not exactly a secret, so if you prefer to remain ignorant and advertise that with every post, that’s your choice – go for it.

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  58. 0505222023  002
    beachlvr Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Time for Ann to get a blood sample, find out Shannon needs to take one too? Maybe they are related?

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  59. 318346 10150515659374989 119105629988 11258985 63388929 n
    Airman  almost 13 years ago

    Greg is toying with us again. Just realized, TJ’s “darn” is because Ann’s injury wasn’t worse. But, bite right – bleed left is just a tease, like Knute’s Diagon Alley t-shirts. (with a nod to Harry Potter fans)

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  60. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  almost 13 years ago

    You’re not the only one who knows what 15-21 boys think about to the exclusion of most eveything – and it’s more like 12, than 15, these days. And what leads you to suspect that TJ has any more curiousity about Ann than he has about any other female he’s ever had anything to do with?.If being willfully ignorant brings you happiness here, then I sincerely hope you have a good bail bondsman and a better excuse. Far better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than speak and remove all doubt.

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  61. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  almost 13 years ago

    One of you leads a rich fantasy life.

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  62. Gocomics avatar
    Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Dave – Greg called in the seamstress to edit this little green apron. Thattsa lotta leg to show. Like the dynamic blouse buttons, Annie’s hemline has a life of its own.

     •  Reply
  63. Gocomics avatar
    Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    So, does anybody’s take on this strip change if I did not add a dab of red to the finger injury? TJ’s question about blood could have been answered either way.

    Shannon’s a vampire.

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  64. Missing large
    TerBer  almost 13 years ago

    And the Queen still wears the crown. Long live the Queen.

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  65. Missing large
    My_Deacon  almost 13 years ago

    Guess she still hasn’t figured out that you don’t keep TJ around for his “Ann” skills.

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  66. Missing large
    clgray  almost 13 years ago

    Ann deserved that 100%

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  67. Missing large
    yoda1234  almost 13 years ago

    @Leviticus, keep in mind she also made some unwanted advances on Bernice back in the Bookstore/Zane days…

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  68. Oldgeezerlittle1
    Numbnumb  almost 13 years ago

    I get an awful feeling that more is going on here. Like Toni and TJ together? Leaving Brad out in the cold?

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  69. Beacon 5
    doverdan  almost 13 years ago

    Typically we loose all forward plot with such rehashes..One of the frustrations about a great strip.

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  70. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  almost 13 years ago

    Love Toni’s expression. Oh, Shannon is going to get ice cream today.

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  71. Missing large
    kenhense  almost 13 years ago

    Gawd…Bite her finger and her skirt gets even shorter (I’ll have to remember that).

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  72. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  almost 13 years ago

    Sexual harassment is also considered predatory behavior – unfortunately, you have an extremely limited idea as to what “predator” means here. But your problem arises from not grasping the concept of the word "metaphorically " in that wiki definition. .Metaphor is analogy – it’s used as a point of comparison, it’s not meant to be an actual literal template. Sexual predators target their victims, isolate them, and stalk or intimidate them with intent, the same way any predatory animals does -that is the metaphor. What you’re extrapolating from that is: because an animal predator physically tracks and then violently brings down his prey, then in order to qualify as a sexual predator, you must physically stalk someone, following them home and then physically attack and harm them. Metaphor doesn’t lent itself to such a literal interpretation.

    Therefore, if you don’t trail someone home in a car and attack them on the kitchen floor, you don’t see that deliberately targeting someone at the office with the intent of harming them career -wise, or making them sorry in an another fashion if they don’t appease you sexually, isn’t the exact same pattern of behavior. You see “sexual harassment” as some sort of semi-consensual seduction, achieved though soft touches, suggestive double entendres, and no overt intimidation or threat. However, this pattern of behavior is exactly how adult sexual predators go after the children who become their victims. .In your fantasy, you’re somehow forcing the redhead and the blonde to wash your car in bikinis. And all that is, is sexual harassment – because you haven’t stalked them or physically injured them. Fine. Now suppose the blonde and the redhead are 12 qnd 13 years old and you’re enjoying all that wet bikini action. What does that make you now – a harasser? Or a predator?. .You cannot make the distinction that unless and until there’s violence involved, it cannot be a predatory act. Well, you can, but you’d be making up your own facts and redefining the terms to suit your own needs, Which is actually just what people who harass and prey on others do to justify their actions.

     •  Reply
  73. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    If this were a more adult type comic, tomorrow would show Ann at a bar beefing about the unfairness of it all to a friendly bartender.

     •  Reply
  74. Missing large
    Tinyman  almost 13 years ago

    @Ldover:I was saying that the right finger was bit and the left finger is bleeding. Continuty problems (commonly called goofs) like The shirt on Knute the other week changed with every panel like the mood ring from years ago change color every few minutes depending on your mood.

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  75. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  almost 13 years ago

    Honestly, you are the lamest damn sockpuppet I’ve ever seen.

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  76. Missing large
    Tinyman  almost 13 years ago

    @Liviticus:Well Said. Bravo.

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  77. 318346 10150515659374989 119105629988 11258985 63388929 n
    Airman  almost 13 years ago

    Taking into account the fast & loose life style of Shannon’s parents, I think that it had better be Ann who gets the blood test. The kid could be HIV positive.

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  78. My avatar
    weblais  almost 13 years ago

    Note how Ann responds to a gesture of kindness— totally off her high horse. Maybe Ann is simply misunderstood.

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  79. My avatar
    weblais  almost 13 years ago

    Maybe the gang needs to “adopt” Ann, rather than foil her. I’ll bet there’s are really good person in there.

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  80. Missing large
    SoItBegins~  almost 13 years ago

    Is Ann actually getting ATTRACTED to him?! Wonders will never cease, will they.

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  81. Missing large
    Julp  almost 13 years ago

    Hmm, I see Ann as more the report to the police type of person. Why just make Toni insecure when she can actually cause real trouble?

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  82. Popeyesforearm image
    Popeyesforearm  almost 13 years ago

    Bazinga beeatch!

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  83. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  almost 13 years ago

    Nope, it’s clyde, oozing phony sincerity in yet another tiresome incarnation. Look for an attack on evil, mean Toni, and more about the virtuous and misunderstood Ann. Or rather, don’t – because you’ve seen it all before. Lather, rinse, repeat ad nauseum. And I do mean nauseum.

     •  Reply
  84. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  almost 13 years ago

    Actually, we don’t agree to disagree at all – what I agree to is that you have no idea what you’re talking about, and that you thought all predatory behavior has to be violent, and couldn’t be bothered to do any outside research to confirm it..Take some time and google “emotional grooming” and see where that falls in terms of harassment and predatory behavior before you attempt to redefine things to suit your own assumptions. Because at this point you’re well on the way to being an apologist for Jerry Sandusky if you keep pushing your own definitions, which is, I think, not what your intentions are.

     •  Reply
  85. Th jaredletoangelface
    SideshowStarlet  almost 13 years ago

    Not that I care, but your chosen screen-name kind of clashes with your career choice and the content of your comments.


    I could forgive your confusion regarding what makes/doesn’t make a sexual predator if you can work pump-cheese into this softcore-porno thing you got going on.

     •  Reply
  86. Th jaredletoangelface
    SideshowStarlet  almost 13 years ago

    “In the cartoon world he could just as easily have had her bite it completely off.”


    LOL! Now I can’t stop picturing it!

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  87. Missing large
    melmarsh9v  almost 13 years ago

    I live in Minnesota, where the local NFL team might be moving soon. I don’t care— I don’t follow sports anymore, and I never was a Vikings fan. I get much more pleasure out of following “Luann” every day of the year!

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  88. Missing large
    Carbuff66  almost 13 years ago

    Shannon bit so hard on Ann’s right hand pointer that the pain / swelling etc moved all the wat through to her left hand pointer. That is a BIT. Good

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  89. Large opopopopopop
    xall2h1  almost 13 years ago

    he dosn’t care

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  90. Fffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    Professional Rookie  almost 13 years ago

    I stick by my prediction that TJ and Ann get engaged.

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  91. C6fab48c fd5d 4004 a287 ea96a07e43a3
    Train 1911  almost 13 years ago

    i am glad i only see th humor side of the carton sorry to see how it brings out the nut cases

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  92. 5a818bd2 a44b 4d51 8cc3 c240bf9fb28d zps99b9b239
    caherrera  almost 13 years ago


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  93. Th jaredletoangelface
    SideshowStarlet  almost 13 years ago

    A comic strip?! You’re kidding! I gave the best years of my life to this forum; now you’re telling me I gave all that up for a COMIC STRIP?!

     •  Reply
  94. Imagescaiw0lwc
    imbaldeagle  almost 13 years ago, Ann.. fell Through the Looking-Glass and everything’s all mixed up. Toni came back & brought her cretin niece, who is out of control. Even after Shannon misbehaves, Aunt Toni doesn’t even discipline her. And TJ pretends to care & then dismisses her hurt as if a customer is more important!! She knows it’s the fault of the Looking Glass because even the finger that was bitten is on the opposite hand due to the mirror image.

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  95. 318346 10150515659374989 119105629988 11258985 63388929 n
    Airman  almost 13 years ago

    I only read a handful of comics, but glance over most of them to see what artwork catches my eye. Now, does anyone know what’s going on with Baldo? Suddenly, in mid-strip the drawing changed. It went from typical cartoons to semi-realistic characters. I’ve never seen this happen before & am curious.

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  96. Missing large
    watmiwori  almost 13 years ago

    Stranger things have happened. Anne Nevillemarried Richard III — who had murdered severalmembers of her family….

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  97. W12
    chris_weaver  almost 13 years ago

    Worker’s comp!

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  98. Missing large
    braxtonrob  almost 13 years ago

    missed opportunity … should’ve drawn a squiggly line above her head too. Lol, though.

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  99. Hangingoutatthecanyon2
    nj23nut  almost 13 years ago

    I hope Shannon doesn’t need a rabies shot!!

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  100. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    How can Toni be so calm? Shannon may have taken some illness!

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  101. 14   1
    tinac69  about 6 years ago

    Really, she should have smacked the kid.

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