Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 21, 2012
Luann: "So when Eiffel tried to take the crown, Shannon bit her!" Shannon: "Let ME tell!" Brad: "Ok, you tell" Shannon: "I bit her!" Brad: "Wow. What'd she taste like? Curdled milk? Dead rat?" Toni: "And so the little girl smote the evil witch" Shannon: "I;m queen of the world, Bwad!" Brad: "Think she needs a rabies shot?"
cooldude45 almost 13 years ago
i agree with brad in the last panel. once you bite tainted meat, you should see a doctor. :p
SideshowStarlet almost 13 years ago
B-wad’s back!
The Old Wolf almost 13 years ago
Shannon B. Happy
whayle almost 13 years ago
Appropos of nothing – Brad looks a lot more adult and handsome from the profile. Faced forward, he looks 12 and kinda goofy.
Catfeet Premium Member almost 13 years ago
If not rabies, certainly hoof and mouth!
RBLawyer almost 13 years ago
lance96816 almost 13 years ago
eocene82 almost 13 years ago
So Toni, who supposedly has EMT training, lets Shannon bite someone hard enough to draw blood, then just walks off smirking while the woman is still bleeding (and at risk of getting a really bad infection; human bites are dangerous), and then goes home and brags about it. Tell me again why Ann is the “evil witch” here rather than Toni. All Ann did was act as manager of her business, and ask Brad to stop loafing around with his girlfriend during his shift, just like any other manager would do. Oh, the horror.
Ottodesu almost 13 years ago
Who gets rabies shots, the biter or the bitee?But, yeah, check for parasites, even trichinosis.
Ottodesu almost 13 years ago
If only all of our vengeances could be solved by delegating to angry little girls. (Which is a funny strip here, BTW. )
Ottodesu almost 13 years ago
Only when she’s much older.
Sisyphos almost 13 years ago
Hurray for the Queen of the World! And cheers for Brad and Toni!Little Annie Awful? —Got what she deserved.
ZacBSM almost 13 years ago
Hmmm…while I am thrilled Ann got her just desserts, I am concerned about how Toni and Brad are treating Shannon’s behavior as funny, amusing, and ACCEPTABLE. It will only indicate to her that biting people is OK and she will start doing it more. THEN Toni will get calls from the school, other parents, etc, about Shannon’s biting. She will then regret for failing to discipline Shannon for biting Ann.
If Toni and Brad want to be parents on day, they will have to learn that they have to teach children from right to wrong and to discipline them when they behaved inappropriately, even if the person isn’t someone they like. Toni should have disciplined Shannon at the scene, had Shannon apologize to Ann AND let her keep the crown as a message to Ann never to take toys away from children without asking. THEN Toni should talk to Shannon about how she should do to keep her crown such as telling Ann that it was TJ who gave the crown to her so it is hers to keep and not for Ann to take away WITHOUT biting her.
So I am saying now that Toni and Brad are most definitely NOT ready to get married. Keep on dating, guys. Apparently Toni knows she is not ready, so Brad, listen to her.
melmarsh9v almost 13 years ago
A happy family tonight! What is Ann doing?
melmarsh9v almost 13 years ago
Toni, Brad and Shannon are bonding together tonight— the background music should be… “Ding Dong, the wicked witch is dead!” Ann is where the goblins go. Family values. Is everybody happy? Yes!
melmarsh9v almost 13 years ago
Hey, Evans is the god of a minor universe!
SwimsWithSharks almost 13 years ago
Today’s strip made me claustrophobic. What’s worse, Ann lurking for revenge or the people in this room laughing at her pain?
draksig almost 13 years ago
family photo time.
piloti almost 13 years ago
Hear, hear! But be careful, lest your comment be removed.
piloti almost 13 years ago
Or Nabuquduriuzhur.
Hugh Manatee almost 13 years ago
What’s with Brad’s hair? Looks more squared off kinda? He looks almost normal! Thumbs up.
weblais almost 13 years ago
Look at those three, and it seems to confirm someone’s theory that Shannon is actually Toni’s daughter.
On the down side, lotsa positive reinforcement for some unacceptable behavior.
Mordock999 almost 13 years ago
Uh, Larmaduke???
Mordock999 almost 13 years ago
Thats it Kid.
Bask in GLORY Now.
But one day, in the NOT to DISTANT future, when YOU Become a Manager of some food chain and some brat BITES You, will you STILL feel like a “QUEEN” Then???
Mr. Tinkles almost 13 years ago
I thought Shannon was the daughter of Toni’s flaky brother.
Airman almost 13 years ago
Off Topic: but does anyone have any idea what happened to “Baldo” on Thursday, 4/19? The artist’s style went from typical cartoon to semi-realistic characters, and seems to have stayed with that change. I don’t think I’d like to see Greg do that to Luann.
Simon_Jester almost 13 years ago
Anne actually got off easy. Suppose that instead of biting her when she tried to take the crown, Shannon had screamed, “DON’T TOUCH ME!” ( with all those other patrons close enough to hear. )
Any fast-food employee has THAT happen to them….they’re not just fired, they’re blacklisted.
maltnhops52 almost 13 years ago
@flyingairmanMy guess is that it’s a dream sequence. Be patient.
poyer4230 almost 13 years ago
Ya, while I applaud Ann getting her comupance, I’m not sure biting was the best way to do it. I know, I know, it’s an adult cartoon, but still…!
smsrt almost 13 years ago
Off the Eiffel Tower story… note to Brad: if you had any asperations of winning your girl over to the marriage side of the ledger, let her see you become the father image Shannon never had. Not just a friend, but the sage father she needs.
manabouttown almost 13 years ago
We’re not worthy!We’re not worthy!
cdemattos almost 13 years ago
Ann needs a good spanking as well.
Really? almost 13 years ago
I think Eiffel is Shannon’s mother. Seriously.
Chris Wysong almost 13 years ago
I am concerned that Ann is vindictive enough to call the police…
Spode almost 13 years ago
Adding the blood was a mistake. It makes the adults seem too cavalier about the whole incident. What are they watching on TV, Nascar?
Gokie5 almost 13 years ago
" Be … sure … to … drink …. your …. "Funny, Dave!
imbaldeagle almost 13 years ago
Based on Ann’s history and attitude, you can hardly blame the participants for smirking at the outcome. However, this just augments Shannon’s personality disorder. She DOES need some better discipline or she’s going to become even more impossible as a teen & beyond. Tough Love, Folks!
muffin05 almost 13 years ago
Eiffel is not my favourite character either. This does not excuse Shannon’s behaviour, or Toni’s tolerance of it. In fact, the amount of discipline this kid gets is next to zip. She always has a nasty expression on her face. She whines, throws tantrums, demands to get her way all the time. But because she is a little girl, and her father is a deadbeat, that seems to be everything. She needs to be indulged and catered to, never disciplined.
Airman almost 13 years ago
Yeah, Ann is not a warm person, but letting Shannon believe that biting someone is heroic behavior is not good either. She will graduate to being one of those bullies on the school bus.
tigre1 almost 13 years ago
I guess we see what values we respect. Little person stands up against oppressor, and off-duty fireperson leaves before being berated by sociopath…kid learns to ‘fight the power’…and nice metaphor, keeps the crown, an interesting symbol.
Good stuff. You tight-hipped harshly-judging folks probably don’t like comedy. I can’t stand drama, myself.
LiviaBay almost 13 years ago
I wouldn’t be surprised sense she’s queen of the world.
PNmom06 almost 13 years ago
ComicsJester: So does Ann Eifel!
Twmaye almost 13 years ago
The little girl should be locked up and Toni sued
Ratbrat almost 13 years ago
All I can say to Shannon is:
You go, little girl !!!!!!!!
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
For the love of God, please just take a cold shower.
Fan o’ Lio. almost 13 years ago
Even though Toni is delighted that Ann got what she deserved, she should have scolded Shannon for her violent action.
Niki1983 almost 13 years ago
Exactly. Ann was attempting to touch a child without the child’s or the caretaker’s permission; therefore, Shannon was acting exactly how any parent who wants his or her child to defender herself against predators needs to act. Yes, she’s a brat at times, but she’s also a child who can potentially be victimized.
suzannetangerine almost 13 years ago
You know, someone isn’t a troll just because they disagree with you or the direction that the strip took. A troll is someone who posts something derogatory—often an ad hominem attack on the writer or other posters—and isn’t truly interested in a conversation, just in being inflammatory. Please stop with the inaccurate accusations—they make you much closer to a troll than the posters you have called out.
In an entirely different direction, your response to Nabuquduriuzhur was a total delight, and I appreciate it.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 13 years ago
How long will it be before they marry and become guardians or adopt Shannon? Seems inevitable and it would feel so good to see Shannon helped that way.
melmarsh9v almost 13 years ago
Sounds good to me!
Juanita Prairieseed almost 13 years ago
I think Brad would win Toni’s hand if he just offers to have them adopt Shannon!
Fan o’ Lio. almost 13 years ago
If Ann had responded to the bite by striking her then this could have taken a really ugly turn. Tony should have just told (scolded) her by saying something like “You should not have bitten that lady’s finger. I know she was being ugly to you, but nice people don’t settle their differences by resorting to violence.”
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
Do you mean personal attacks against you, others, or are you referring to a former butcher, now a squalus, who doesn’t like Greg or anything about the comic? Flag the actual post or email admin if you think the personal attacks are off base and abusive. Or else ignore the poster if you think he’s a troll. If you don’t bite, they have nothing to play with – at least one real troll here has found that out. .The troll with sockpuppets I was referring to is the late and very unlamented clydefrog, who was originally bounced from a few years before the board was closed – if you don’t go that far back, his abuses and attacks on other posters were such that admin eradicated the account and deleted all his posts. He came back under several incarnations, all of which were expunged in due course, which, of course, just encouraged him to escalate his activities. .clyde’s favorite agenda was to insist that Quill/Gunther/anyone plausible was gay; Dirk was a misunderstood hero who was in the right to defend his relationship against Brad; Toni, (aka “Quackers”) was stuck-up and wore too many cosmetics (and women shouldn’t be firefighters anyway); Tiffany is actually smart and misunderstood; “Annie” Eiffel is a good manager and misunderstood; Luann is a selfish brat who abuses Tiffany; and he, clyde, was Greg Evan’s biggest fan who heard from him regularly. ,He did this while oozing fake “folksy” sincerity and would always be outraged that he was being censored, claiming he was a champion for “free speech” and was being punished for refusing to “go with the flow” and vowing he fight on and would not be made part of the herd for holding unpopular opinions.. I’m sure you remember all these talking points being recycled by several of his identities on this forum, as well as the usual justifications for any disapproval, and can see for yourself that the sockpuppets I’ve named loyally follow this script – their posts have about 14-28 day gaps because they’re on rotation. Now that they’ve been named, be prepared to hear from a few “new” posters – look for accounts that were created months (or even a year) ago, yet have never posted anything.
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
Oh, I totally got that it was sarcastic. The only way clyde could ooze the phony sincerity that he did was to rewrite the comic – he’d twist around anything Greg ever wrote so that Tiffany came out as misunderstood, much-abused Mensa candidate. Then when anyone would refute his spin with numerous examples he’d ignore them, then demand that people “explain” their responses, then he’d ignore that rebuttal and claim you were a “coward” for not answering him, and that he wouldn’t be mad at you, but you needed to explain yourself. You can see what a big suck-hole that could be. Quicksand had nothing on clyde.
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
Flag the post and then email admin and they’ll watch the offender.
terrycox51550 almost 13 years ago
Greg must know a little one. There was a period of time when our Grandson (not anymore though) would always say, “Let me tell.” when we want to say something cute about him. He would get all angry and upset. About the biting. Only funny in cartoons and I thought it funny and well deserved. On a realistic level we probably would have talked to her about not biting people LATER. I’m not sure I’d spank though.
rangerlg almost 13 years ago
That perspective in panels one and three make Shannon look tiny while in the second panel she’s almost Brad’s size.
kenhense almost 13 years ago
In this strip – Brad & Toni & Shannon do look like a family. Sure seems like it will get there.
sfknight almost 13 years ago
i think shannon is ann at a young age. the difference being ann didn’t have caring people like toni and brad to be there for her. as for ann getting bit? yeah karma is a ….well you know.
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
Simple – he makes her laugh!
Well, either that or he’s filthy rich. ;)
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
It’s the repetition that will make the difference. Admin wants to be fair, after all. I believe they already closed that poster’s original account and he’s using another one. If the posts are being removed, and I remember the offender complaining about that, then they’re listening to you and your fellow posters and will close down his current one if the content becomes too objectionable..Yeah, in actuality you shouldn’t have to. But remember, you’re the guy who’s getting coded messages through Toni’s buttons! You can handle it, fella.
kennfong Premium Member almost 13 years ago
The way Greg is pointing us is for Brad and Toni to get married and end up with Shannon as an instant family. With Uncle TJ as the au pair.
Busy_Bee almost 13 years ago
Hey everyone with guesses based on real world occurrences. Remember with Luann we are living in Greg Evans’ nice comic world.
Doctor11 almost 13 years ago
No she doesn’t, Eiffel had it coming,
Brown Leghorn almost 13 years ago
In my day we never let a child bite people, she should have been chastised a long time before this! There is another strip that shows the insane behavior of anj out of controlo teen that only fortifies bad behavior.We have surely declined as society in child rearing! I fail to see the humor in all this. Give me the Katzinjammer kids any day, they were mischievous, but they were funny and never taken serious.
nj23nut almost 13 years ago
HA! I called the rabies shot yesterday!! LOL!!!
aurorawanderer almost 13 years ago
@eocene82I’m glad somebody pointed that out@OttodesuI was also curious who is supposed to get the rabies shot
webgrunt almost 13 years ago
What Eiffel tried to do was wrong, but encouraging Shannon’s response is idiotic and dangerous if not outright negligent. She clearly broke the skin and caused Eiffel to bleed. That was far beyond appropriate. She could have screamed at her, run away, pushed her hand away, called for help, any of a number of things other than biting through her skin.
In addition, bite wounds (especially from other people) are especially susceptible to getting infected, so Eiffel should see a doctor.
This is about the sickest thing I’ve ever seen in a family comic.
I’m still a fan, though. :-)